
CLOSE SHOTS: The Battle of the Mulattos-Nadia Buari and Deborah Vanessa

Nadia Buari and Sister Deborah
Nadia Buari and Sister Deborah

It has been a slow year for Nadia Buari but her beauty still shines through whatever darkness you place her in—and for me, I love the fact that she has been active on social media even though we are missing her on the big screens.

For Deborah Vanessa, the year has been more than slow—we’ve not heard anything major from her musical journey—after her first track-Uncle Obama became an international success, primarily because of the name Obama and the lyrics…

Anyway, among these ladies in these close shots, we ask; who would you rather? Who do you think has the ‘near flawless’ face?

Check below for the photos…

Sister Deborah

Nadia Buari1


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16 thoughts on “CLOSE SHOTS: The Battle of the Mulattos-Nadia Buari and Deborah Vanessa”

  1. I will say Nadia because her face looks natural and she is pretty and well educated. Deborah makeup looks too much the beat up on her face looks too fake!! Nadia face looks flawless and real!

  2. Nadia couldn’t be challenged by this one. Nadia is the best. There’s no way I would go for anything wanting banana from the White house. No, not, never, ever way.

  3. Nadia any day and any time. That debbie chic has Juliet’s ibrahim kinda face and such face doesn’t really describe beauty. Sorry but Nadia wins.

      • actually it is. the word comes from the spanish and portuguese word for mule which is a donkey mixed with a horse. They are viewed as an ugly mix that’s why they gave mixed people this name. In Latin countries it is okay to say such things but not in English speaking one.You could have just said bi-racial or mixed. Half-cast is just as offensive.

        • I know people who think the word NIGGA is offensive…Like I said, it is all about context and who is saying it. How are you not sure the writer is in Latin America?

          Words are not by default offensive (I believe), it is the usage…Black people say and use NIGGA each day in America, let a white person say it and it becomes a big deal. So this shows that the word is not ‘blanketly’ offensive.

          Even if it is, I believe the essence of free speech is the right to be offensive…Let people use whatever word they want, as long as they are NOT breaching any law and this include words that others find offensive! 🙂

          • Seriously???? it is being advocated especially in the black community to stop using the NIGGA word. Why is that the Native American’s are advocating for the Redskin football team to change its name? Even Congress has joined in the name change. Please a derogatory word is what it is and no excuse in whatever context it is used period. Free Speech really? why don’t you go anywhere or to an airport in America and say you have a bomb and see what will happen to you. Isn’t that free speech????

          • You really think that is what free speech is? You need to do some serious learning. I will guide you, start by reading John
            Stuart Mill’s On Liberty, Joel Feinberg’s Offense to Others and Eric Barendt’s Freedom of Speech…

            When you are done, you may be able to have a discussion on free speech…

          • Chris, you are just parading your ignorance by defending the indefensible. For a reputable blogger of your caliber to use such a denigrating terminology and defend it with your self-acclaimed legal intellectual hogwash does not only bring this blog into disrepute, but also reduces you into a senseless pooh-bah with the IQ of a 3 year old.

          • you complain about the negative character traits and ignorance of Ghanaians and turn around post something like this and defend it. Then why don’t you chalk all the things Ghanaians do as the freedom offered them and not complain about it.

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