Dear GhanaCelebrities,
I am 31 years old and I’ve always been proud to be a Ghanaian—until the last few weeks. At the moment, I feel being a Ghanaian is a curse and I wish I can relocate or just be offered an alternative.
I’ve come to realize that there, there is no political saviour out there—be it NPP or NDC. All the political parties are the same and will continue to make living conditions worse for ordinary citizens like me.
After 57 years of Independence, I cannot go a week without electricity being cut off and I do not want to talk about water—since I do not remember the last time I even opened the tap.
I have two degrees to my name as a woman (a first degree and a masters degree) but if I have to tell you about what I had to do to get a job as bank cashier, you will fall dead.
I hope to settle down sometimes soon with my boyfriend and have a home, but this seems like too big a dream since affording 3 square meals after my travel cost has become a struggle. And my boyfriend cannot even find a decent job.
As an individual, I have done all I can and ready to do all I could just for a good standard of living but without a good government in place, I don’t think this will ever happen—remember I am 31 and I don’t even know when things will change, considering the current state of the nation-Ghana.
Is this the same Ghana we always sung about—God bless our homeland Ghana?
I go to sleep each day not knowing if I will wake up to see a better Ghana or the same Ghana but consistently, it has always been the latter.
While politicians and the few at the top have huge bank balances, let me lose 1 GHS and I will spend the whole decade searching for it.
Without any opportunities out here and all hope lost, young girls are engaging in beyond belief enterprises just to afford food and grubby shelter over their heads.
Who do you look up to for change? Where is the Messiah to step in and say enough is enough? What happened to all the educated people who gave us high hopes of a better Ghana?
In fact, I am tired of being a Ghanaian—I just wish someone will offer me an alternative!
From: Maame Afia N./ Ghana
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It may take some time to get published because I receive a lot of such mails and need to publish them one after the other. Thank You.
I feel you my dear sister and believe me you are not alone. I cant even tell you to hope for a better Ghana because honestly, am not sure if there will ever be a better Ghana.
Things go from worse to worst. I can go on and on about the poor living conditions in Ghana but where will that get me
Are our leaders ready to change? Do they even care about us?
i think its time we stand up and question our leaders.they behave like they are thier own bosses and owe no one any explanations but no they do and this stupid ”you cant touch me” business needs to stop.if someone is wrong,we make them face the music.people do things and they get away with it because we dont talk about it.Obama is accountable to the American people and any civilian can drag him to court for answers but here no,are they above the law?
Stop exaggerating. Masters degree being cashier.Haba. I have a cousin with only SS being a cashier
well is true. i ve a frnd with masters degree n she is a cashier in a savings n loans company
well, i am also tired of being a Ghanaian
Y’all can kill yourself
This is not the real calibre.. A real imposter is in the block y’all.
Thanks oo @Jeanie,that guy have been using my name of late ,or is it because am not regular here lol
who is holding your legs? and who are you waiting on to give you an alternative? you can move to togo, you think anybody is finding it easy? so you being a ghanaian is the reason why you are unemployed? dumb!!!!. who chooses when, where or how to be born. your frustrations are different from being a ghanaian wai!.
you dont reply to somebody”s plight like that.dont tell me you are ok with what is going on.they provided no employment and now people go on and on looking for something to feed their families and nothing u earn is enough bcoz some stupid people decide to share whatever we have and not think aba us.selfish and greedy people.
Meanwhile your useless president is getting some chick pregnant as i speak and will be buying cars/hses for her, whiles the people that ‘elected’ him are sleeping in darkness, unemployed, no water, no health insurance., no food, ugh, he disgusts me.
The other thing that irks is i pay my effing light bill every mth but i dont get no damn light everyday.
Why? But ghanaians dont want to talk abt that all they want is to hear lies from this good for
nothing govt.
hahahahaha the man has about 50 serious g/f’s all over the world. Anyway he was never elected…We all know he cheated himself into power. May God punish him mysteriously for messing up our nation.
@ Juicenet, AMEN!
Another Amen too… Damn may God save our beloved country.