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MUST READ: Do You Know What Happened On 9th Jan, 1995 In Ghana’s Showbiz?

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How old were you when the story of the popular Gemann homicide occurred in Ghana in 1995? Well, I was a young boy then but I recall the story and its associated furore vividly…

Gemann was the first man in Ghana who won by popular acclamation, the accolade, The Michael Jackson of Ghana. He is the first Ghanaian musician to copy the late Michael Jackson’s style of music, stage performance/craft, hair styling and costuming. His music career was largely influenced by the Late King of Pop Music.

GhanaCelebrities.Com scooped the story of Gemann for publication so we all once again can learn to extra cautious; specially, people in the showbiz industry who are usually puffed up with pride and ego.

If you are 30 years and above and followed Ghana’s showbiz religiously from the 90s, I know the story of Gemann as you are about to read will bring back sweet and sour memories.

Real name Nana Akwasi Agyeman but popularly known as Gemann in the 80s and 90s in Ghana, Gemann was a secular entertainer for 25 years. He worked in night clubs in Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean. He did a lot of radio and television appearances in many parts of the world in the 80s and 90s.

On January 9th 1995, he was just 3 days away from finishing his first video movie in Accra but unfortunately, his destiny came in confrontation with fate; Gemann was arrested for homicide over common taxi cap misunderstanding.

According to the story which had different accounts, Gemann hired the taxi driver to a particular destination but upon reaching his destination, misunderstanding ensued regards the fare he’s to pay the driver.

After minutes of quarrelling and exchanging chilly words at each other, the driver allegedly came back to the scene and collected the footprint sand of Gemann. Sensing the driver could use his footprint sand against him, angry Gemann, allegedly pulled his gun from his pocket and shot the driver down dead.

Gemann was arrested for homicide. In the police holding cell, Gemann had what we call “divine self-realization” (Luke 15:17) and asked Christ into his life. A week later, he was shipped to Nsawam prison where he started his pre-schooling in the word of God. In May 1996, he was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging.

Talent has always been associated with entertainment or sports where the winner takes all. This is the spirit of showbiz where selfish ambition rules. The drum major instinct – superiority, power and fame, lust and sensuality, yet the entertainer is left with no satisfaction after the spot-light are turned off.

But in prison, the Lord gave Gemann a revelation of talent from a biblical perspective; a talent that represents our God given abilities, time, resources, and opportunities to serve God while on earth (Matt. 25:15). For our position and inheritance in heaven will be in proportion to our present dedication and commitment to God’s way and Kingdom (Matt 25:29).

Gemann then went to work with his talent in prison and formed the New Life Ministry. When the Lord gives one a New Life, one cannot just keep this awesome feeling to himself or herself. During the 7 years on the death row, the Lord gave Gemann the vision and mission of New Life (Prov.29:18). In 1996, The New Life bible study and prayer group had started earnestly pouring the unadulterated word of God into the lives of most of the prisoners and prison officers.

In 1999, The New Life Singers – a gospel music group was started on the death row, ministered to inmates and officers in the prisons and also trained skilled inmates in singing and song-writing. In 2002, the Prison Council under the able chairmanship of Rev. Prof. A. S. Ayettey with support from Mr. Jim Thomas and some Christian friends permitted The New Life Singers to set up a recording studio in the prison.

In 2003, the New Life Singers recorded and released a 10 track gospel album titled “God is love” onto the Ghanaian market. In 2006, the New Life Christian Love fellowship put up an educational library for the inmates. In 2009, the Lord delivered Gemann from prison after 14 years of sentence – 7 years on the death row and another 7 years on life sentence.

By work of destiny, Gemann went into custody on the 9th of January, 1995 and was set free on the 9th of Jan, 2009 by a Presidential pardon from the then outgoing President, John Agyekum Kuffour; after serving his constitutionally mandated two term of office.

While some say Gemann wasted 14 years of his life in prison due to his inability to control his temper over a petty issue, Gemann has said on several platforms that he believes he was rather sent to prison for protection from this mundane world by the lord for 14 years.

Gemann is now fondly known as Bro. G’Love. He is now a pastor, teacher, an international evangelist, gospel artiste/songwriter, a Christian music producer with his own recording label, and a multi-media outfit – Christian Entertainment company (GODSBIZ). Having graduated from “the school of the shadow of death,” he oversees three branches of the New Life fellowship – the prison (Nsawam chapter), a fellowship in Accra.

The third one (headquarters) is in Dallas, Texas in the USA. After his release, Bro. G’Love told his emotion laden story to many media houses but could not stay long in Ghana. Gemann is gone! Gone to United State of America where he preaches the unadulterated word of the Lord.

Today, God is using Bro. G’Love in a mighty way. Wherever he shares his testimonies, be it at FGBMFI breakfast meetings, The Rotary Club, schools, churches or the prisons, souls are won and lives are rededicated to Christ.

Some of our celebrities of today take actions without analysing their actions’ deadly ramifications. They should take a cue from Br. G’Love’s emotion laden story. As to why he relocated to USA instead of living in Ghana after prison, is a mystery GhanaCelebrities.Com shall uncover for publication soon.

Bro. G’Love, GhanaCelebrities.Com uses our medium to celebrate you today 9th January, 2014 and wishes you all the best in everything you do. God continues to lift his countenance upon you. May you never step your foot into the snare of your enemies. May you be blessed and be a blessing into the lives of others. Until then….MOTWUM!!


This post was published on January 9, 2014 3:19 PM

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