The musical group VIP has over the last few months gone through a strong re-branding—changing the group’s name from VIP to VVIP and adding Ghana’s legendary musician-Reggie Rockstone to the group.
The exit of Promzy from the group was going to create a big gap but with Reggie Rockstone jumping in, it looks like the group is going to be on FIRE.
The group has released their first single (since Reggie became a member) titled Selfie—and we want to know what you think.
Listen to it below…
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Great music! The song has an incredible catchy chorus and I have no doubt this song will be a smash hit even beyond Ghana.
Any negative? Yes, Reggie’s rap sucks. He has no flow at all. In my opinion I don’t see anything creative he will add to the group. Perhaps his inclusion was just for commercial purpose because of his so called ‘legendary status’, but talent wise he has very little to offer. To me Reggie is very overrated.
I like it, its catchy but i feel Reggie is overrated sometimes.
This is all hype! The only talented person is dj breezy who did the beat. Reggie is overrated. All he does is hype! He does the same to his club. Pure hype. I was there st christmas and the place was dead most nights. He will add nothing to the group. In actual fact he will be the one who brings VIP down. They should have continued without him. Ghana Celebrties you know this. Give uour honest opinion. Unless you too are scared to tell it as it is. The song is catchy but thsts all.