As an African who is a homosexual, I get shun and constantly get treated like a filth, when in fact I was born GAY. All I have known is being attracted to other men and it is not any fault of mine.
If ordinary people are not insulting me or looking down on me, the Pastors will be cursing me for being GAY. If you think the Pastors are harsh for wishing hell fire on my head simply because of something I was born with, then you’ve not heard of the Governments passing laws to make sure I am thrown into jail for no offence.
Being GAY comes natural; it is not something anyone learnt or a pill that a person carries across to give to others to swallow, where you can say these people had a choice. We do not have a choice and what seem to be a choice for you is; I should deny to myself that I feel this way; deny that I am attracted to men and pretend to be what I am not.
If GAY is not natural or if people are not born GAY, how come everywhere you go in the world you will find a GAY person there? Did one person go around teaching all these people how to be GAY?
If I had a choice as an African who is GAY, I would have de-GAY myself because I go through hell each day for just being me.
I know every rational person who has understanding of things will agree that, being GAY is natural but it is just that people find it difficult to accept this for whatever religious or moral reasons they have.
I was born this way, I know a boy in India who was also born that way too.And I know of a woman in China who was also born GAY, and another beautiful girl in Liberia who was born that way. We did not all wake up one day and decide that, let’s put ourselves through this hatred by being GAYS. Same way some of you were born heterosexual and we accept it, we were born this way too.
There is nothing evil about us and if you think there is, then blame GOD for making us so.
From Ernest A./Accra
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There are men who hates gays, yet they fuk the bums of their wives or girlfriends and there are women who hates gays yet they get licked each day by men
It is a crazy world why people hate others for something they do not have control over. I don’t want to be gay but I don’t treat anyone less because the person is gay.
If God hates gays why did he create them? If he didn’t, then who did?
@Yaw Peprah: the interesting thing is that people quote the Bible selectively against gays. If we were obeying the Bible literally, then according to Jesus, divorce is an abomination (unless your spouse cheated) & yet we have several people divorcing left right & center. People have sex with their boyfriends & girlfriends & yet these same people would castigate gays. The hypocrisy is terrible.
Don’t be silly bro…if a heterosexual male enjoys a^^nal sex with his woman how does that imply that he has gay tendencies?
So what this means is that if a man also enjoys blow jobs or kissing his woman, he probably has gay tendencies too…after all gay men have mouths too and they give each other blow jobs.
I agree 100 percent with Ernest. As a lesbian , I always tell everyone that i never learnt how to be gay. I’ve known since the age of 4 that I am attracted to women. Google ‘homosexuality in animals’ & you’ll discover that over 1500 species of animals do engage in homosexual conduct. If it were unnatural, how would it be found in animals also? Our African ancestors understood these things & so were more accepting of gays (google ‘azande warriors boy wives’, ‘dogon people homosexualit’ and ‘yan daudu hausa’) to find out how Africans embraced gays before white people & Arabs gave us their religion.
People are ignorant and they do not know anything. Even if it is by choice, why is my choice bad and yours good?
How are you sister?
Doing well my dear! good to hear from you
Good piece. People think they are superior and going to heaven simple because they are hetrosexual and because others including me are lesbians, we are going to hell. Hating on gays is not only evil but rather STUP.ID because at the end of the day, no one adopted or change himself into being GAY in the face of all the hatred
Massa, gays are going straight to HELL you sit down there and keep kidding yourself. What is normal and natural about allowing another man to insert his stick in your bum?
God did not create gays, you guys need to stop using that as a excuse, I have gay friends and all I don’t accept what they do but I will never disown them or treat them any different, homosexuals need too understand not everybody is going to accept what you do, so stop being angry and bitter and do what you do, do what makes you happy and stop crying
@ekua- are you saying that gay people intentionally choose to be gay? when there’s so much discrimination against gays why would they choose to be gay? did you also choose to be straight? the same way you didnt choose is how gays didn’t choose. & so no one is being angry or bitter. we’re saying that we haven’t harmed anyone & deserve to find happiness without being imprisoned & treated like dirt just because we love the same gender. By the way, not all of us worship your christian god who may have said somethings against gays. some of us are atheists or have other religions that embrace gays. so we know that our god(s) created us gay & love us the way we are. Best wishes 🙂
Oh Ernest, sorry for what you are going through. Try and live life to the fullest. I wish i could give you a hug now. 😀
There are Murderess in all parts of the world YES, did God make them so? NO…There are thieves in all parts of the World YES, did God make them so? Certainly Not…Life is about choices, humans have the free will to decide who they want to be, therefore being Gay is simply a matter of Choice…lets desist from this farce of it being part of the biological make up of some individuals, hence blaming it on Our Maker…One can be attracted to a person be it Man/Woman and show affection to them without necessarily penetrating their, that is what makes it unnatural…no body is preventing you guys for being attracted to members of the same Sex…But for a totally dysfunctional mouth, who will insert food through his/her nostrils…Give us a Break!
