Categories: Readers Mail

Bleaching is the Only Way Forward For Me | You Should Not Always Condemn Bleaching Because…

Bleaching and AccentBleaching and Accent

Dear Chris,

I am a regular visitor of your blog and I read how you and your readers always criticize skin bleachers/toners. Has it ever occurred to you that some people bleach their skin because of discoloration and dark patches on their skin?

When it comes to me for instance, from my face down to my thighs are a bit fairer than my legs and arms. I can not be trendy even when I can afford to because I do not want to expose my legs and arms which are darker than the rest of my body.

I’d have tried some skin toners for a uniform complexion, the only thing stopping me is the harsh weather we have here in Ghana. Lightening creams and the sun is a no no. I might get worse than I am. But this two colours that I have ain’t nice ‘koraa’ and not every young girl can stay with it.

I am not excusing people who bleach because they want to be light skin but people with natural fanta and coke skin should be given some consideration. Black is so beautiful and if there was a darkening cream, I could have use it to make the fair part of my body same as my legs and arms but now my only option is to lighten the dark parts if I do not want to stay with two complexions.

What will you rather do, stay with discoloration or bleach? Chris please post this mail on your blog but I want my identity to be anonymous.

From: Anonymous/ Ghana


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This post was published on April 24, 2014 11:10 PM