From the Entertainment sector, John Dumelo, Jackie Appiah, Becca and Shatta Wale have been selected as official ambassadors to help rally support or whatever for the Black Stars—and they will be sponsored to Brazil for the 2014 World Cup.
The above selection by the Ministry of Sports has angered the Kumawood actors, claiming they were left out and that, Lil Win or someone else from their corner could have equally been selected to be an ambassador too.
From where I sit, I think the Kumawood actors have a case and they’ve been unfairly treated, after all, they have large following too. We’ve captured the on-going Brazil Ambassador selection WAHALA in this week’s GC cartoon…
Enjoy! What do you think?
Why do I feel that the cartoon isn’t that nice like what was posted last week??
It shouldn’t always be about Kumawood vs Ghollywood. To my understanding, the ambassadors among other things are responsible for campaigning to the corporate world and the general public for support towards Ghana’s journey to world cup.
This includes the campaign to raise funds to enable the supporters union of Ghana to travel to Brazil in order to support the Ghana Black Stars. By the way, it would have been fair if they’ve at least selected one celebrity from Kumawood.
It’s always the kumawood that complains.
Hello Chris,
This is just a little correction I think you should know…The Twi speaking movies is not called “Kumawood” they are all part of the Ghana Movie Industry (GMI). FYI…Kumawood is someone’s registered name for his own production.
for real?
I’m laughing hard. ..hehehehe …. Let’s just laugh