Now I understand why my boyfriend always fights me when he is hungry and the moment he is full, he will run to watch football or some damn kung-fu movie as if I do not exist. I only get attention (bad one) when he is hungry…
According to a new study, hungry people are more likely to lose their temper with their husband or wife. And that when when we haven’t eaten enough, our brain lacks the energy needed to exercise self-control, and so we are more likely to lash out.
The research led by Brad Bushman of Ohio State University said ‘Even though the brain is only 2 per cent of our body weight, it consumes about 20 per cent of our calories. It is a very demanding organ when it comes to energy.‘It’s simple advice but it works: Before you have a difficult conversation with your spouse, make sure you’re not hungry.’
The research claims that, the best time to discuss things is “over dinner, or better yet after dinner”.