First of all, prayers do not work and there is no evidence it does—but if some people with a lot of time on their hands want to engage in that, it is their prerogative to use their time in such a meaningless manner.
However, why should the Ghana Football Association (GFA) be spending 10,000 GHS on prayers for the Black Stars? Don’t the players and those in charge have mouths to pray to GOD themselves—-that is even if they believe prayers work?
Reports say monies are given to persons who invoke spiritual deities for the Black Stars, the Ghana Football Association (GFA) President has revealed.
Kwesi Nyantakyi has mentioned that those who work in the name of God usually charge monies though that is not costed on the team but on individuals. According to him, he spends as much as Ghc10,000 from his personal purse on spiritualists who pray for the team—this he disclosed on TV3’s Hot Issues on Saturday, May 31.
If indeed any money is being given out for special players for the Black Stars—then why don’t we win the important matches? Is that not the evidence we need to show that prayers do not work, rather, hardwork and dedication are the keys to success…
Africans are cursed and we will forever remain stupid.So lets assume there is God. We think upon all the problems in the world, children being kidnapped, wars and the others, God will take his attention and from these things and come and focus on 22 men running about on a field, following some round object? What kind of nonsense is this? Why can’t these people pray so we have at least electricity then?
what do u mean by Africa is cursed? Maybe your entire family is cursed because my family is beyond the word blessed.. Dude some of us are positive minded people and fact that our leaders are corrupt doesn’t make the country cursed. You should correct this whole comment..
@Kristine, he has stated his opinion. The only thing you can do now is to disagree with him. By the way, he is not the only one that believe that Africa is cursed. As long as religion remain our priority, we are doomed as people.
what do u mean by Africa is cursed? Maybe your entire family is cursed because my family is beyond the word blessed.. Dude some of us are positive minded people and fact that our leaders are corrupt doesn’t make the country cursed. You should correct this whole comment..
what do u mean by Africa is cursed? Maybe your entire family is cursed because my family is beyond the word blessed.. Dude some of us are positive minded people and fact that our leaders are corrupt doesn’t make the country cursed. You should correct this whole comment..
James when you talk of Africans what do you mean? As far as am concerned Ghanaians are not cursed maybe you referring to those countries with wars, Ghana is the most peaceful and decent country if care to know. Regardless of the hardships and the corrupt government we are blessed, war free. Seriously check your words. You are using the word stupid too am sure you’re a Nigerian for that matter because the last i checked boko hirams are the ones kidnapping girls. The article says black star so don’t use the word africans again, learn to type something within your lane.
It’s stupid for anybody to pay ghs10000 for prayers. And most expecially if its for a crazy cause as football…but its worse to think a person who breath oxygen can write that prayers do not work.
It’s stupid for anybody to pay ghs10000 for prayers. And most expecially if its for a crazy cause as football…but its worse to think a person who breath oxygen can write that prayers do not work.
It’s stupid for anybody to pay ghs10000 for prayers. And most expecially if its for a crazy cause as football…but its worse to think a person who breath oxygen can write that prayers do not work.
This is beyond ridiculousness. I completely agree with James. Africans are forever cursed. The Europeans knew exactly what they were doing when they brought religion to Africa. Their main purpose was to keep us dependent on God, and hope that he will help us solve all our problems. Unfortunately, they have succeeded. Even our politicians lack critical thinking. Just few weeks ago, an MP claims the electricity problem Ghana is currently facing is due to a spiritual problem. He then call for special prayers from the nation’s top men of God. In fact, Africans are the most superstitious people on earth. We always attribute our problems to some kind of spiritual forces. Is it ignorance? Laziness? Carelessness? Mediocrity? Or all of the above? Your guess is as good as mine.
Really? electricity problem is spiritual? Ghana is a damn joke
Really? electricity problem is spiritual? Ghana is a damn joke
Really? electricity problem is spiritual? Ghana is a damn joke
This is beyond ridiculousness. I completely agree with James. Africans are forever cursed. The Europeans knew exactly what they were doing when they brought religion to Africa. Their main purpose was to keep us dependent on God, and hope that he will help us solve all our problems. Unfortunately, they have succeeded. Even our politicians lack critical thinking. Just few weeks ago, an MP claims the electricity problem Ghana is currently facing is due to a spiritual problem. He then call for special prayers from the nation’s top men of God. In fact, Africans are the most superstitious people on earth. We always attribute our problems to some kind of spiritual forces. Is it ignorance? Laziness? Carelessness? Mediocrity? Or all of the above? Your guess is as good as mine.
This is beyond ridiculousness. I completely agree with James. Africans are forever cursed. The Europeans knew exactly what they were doing when they brought religion to Africa. Their main purpose was to keep us dependent on God, and hope that he will help us solve all our problems. Unfortunately, they have succeeded. Even our politicians lack critical thinking. Just few weeks ago, an MP claims the electricity problem Ghana is currently facing is due to a spiritual problem. He then call for special prayers from the nation’s top men of God. In fact, Africans are the most superstitious people on earth. We always attribute our problems to some kind of spiritual forces. Is it ignorance? Laziness? Carelessness? Mediocrity? Or all of the above? Your guess is as good as mine.