@Bigspeed: hope you’re not equating love between two grown adults to murder? How do two adults who love each other harm you? Are you saying that being gay is a choice? That being attracted to someone is a choice? So when did you choose to be gay? & why would people choose to be gay in Africa where people think we’re less than human? There is nothing unnatural about anal sex as both straight people & homosexuals engage in them. There is nothing that homosexuals do that straight people don’t want to do. At the end of the day, we are also human beings like you & we just want to be left in peace to live our lives. & when we die, we go & meet our god whom we know accepts us as we are. best wishes.
typo, i meant to ask you that ‘when did you choose to be straight’? the same way you never chose to be straight is the same way people never chose to be gay. you can’t choose who to be attracted to. please if you find a cure that will make gay people suddenly be attracted to the opposite sex, let me know ok? because so many gay people have tried prayer, fasting, deliverance etc. & it never changed them. you know why? because that is how they were made period. take care 🙂
Exactly my point!! Then we might as well excuse every wrong on the planet because those people habitually causing those crimes were born that way. We should leave addicts alone because they were born with an addictive predisposition. Its about frigging choices!!
So you’re now comparing love between two mature & consenting adults to an addiction? Addiction is illegal because some drugs make people more violent. Further, in order to afford drugs, several people steal etc thus increasing crime. Finally, when a person is an addict, it affects his work productivity cos how can you work well if perpetually high?
By contrast, gays & lesbians don’t cause any harm to you or society. So why should there be laws against them? I think the State must rather spend its funds on jailing acts that actually hurt other people rather than chasing gays & lesbians.
@ Stacy…go on fuck your and encourage all like minded people to do same…after all no one owns it but you, insert whatever objects you deem fit in there..from dildo’s to thin and thick cocks..I pray you don’t develop any anal related complications like Fissures, Fistulas or even cancer in the ano…or destroy your Sphincter muscles which will lead to bowel incontinence (inability to withhold flatulence or fecal matter), but if you do,I guess its all part of the Game….live your life just the way you want…and forget about dying and going to meet anyone,..(GOD) he certainly has no time for imbeciles..He has more serious things to do…you sure don’t need anything are doing the right thing…I encourage you to fuck every that comes you way….because that is how you Are and not how you were made by God…Live Him out of This and stop courting unnecessary sympathy for your Perversion…. Cheers
@ BigSpeed0: I’m a lesbian & have never had seks in my life so i don’t know what you’re talking about inserting stuff inside my an. us & all that? wow, you’re so full of hate that you couldn’t even get the time to read my comments through & realize that i’m a lesbian & not gay. & by the way, what’s wrong with an. al seks? millions of straight couples enjoy that type of intercourse & there are even several straight men whose wives fark the with dildos? so why are you picking on gay guys? & please stop the ignorance yeah? having an. al seks doesnt give each other fistulas & all those things you’re saying. Then you should also stop having heteroseksual intercourse since that’s the leading course of HIV in Africa. Please get a life, focus on your own fornication (cos i bet you aint a virgin) & let others be!
@ Stacy…you seem to be neckdeep in your ev il ways…if we all chose to be like you…how on earth would we procreate and ensure nature’s continuity…God have save your soul…and mind you am far from being ignorant…read about the causes of anal related diseases and you’ll find out that anal se.x is conspicous…and as for getting a life….hahaha .i can appreciate your depression because i already have one…rofl.
ummm, the point is that you can’t CHOOSE to be like me because people don’t CHOOSE their sexual orientation! & who told you that gays & lesbians don’t procreate? Several gay & lesbian couples have biological kids so what’s your problem? By the way, the world is suffering from overpopulation so aren’t you happy that some gay & lesbian couples choose to adopt abandoned kids rather than give birth? & please don’t be ignorant. In case you don’t know, lesbians have a far lower risk of STDs than straight women (please google it). By the way, I’m not depressed wai hun! I dey chill papa! I’m sipping a tall glass of juice while reading your comments with my girlfriend. She says cheers 🙂
@ Stacy…well am glad you & lebbo mate are enjoying a glass of juice and reading my comments…I have a huge c.oc.k that can mk both of you very happy , sq.uirt…and satisfied…you might as well wanna touch base with…my fight wasnt against lesbians as I enjoy watching 2 gals fondling themselves in p.or.n…but Hey I detest and cannot comprehend the act of 2 grown men doing it to each other in the…thats kinda crazy …hence my concerns…say Hi to ur partner…perhaps u guys might wanna change ur minds after trying me out…hehehe….Cheers Hun
Awww sorry, we’ve tried guys with even bigger ‘gadgets’ than you & better styles & yet we found true satisfaction with each other 🙂 Not every woman likes as for gay men- please don’t assume that they all have an. al seks. There are several ways that gay dudes pleasure each other. Btw, you can’t comprehend the act cos you’re straight & that’s why I’m saying that leave gay dudes to be & live your life. 2 people loving each other doesn’t harm you in any way.