Readers Mail

Eazzy Has the Guts to BLEACH But Not Bold to Accept It…


Dear Chris-Vincent,

If you ever want a female soldier to join your bleaching crusade, just call on me because the act of bleaching being widespread in our Ghanaian celebrity sphere disgusts me to the core.

I was not amazed to see and hear that Eazzy has become the latest bleaching celebrity in Ghana because right from day one, that girl had personality and self-esteem issues. She always wanted to be everything except herself—which ranges from her fake accent to stage performances.

What I hate about people like Eazzy who bleach their skin is not just that they are bleaching, indirectly making the statement light skin/white is supreme or they STINK if they are using creams (and look yellow if using pills)but also, because they are hypocrites and do not accept what they are doing.

Even though I equally dislike Nasara for bleaching, I respect the fact that she has left the hypocrisy bit behind her, accepting and stating that she has indeed bleached her skin. And that it is her skin so she is entitled to do that to it.

When it comes to Eazzy, she has the guts of absurdity to BLEACH her skin but she is not BOLD enough to accept she is doing that,,, What a coward—another clear indication that she has low self-esteem because she can’t even accept what she has become out of her own actions.

I read her long explanation last night about using filters or her phone to change her photos to become light which is making people think she is bleaching. What sort of BullShyt is that?

Why does she not use these filters or phone technology to darken her photos so to become darker instead of making the photos fair? If indeed that is what she is doing? How come she is only making the photos fairer and not darker then?

I hope she reads this or someone close to her read this. I want to tell her that, if she has had the GUTS to bleach, she must be BOLD to accept that she has done so because her explanations are pretty senseless.

Thank You.

From Pamela Ofori/Cape Coast/Ghana


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6 thoughts on “Eazzy Has the Guts to BLEACH But Not Bold to Accept It…”

  1. Pamela u must be one of da mesirable dark looking girls who always envy ur light skin friends cos men rush on dem wen eva u go out? Weda she has bleach or not who really cares? Does it affect u in anyway or da man ur black face manage to get is crushing on her rite? Wot u must understand is dat light skin rules n fair girls will always be hot on da market so y’all black gals better leave da light skin babes alone.if bleaching is bad? Those creams shld be banned so allow ppl to make their choices cos is their skin not urs n secondly it doesnt affect u black or woteva tone u r in anyway,let da girl be u ignoramus jobless attention seekers


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