When a sports event is schedule to take place in few years, the white man will prepare in advance. But the black man will wait till it gets closer to the event then he will do a little preparation and hope that God will take care of the rest. Sports events are like gambling so God will not partake is such things.
When a sports event is schedule to take place in few years, the white man will prepare in advance. But the black man will wait till it gets closer to the event then he will do a little preparation and hope that God will take care of the rest. Sports events are like gambling so God will not partake is such things.
When a sports event is schedule to take place in few years, the white man will prepare in advance. But the black man will wait till it gets closer to the event then he will do a little preparation and hope that God will take care of the rest. Sports events are like gambling so God will not partake is such things.
And somewhere in that same country somone is in need of money for hospital care but……………
Not just that, workers are always on strike because there is no money to pay them and always go to foreigners to borrow money to use it for such nonsense. Which pastors are even charging the money to pray? oh Ghana
Not just that, workers are always on strike because there is no money to pay them and always go to foreigners to borrow money to use it for such nonsense. Which pastors are even charging the money to pray? oh Ghana
Not just that, workers are always on strike because there is no money to pay them and always go to foreigners to borrow money to use it for such nonsense. Which pastors are even charging the money to pray? oh Ghana
And somewhere in that same country somone is in need of money for hospital care but……………
And somewhere in that same country somone is in need of money for hospital care but……………
As people, we’ve lost focus and our priority. So we spend this money on prayers for footballers and Brazil also spends the same, lets assume. On the day of playing, who will God let score the goals? We are just jokers and we have dumb people in charge of our affairs. God does not care about football or tennis or any game. What kind of nonsense is this?
You can say that again AkosuaGhana. Hmmmm
You can say that again AkosuaGhana. Hmmmm
You can say that again AkosuaGhana. Hmmmm
As people, we’ve lost focus and our priority. So we spend this money on prayers for footballers and Brazil also spends the same, lets assume. On the day of playing, who will God let score the goals? We are just jokers and we have dumb people in charge of our affairs. God does not care about football or tennis or any game. What kind of nonsense is this?
As people, we’ve lost focus and our priority. So we spend this money on prayers for footballers and Brazil also spends the same, lets assume. On the day of playing, who will God let score the goals? We are just jokers and we have dumb people in charge of our affairs. God does not care about football or tennis or any game. What kind of nonsense is this?
It is ridiculous for a person to believe that there’s no God and so, prayers doesn’t work because there is no one to answer them. But, we must also note that there are some prayers God rejects and do not answer.
God does not answer requests that go against his will, or his requirements, which are in the Bible. (1 John 5:14) For example, the Bible requires that we avoid being greedy. Gambling promotes greed. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10)
So, God will not answer your prayer if you pray to win the lottery, win a football match. God is not a genie that you can summon to do your bidding. Actually, you
can be thankful for this. Otherwise, you might have to fear what others
could ask God to do.—James 4:3.
source: jw.org
I do agree with you on your comment.. Prayers works better than magic, but when it comes to football it should be all about practice. Football is a game of gambling therefore the more you pray, the more you should practice. We are all God’s children, Blackstar should know that all these country have bowed before their king so best is for them to use their talents and techniques wisely.. They are talented alright but the main issue at hand is the scoring of goals that should have been their major practice since 2010. I wish them the best on the field.
You couldn’t have said it any better…♡♡♡
I do agree with you on your comment.. Prayers works better than magic, but when it comes to football it should be all about practice. Football is a game of gambling therefore the more you pray, the more you should practice. We are all God’s children, Blackstar should know that all these country have bowed before their king so best is for them to use their talents and techniques wisely.. They are talented alright but the main issue at hand is the scoring of goals that should have been their major practice since 2010. I wish them the best on the field.
I do agree with you on your comment.. Prayers works better than magic, but when it comes to football it should be all about practice. Football is a game of gambling therefore the more you pray, the more you should practice. We are all God’s children, Blackstar should know that all these country have bowed before their king so best is for them to use their talents and techniques wisely.. They are talented alright but the main issue at hand is the scoring of goals that should have been their major practice since 2010. I wish them the best on the field.
It is ridiculous for a person to believe that there’s no God and so, prayers doesn’t work because there is no one to answer them. But, we must also note that there are some prayers God rejects and do not answer.
God does not answer requests that go against his will, or his requirements, which are in the Bible. (1 John 5:14) For example, the Bible requires that we avoid being greedy. Gambling promotes greed. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10)
So, God will not answer your prayer if you pray to win the lottery, win a football match. God is not a genie that you can summon to do your bidding. Actually, you
can be thankful for this. Otherwise, you might have to fear what others
could ask God to do.—James 4:3.
source: jw.org
It is ridiculous for a person to believe that there’s no God and so, prayers doesn’t work because there is no one to answer them. But, we must also note that there are some prayers God rejects and do not answer.
