23:00 GMT
Interestingly, Sandran Akobiah also had some few words for us, supporting Yvonne Okoro’s rant. In fact, she said she has a pile of disgusting words she would love to throw at us but she fears she would be disbarred as a lawyer—if she does so.
If the below photo has not been able to cause your disbarment as a lawyer, then no amount of words you can put together for us can cause that-Miss Sandra Ankobiah. What can be more inappropriate for a lawyer to say that will be worse than putting such a boobie photo online?
I didn’t want to post on what Yvonne Okoro had to say in relation to my recent article titled “Is Yvonne Okoro Almost BROKE? | When The Cheques Stop Coming, You Will Be Forced to REPEAT the Same Dress…” because I believe she still has that reading and comprehension issues we spotted two years ago.
However, after over 16 people sent me links to Yvonne Okoro’s instagram rant and insults in an attempt to defend her dress repeat ‘celebrity offense’, I’ve decided to publish what she has been saying and probably give her a little lesson into the real celebrity lifestyle.
From my article, I did not state anywhere that it is against morality or any sort of legality for a person or a celebrity to repeat a dress. In fact it happens all the time with celebrities in the West and the reason why we know it happens is because it makes the news.
And you want to know why it makes the news? Because it is one of the conventional celebrity offenses which real celebrities are expected to try to avoid. It gets reported because it is unusual (not what is expected of a real celebrity) and it has become a hovering celebrity fashion crime.
Think about the number of celebrities in the world and put together the number of times any of them repeat an outfit…It doesn’t happen a lot because it is a damn celebrity offense and the real ‘ballers’ do everything to avoid it.
So personally, I don’t know what Yvonne Okoro is ranting about. Is she upset about the fact that she repeated a dress and I wrote about it just as the MailOnline wrote about Kate Middleton repeating a dress or RadarOnline wrote about Kim Kardashian doing the same?
This is a damn celebrity offense—I didn’t make it a convention, I just happen to understand and know it…LOL
Maybe she is upset about the fact that I told you guys not to repeat the rumour which says her Mercedes Benz was bought for her by a married man, whose wife (now I hear he is divorced) is based in London and the man is the head of an automobile company in Ghana…
Whatever is eating Yvonne Okoro up, I don’t know. It could also be that, she is upset because I asked if she is BROKE or not…
I don’t want to say Yvonne Okoro is so thick that she can’t differentiate between a question and a statement of fact. Considering her rant and insults, it is obvious as to where she stands even if I don’t say it.
She also added in her rant that, men give people their cards after sleeping with them so if she got a car after bending over, what is the big deal?
So you see, she is sort of CONFIRMING what you’ve been thinking…Dealing with so called celebrities who do not even understand the world of celebrity lifestyle makes things really difficult FUN.
Can someone give Yvonne Okoro some Kool-Aid. I love you baby! 🙂 Can I now go and enjoy my ‘Game of Thrones’?
HuffingtonPost reports on Celebrity Repeat Offense
Grazia Reports on Celebrity Repeat Offense
Pop Sugar Reports on Celebrity Repeat Offense
This post was published on June 8, 2014 7:29 PM
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