
MUST WATCH VIDEO: Black Woman Says Black Women Need to Shut Up & End the HATE!

black woman



GhanaCelebrities.Com‘s reader-Linda sent a link to the below video and we think it is worth sharing it for you all to watch…

I’ve personally heard of several black women saying black men hate them and that is why they seem to have a lot of negative stuff to say about their attitudes.

It is therefore interesting that, this time, another black sister is the one doing the talking—-putting everything on the table about the fact that black women need to shut up and stop being filled with hate.

As a black man, sometimes it is even embarrassing when you see the way some black women behave and the manner they even argue.

Before watching the video below, Miss JIA who also posted this video some days ago summarized some of the main points being made here as;

1. Black women are argumentative and will find anything to argue about that lacks construction

2. Black women are not able to have a good time unless there’s an argument

3. Black women love being whores because ‘men can’

4. Black women hide behind Jesus to justify being ugly to one another

5. Black women hold grudges

6. Black women are responsible for Black men dating outside their race

7. Black women don’t know how to shut up

8. Black women can find the bad in anything

9. Black women (75% of us) have herpes

10. Black women vent never ending hate, anger, and rage

Now, watch the full video and tell us what you think…Is it time for black women to SHUT UP and kill the HATING?



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9 thoughts on “MUST WATCH VIDEO: Black Woman Says Black Women Need to Shut Up & End the HATE!”

  1. Very interesting, I am a black woman and I agree with almost everything she is saying. Some black sister are so bitter especially online. Black women will find every reason to help another black woman but rather make her life miserable. This is why I have just one black female friend. I don’t want any drama

  2. Well, well, black women this black women that. Why do we have to use the term” black women”. All the things she said could be charataristis  of women of other race too. Let  us stop playing the race card, and start to deal with individuality instead of generalising “blAck women”

    • Totally agree…this is so negative. Wow so not only do I have to put up with some black men telling black women how rubbish we are, I got to listen to black women too? I’m not saying this doesn’t apply to some black women but I know a few white chicks who could tell you about yourself in a hot minute. We need proping up sometimes too we also should hear about some of the positive things we do also. Geez…hmmm I guess I’ve spoken toO much and I’m now being argumentative best seal my lips least I be told to shurrup! Sad sad sad…

  3. Well, I am not just a black woman. I am an African woman. Born in Ghana. Are we talking about African American women or Caribbean women or Haitian women??? The term ‘black women’ is too broad to be inclusive.

  4. First …that woman seems to have issues-with some woman who has pissed her off.
    That her.That’s not all women.
    Secondly;Ms. Jia(Brandy) is a former pornstar……I would not take her opinions too seriously…
    Third as someone as said  earlier….Black means …African American…normally..
    black men don’t hate black women…that’s a misconception.Just because someone prefer to date Caucasians that does not mean you hate black women..or black men …love has no color.let people live.
    Black men who marry white  women does not mean they hate black women.Its preference. Alot of white men have married African women.
    For women who cannot find a husbands..that a totally different issue all together-the SayING GOES:Say U can’t find a husband don’t say Black women can’t find husbands.Its just you some of us have several offers of marriage on the table.
    .About the herpers..that’s this lady on the video opinion  Anyone can get herpers.75% of Black women have herpers..that’s a lie.
    As for Black women like being whores…there white whore,Asian whores and black whores…being a whore is not a race issue…it a moral issue….
    Never ending hate anger and rage—I think these are her issues.Someone needs to get laid or go to church. Thats all I have to say about that.

    • Unfortunately there are some black men on the net taking the opportunity to go our of their way to state quite specifically how much they loathe black women in particular. It’s sad really because though some of these issues he brings are issues, you don’t see so much of this from other cultures. Anyway its important to look to the positive….it doesn’t apply to all black women so it’s all good.


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