God does not answer requests that go against his will, or his requirements, which are in the Bible. (1 John 5:14) For example, the Bible requires that we avoid being greedy. Gambling promotes greed. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10)
So, God will not answer your prayer if you pray to win the lottery, win a football match. God is not a genie that you can summon to do your bidding. Actually, you
can be thankful for this. Otherwise, you might have to fear what others
could ask God to do.—James 4:3.
source: jw.org
prayers do work, depends on if you have faith and believe tho…anyway this 10,000ghc is just plain stupidity… why do you have to pay for prayers?? prayer is communication between you and God, FREE of charge.. so why pay a middle man???? hmmm Ghanafuor, smh
prayers do work, depends on if you have faith and believe tho…anyway this 10,000ghc is just plain stupidity… why do you have to pay for prayers?? prayer is communication between you and God, FREE of charge.. so why pay a middle man???? hmmm Ghanafuor, smh
prayers do work, depends on if you have faith and believe tho…anyway this 10,000ghc is just plain stupidity… why do you have to pay for prayers?? prayer is communication between you and God, FREE of charge.. so why pay a middle man???? hmmm Ghanafuor, smh
hmmmmmm empty headed individuals ruling a whole nation..smh
hmmmmmm empty headed individuals ruling a whole nation..smh
hmmmmmm empty headed individuals ruling a whole nation..smh
You know Chris we all know that your agnostic ..but please do not put down anyone’s or my religion because u don’t believe!it’s purely such a put off when I read articles when you are constantly put down ones religion and that’s my personal opinion..btw no offense
How is my opinion a put down of ones religion? Did I not leave the comment box opened for others to state their opinions too? How many people have you read disagreeing with me that to them, prayers work? Have I removed their comments or banned them from saying say so?
I am as free to state and put down religion as many times as I want, same way you and the others are free to put religion up religion as many times as you want. This is the biggest problem I have with some religious people like you…I cannot say GOD does not exist or Prayers does not work, yet you have some Divine authority to say He Does or Prayers Work? The opinion of others are deemed offensive but your corresponding opinion is not deemed offensive to these people?
I will state my position as many times as I want, and everyone is free to state theirs too…I did not stop you or anyone from stating theirs or did I say anyone is putting down my non-religious beliefs because they don’t agree with me? I have the article box to state what I think and I’ve opened the comment box for others to also state what they think.
I see no reason why you seem to have this posture that, I should not be able to state my stand-be it agnostic, atheistic or islamic but you should be able to state yours…
It is not a good suggestion but if you do not like to hear the views of others when it comes to religion, such articles are not for. JUMP them to the others when you see them. Freedom of Expression entails the right to be OFFENSIVE! Hope you are doing good?
Again that’s my PERSONAL opinion and to me the fact that fact that you allow comments in regards to the article has nothing to do with putting down ones religion……of course you’re free to state your opinion jus like I did but what gives you the right to categorize and stereotype me off of this one post? I could be of a totally different religion than what you ASSUME I am …regardless of the fact, you will always state your opinion just like I have…. no one said you can or cannot state your opinion Chris….you obviously see no reason but I concur there is a reason for everything that is said and done..I’m free as a bird here and I shall read,click and state opinions if need be…I agree with you but like someone once said”I may not agree with what you have to say,but I will defend to deathyour right to say it “…I’m doing great! it’s such a beautiful sunny day here in my neck of the woods.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I see a lot of comments that I really wanna reply to but I am reluctant to do so coz some people are too emotional. They take things too personal here. I don’t want anyone to feel like am attacking them for expressing their opinion. Can we all have constructive argument devoid of insults? We are all adults in here, or are we not?
well said Kweku!!! we are all adults and as such, lets act likewise…
So kweku you knew all these and yet you attacked the girls for stating their mind right? Am sure you’re referring to your self not anyone else. Last i checked you were the only one taking things so personal and insulting people in here. Am glad you’ve learned a lot now. good job
Hahahaha…. Bernice, I only insult back if I get insulted. You see, the problem is that, if I reply someone and I’m expecting an intelligent discourse they think I’m attacking them so they end up insulting me and I also reply back with an insult. Tit for tat is not a bad business.
so am i thinking that Chris is an atheist afterall? Because he is more intrested in the prayer part than the JUJU….note thats two differnt things. HOW does God listen to most of these black stars players when most are atheist themselves and fornicate,drink,smoke and do all sorts of things and yet you want God’s favour on them? Come out n tell me if you r an atheist chris so we know ur clear stance. NOTE:MOST OF THESE PLAYERS BELIEVE IN GOD AND AGREE TO PRAYERS ON THE PITCH OR BACKROOM YET, U CANT SERVE TWO MASTERS AND DO YOUR JUJU ALONGSIDE….SO IF CHRIS IS AN ATHEIST,THAT’S ALL I WANT TO KNOW SO WE CLEARLY KNOW HIS VIEW,THAT WAY,HE IS NOT CHALLENGED NEXT TIME IN HIS FUTURE ARTICLES ON RELIGION.