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Failed P*rn Star Pokello Says Chris-Vincent of GC is an A$$ Hole & That She Has Billions & MORE| Listen

Pokello of Big Brother & Adult Entertainment fame
Pokello of Big Brother & Adult Entertainment fame

Should I even waste my time addressing this disgrace of a woman who is nothing but a failed p*rn star in my books?

So a woman who records a disgusting ‘seks’ tape that can be found all over the internet makes it to a reality TV Show and she has the stolen audacity to look beyond her nose to call someone an a$$ hole?

Who is the real a$$ hole here?  The failed P*rn star or me?

Pokello of Big Brother Africa and Free Adult Entertainment fame took to her Vobolo page this evening to send a message to me, calling me all sort of names—and she added that, she is not cash starved.

Anyway, listen to what Pokello had to say to me below…I am crying out here now!


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***Pokello, sorry for descending to your level & Elikem that is your woman talking…***

If you didn’t see Pokello’s tape and photos, Click Here


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59 thoughts on “Failed P*rn Star Pokello Says Chris-Vincent of GC is an A$$ Hole & That She Has Billions & MORE| Listen”

  1. Ponolo or penokollo or whatever your name is . have you ever  heard a celebrity outside africa like katy perry or justin bieber saying they  have money cus their parents have money before ?  shut the fuck up. in africa we have a few celebrities . you are as normal as the word. 

  2. Did I hear her say her father or parents have money? What has she got her self? Such a grown ass woman calling herself celebrity saying her father has money. What money has she made her self from all the prostituting and sex tapes?

  3. I have seen the sex tape on xnxx her ur fada should lash u on the table n put kakadro in ur biscuit lol talking bout ur father is rich how about you. 

  4. Chris why the hate. In this case are think you are the ass hole. Ever since his couple came out the house all you ever did was bash them. When will you ever see them for what they are “LEGIT”. You curse them out too much and it should stop. You don’t have to put them on your blog. OR are you just riding on the bandwagon to get more traffic to your site. I’ll say this again this site is too bias. FYI she has her own money and does not need her father’s or her mother’s. I hate to see hard working people being put down. MTCHEEWWW!!! SMH

    • What hard work is this one taking about? When did being a porn star become a hard work? This girl is a disgrace to all African women and I don’t know why Chris even wastes his time. Who is an ass hole than a woman with her naked photos and videos all on the web 

      • smh as far as I’m concerned she is not a porn star, she made a sex tape with her boyfriend and he leaked it. is that the only insult you guys can come up with? TWEAA

  5. You published an article about three people which the cotent has been denied by all the three people. I think the best thing to do was to retract and apologise if you dont have any other facts to stand on. Yes i believe the lady had every right to respond but the way she did it tells a lot about her and what she stands for. What surprised me was your response to her. Frankly speaking i dont think there was a need in  responding to her coments the way you did. A lot of people visit your platform and therefore reducing it to “a free for all insult platform” will not be good for the image of your site. With such insults coming from your end, it will be difficult for you to bring people who are found of insulting other contributors on the site in line. Yeah she insulted you but you are the proffesional and therefore should know how to handle such people. Thanx

  6. Pokello is not a porn star. Her ex-boyfriend leaked her sex-tape. We all know that when relationships turn sour some jilted partners may become very bitter and spiteful. They would do anything to get back at you, even if it means destroying you. And that’s exactly what happened to pokello. 

      • Do you know the definition of a pornogrpahy?

        Maybe you should check it or I will give you the below that Chris posted on FB

        Amazing how people get confused; Who said there is any difference between a seks tape and a p*orn in English…

        Definition of p*ornography is; Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

        So has Pokello done this? Tweaaaa

    • Why should he? Is it not his job? If she did not make her self into a false celebrity, would he write about her? Does GC go about writing about everyone ? 

      • N wat happens if a lady decides to swoop so low n decides to be a shameless porn star. am sure u r one of those numerous bois who ve banged her big whole. cHris support u 100 percent. carry on 

  7. Mr Chris I think your problem is that you feel you are the only one who is licenced to insult others, call them names and write negative things about them (weda true or not) but if they ever insult you back, you run mad. Lol. so what do expect when you write maliciously about some celebs ( again weda story is true or not) , they should all just accept it like that and move on? sorry not everyone will do that, some will reply you so you should always expect it and not come out crying about being called names you have also freely called them before. if you can give it out then be man enough to also receive it.

