Joselyn Dumas and Jackie Appiah took to their instagram pages to give fans today’s dose of their celebrity-ness. While Jackie Appiah was showing her expensive Peruvian hair which she seems to love so much, Joselyn Dumas was putting her face without any make-up or filter on display for all to see…
Surely, not all celebrities can show their faces without make-up and to think about it, Joselyn looks good without makeup. For Jackie, I just wish I can steal that weave off her hair for my friend’s upcoming birthday…
Check Joselyn Dumas’ no make up photo below…
Why does this girl keep Photoshopping her pictures every time? What are you afraid of Jackie?
That wig on her head looks so fake.
girls kasa dabi
lool..pls leave her alone
Only God knows Kay.
With or without Photoshopping jackie looks good. Jackie you already pretty so please don’t do this filtration instagram thing. We love your browish color.
Ei Joselyn Dumelo,tired of the makeup?hmm Jackie,I dislike your eyebrows for once
Jackie is a beauty, natural one, with her baby face.she is simply gorgeous.
when you meet them face to face.. they are not as beautiful as we see them on tv or in pictures…. photoshop all the way
u dey lie wai
Jackie looks so pretty and young… Joycelyn looks good and younger without the heavy pancake makeup
u ryt
very cute