I want us to look at Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo (and his amazing inventions), whose auto-mobile company has recently announced that it will be producing cars in large quantity for the Ghanaian market.
However, let me set the tone for the above discussion by first attacking the sell out mindset of majority of Ghanaians, which dictates that, everything Ghanaians is inferior and everything foreign is superior…
I perfectly understand that some Ghana made products are inferior in quality compared to their Western made counterparts—and over the years, we’ve witnessed several incidents of certain Ghanaian made products or inventions causing more harm than good.
But this does not in any way mean that, everything foreign is superior to its Ghanaian made counterpart. Even if we do not have Ghanaian made products to compete with certain foreign products, that does not make the foreign products automatically good.
It is only in Ghana I learnt that Pizza is a ‘luxurious’ food and some of the most expensive girls you take out for dinner will go just for that. The main reason why Pizza which is more of a junk food in the West is worshiped like some Greek goddess in Ghana is because, it is foreign—and the Ghanaian accepts anything foreign as great with a class.
Let me share my experience with you…Few months ago when I visited Ghana, I went out for lunch with a female friend and from the different dishes on the menu that was given to us by the waitress, she kept flipping through for something. So I asked her, what are you looking for?

She answered; I love potatoes and chicken—that is my favourite food. At that stage, I did not really capture what she was talking about. Eventually, she found it and placed her order.
When the food came, I realized she had ordered for ‘chicken and chips’ and coming from the UK, I was shocked. Why will we come all the way to such a nice restaurant for you to order some damn ‘chicken and chips’. To me, she doesn’t really like that food but she feels like because it is foreign, it adds some sort of class to her personality to be going in for that…I mean, this girl will not eat ‘atormo’ which I think is not far from what she ordered, just that her order had a ‘foreign swag’ to it.
What she probably doesn’t know is that, in the UK where I live—any girl you buy ‘chicken and chips’ for on a date will slap your face—go home and call her sisters to come and slap you the more.
With just £2.00 , you can get some ‘chicken and chips’ with a can of coke—and the only people who live on this food are primary school children. In fact, it is another junk food.
I do not intend to slam ‘Chicken and Chips’ or Pizza, but I am just trying to establish the point that, we will leave our well cooked Waakye and opt for a tasteless Israel bread-Pizza, simply because it is foreign.
I am not by any logic saying Pizza or ‘Chicken and Chips’ are not good but I am saying they are not better or of any better status compared to our Kenkey, Waakye, Fufu, Banku, Fried Plantain and the other Ghanaian dishes…
We just love to put money in the pockets of others—and not our own.
What sort of people are we—using origin as an indicator of quality and status? In Ghana, foreign brands rule while the value of Ghanaian brands in eyes of the ordinary Ghana is less than the worth of a ‘toilet paper’.
You may not believe this but I’ve heard some Ghanaian women will sleep with you for free, SIMPLY because you are from ‘abroad’. What kind of mindset is this?
Anyway, it has emerged that Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo has finally taken the bold step to manufacture vehicles for sales—moving his company away from the many years of manufacturing for exhibition purposes into the commercial market…
Apart from vehicles, Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo can literally manufacture anything that the white man is capable of putting together and for me; it is great that he has decided to test the Ghanaian market with his vehicles.
Considering the mindset of majority of Ghanaians as explained above, my worry/question is, would Ghanaians patronise Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo’s vehicles and not subject them to ridicule, while continuing to embrace foreign vehicles?
I hope we will not bring to play our mindset of tagging everything made in Ghana as inferior and those made abroad as superior. If you’ve never supported a Ghanaian product or invention before, make a bold attempt to support the creative intelligence of Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo—and together, we can become the China or South Korea of Africa…
A lot needs to change about Ghanaians—especially our mindset.
Check below for some of Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo’s inventions… and tell us what you think!
Chris de question shd ve been, “will apostle kantanka n his family use his self own manufactured car? They are cruising in Toyota’s, ford’s, Benz n de rest n u expect us to patronize his product. Is a big Hell NO for me.
If indeed he and his family do not use the cars he make then what is the sense? who is going to be buying and be using when you don’t use it yourself? So he wants us to use his products while he uses foreign products? that sounds like a cow mind. As chris said the mindset must change and it should start with the owner.
Yh dey are nt using it cuz ve skulled wit his kids n dey were all using foreign cars. Talk of adwoa Sarfo , she uses all de best cars, hammEr, range n de rest. Why are dey nt using his car.
That got me thinking if he and his own people are refusing to use his ride then i think this man is up to something. I hope is not what am thinking because i’ve always had doubts over his ministry work. blood money could be involved and is finding ways to win the souls. Christo asafo ways of operating God’s work is more of a traditionalist and voodo man to me.
That is a lie. The man, his family and his workers use the Kantanka vehicles. I live close to them and see them cruising in the Kantanka vehicles everyday. Find out more about him by visiting http://www.africarm.org and stop those jealous comments.
What is with him and the bleaching and curls damnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Is because he’s still using his first produce soap called Don’t touch me. lol
LMSAO @ don’t touch me LOOOOOL
Chris some great number of Ghanaian girls have become cheap as pure water. The moment they learn you are a borga, the etwe is yours for free when they will have boyfriends but lie to you they dont have. So even to the Ghanaian women, local dycks are inferior to foreign dycks. that is how our minds work. they want iphone, no one wants to use rlg or techno. they want gucci and louis vutton as no one wants to use kumasi made bag. our slavery mind is killing us
James is sad bt I remember I told a guy dat I wouldn’t mind killing for my fufu n abonunbonu(green soup) with snail n crab. Guess what he said ” menhhhh u too local”
Yeah we don’t respect our own food and everything that is ours but we will run after foreign things
Congrates Mr. Safo, The only safety guarantee we need is wanna see Juliet Ibrahim and her husband ride your manufactured car for at least 6 months and when they happen to still be alive after that then we can all come for it without any hesitation
lmao very well said. His own family and inlaws should set an example for us, after we all will buy. 6months is not enough lets say 12 to 16 months.
Bleaching mu kingkong. This man is still bleaching. Hmmm
I dont think he will stop before he dies lol, A legend bleacher
LOL @ A legend bleacher
looooooool!!! osi a legend bleacher.. herh tiffanybabe, u will kill me ooo
I just love this statement you made Chris: “We just love to put money in the pockets of others—and not our own” this is so true of us Ghanaians.. I agree that sometimes I am also a culprit of this. We all just need to change our mindsets for a better Ghana!!
So after reading all these some people have not yet learnt and are still attacking their own genius.
Come to UK, where I live, and see the European manufacturers and scientists you hail, wearing earring rings, tattoos, curly hairs etc. We have to wise up as Ghanaians. We need to focus on what the man can do for the country and not the propaganda of him bleaching etc.
The Europeans laugh at us each day and look down upon blacks because with a simple propaganda, our attention is diverted and we begin to
attack our own geniuses and development which in turn continue to make us
underdeveloped and hence slaves. It is a pity.
But it is not your fault, they have made you think they (whites) are role models you should look upto and not your own stars. This mental slavery is going to be tough to
I have noticed one thing. Ghanaians who have travelled outside the country before are usually more conscious and uphold their own heroes than those who have not ( there are exceptions: some people have not travel but are even more conscious). This is because those who have travelling experience have seen the way the foreign countries developed with their stars (and some of our stars who felt rejected and left their countries to foreign lands).
Wise up Ghana and support your own stars. Comparing this man to those scientists in Europe and America (Where I live for 27 years), he can be termed the greatest scientist ever. Long live Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo.
There are also much information about him at http://www.africarm.org
No one can help Ghana, unless we help our selves.