    • But I don’t think Chris has a problem with celebs insulting him because it shows he is doing his work well and he hits on the right nerve lol. Everyone including tv stations reported the Elikem and pokello break up so why is Chris the one getting the reaction considering the daft that this time he  did not even break the news. The answer is , he is a good blogger and he knows how to get the celebrities talking back at him. Something all the good blogs get! Tmz is always being talked back at by Chris brown and the big celebrities becos they read them. Pokello said she read the story on GC when several blogs am reported it . So why GC ? Because she probably reads it everyday and that is what Chris wants 

  8. This girl is an attention goat always seeking for one so is the broke man Elikem. Her father has cars? Is that all? And she has porn videos or sex tapes? Nonsense 

    • Please go back online and read her story before you call her a porn star.. Her stupid ex b/f leaked their sex tape from 2010 which am sure your stupid ex is yet to leaked yours in no time. 

        • No she’s not the guy threatened to do so and he did, it was all over the net before that video was leaked.. Is no news at all please give the poor girl some break.. we all do have se.x with our b/f and could possibly be a victims if the guy is such an idio’t like her ex is.. Is just sad for follow human being to treat a girl like this. I mean his ex g/f for that matter.

  9. Chris…you are not an asshole…you r occasionally a pain in d neck tho! lol..i don’t endorse what Pokello did but u shd hv done ur investigations before putting up dat article. Eli n d said lady were even on the One Show to clear d air on this issue. And those girls who have farked 20+ boys under the “he’s my boyfriend” slogan…u r no different frm d woman u are pointing fingers at n insulting..u ddnt get taped but the SUPREME of all judges saw u, GOD IS WATCHING US ALL!!! hypocrites!!!! Joining hands with Chris to openly abuse a woman like you…you girls should bow ur heads in shame…her ex leaked the sex tape and we have witnessed several of these in Ghana….shitt happens….its not d best of all situations bt it surely doesn’t make her a pornstar.

    • I am a woman but first of all this woman is a disgrace and secondly are you saying it is allowed for her to abuse Chris and his writers which I am sure there are women in there by calling him an hole and Chris should be prevented from exposing her p.orn lifestyle?

  10. oh this is not fair Vincent pls u are been evil let Pokello be, why all this disgrace what has she done to u . don,t u have a sister one day u will pay for this cos u are causing damage to someone,s future . may God forgive you

    • How did Vincent disgrace her? She disgraced her self. Did Vincent ask her to become a porn star or make a sex video and go naked all around the web in Big Brother house? WTF

  11. Grabs soda and popcorn…drum roll #let d drama begin. And by d way, is she actually a porn star or her boyfriend leaked  her sex tape video cause I don’t think she’s a porn star…just asking!

  12. Nkwasiasem ara kwa! So she can lie and call Chris an asshole yet Chris is not allowed to say the FACT that she has sex tapes and nude photos all over and talk about her porn star lifestyle?
    If an article is wrong,could she not have gone forward to address it than insult the Chris or the Editor? She deserves it all what a disgrace to womanhood

  13. hahaha this is hilarious, her parents are so rich and she made a sex tape? Okay. All these people want to be rich and famous but cant take it when something is written about them, do you people know the sh80t tmz dailymail, blogs, tabloids social media, .the crap they say and write about entertainers? Please, these aint ready for the big leagues, go on Kim Kardashian IG and see the amount of hate/venom/lies being spewed on her page every damn day, she should get over herself, its not that serious.

    • Get a damn life.. Which guy will send a female sex link on a blog if only he’s not a gay..Last i checked men do enjoy female videos without talking about it.  Now you’ve proven to us you are a fag…. Nonsence if you care to know the truth behind this leaking google the story before you support evil… You are a fool start acting your age and stop behaving like your shoe size. Shame on you James.

  14. Do you REALY have time for that dog.dont waste your time for her ,I don’t know if I should addressed her with HE OR SHE  

  15. Everyone of u fuck ur boyfriends, u should lewve her alone.fucken hypocrite.u r very stupid to call her a porn star , u know why? That video wasn’t for the public.Get a life n leave other people’s alone

  16. Pokello was right and you just confirmed it, you are such an ASS HOLE. infact a sagging slacked ass hole after over-usage of the hole by ur fellow faggots. You want to vent your anger everywhere cos you were called an asshole? like seriously dude?? oya face me now cos i called u an asshole too , u ASSHOLE!! *tongue*

  17. Pokello is not a porn-star, besides don’t you think this gist is stale?come up with fresh stuff loser. to those judging pokello, u will die and go to hell before her. Watch out!! all these ashawo girls and boys will come here to judge as if some of them haven’t slept with over 100 people, what then makes you different or any better? if you think because yours was not taped, you are a better person.. i think you need to visit pastor T.B Joshua for deliverance ASAP! HAHAHAHHA FOOLS

  18. those people saying pokello is bragging about her parents are haters who already don’t like her and wait for the slightest opportunity to take on her, if not you would’ve gotten her well. these people have been saying shit about her being cash-starved, so how do u expect her as a lady to ignore such stories if you(Chris) a man?? could not act like one by ignoring whatever she said. woman wrapper like you


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