Before I start with my article, don’t let the title get you confused. It’s just a play on the title of Kwaw Ansah’s latest movie, “Praising the Lord plus one”. I chose this title because this article, just like Kwaw Ansah’s movie revolves around one theme; hypocrisy in the Christian society.
A few weeks ago, I came across a friend’s status update on Facebook. What really caught my attention about the status update was the number of comments it had. The person had posed a question on whether or not Ghana’s first global dance, “Azonto” should be allowed in churches. And you should have seen the comments.
While some were of the view that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Azonto featuring in church, of course, Jesus’ personal assistants were there to inform us of how evil the dance was. Backing their claim with scripture and on the conclusion that Azonto in all its varieties (Amanda and Akaida), were actually a confirmation that the end and the second coming of Christ was at hand.
After scrolling down from comment to comment, all I could do was to shake my head in total disappointment. I think that there are better and rather more serious issues that need to checked and dealt with within the church, and not some silly and harmless dance called Azonto.
Look, I grew up in a church that made me a bitter person throughout my childhood until I became an adult and had the courage to leave my parents with two options: either I was permitted to change to a church where I was more accepted or I totally quit church to become an atheist!
Why? Because I couldn’t stand how the lessons I received in Sunday school class contradicted with the way I was treated. The Bible spoke about loving one another yet, here I was in a church where I was constantly been mocked and teased because I wasn’t among the lot whose parents drove in big cars, because I didn’t go to a well known school or an international school like the majority of the kids in the church.
I was looked down upon because I didn’t spend my holidays abroad and because I couldn’t afford a simple meat pie after church service and even though I was very good at dancing, acting and poetry recitals, my place at the front row was always given to the children of church leaders.
I could go on and on, but the main point I am driving at here is the various forms of discrimination that even still exists in our churches today and which if not dealt with, could land a lot of us Christians in hell; and not the dancing of Azonto!
There are bigger issues in the church now and I dare say here on this platform that Azonto should be the least of our worries!
The number of married Christian men having extra-marital affairs is disheartening. The day doesn’t end without the news of a pastor, bishop, prophet or evangelist having defiled or molested a juvenile.
Fornication, and what I term, “polished prostitution” is the order of the day now. The modern Christian sees nothing wrong with abortion and is quick to even recommend to another. Petty quarrels among church leaders and members and the lackadaisical attitude we have towards service to God is very embarrassing.
How can I forget the near nudity in our dressing which has become so normal now and the pastors are afraid to comment because they do not want to lose their membership which is like the most important thing to them.
I know church workers who maltreat their house helps and really nothing distinguishes these domestic workers from the slaves of colonial times. I close from church and the number of fellow church members who pass me by in their empty cars without even bothering to offer a lift while we might be actually going to the same destination is uncountable.
We have Christians in government positions whose corrupt attitude supersedes the non-Christian ones among them. All over the world, there are Christians involved in illegal businesses. By illegal businesses I don’t necessarily mean contraband drugs like the cocaine and weed. I am talking of, Christian entrepreneurs evading taxes and cheating their workers. We can also talk of Christian’s involved in occasional idol worshiping for faster results of their requests.
We can go on and on but the point I want to make is the fact that, there are so many issues we should be worried about and Azonto should be the least of them. In any case, we are told of the story in the Bible where David danced until his royal robe fell. No one knows what kind of dance it was that could guarantee his robe falling.
But I doubt if it was our usual highlife because the dance according to his wife was so silly that it embarrassed her. For all you know, David did the Azonto, featuring Alingo and really, there is no point in dancing highlife when in my head it is actually Azonto I am dancing because it goes better with a song! And oh, need I forget that the Lord looks at our hearts?
Kudos to whoever wrote this’s a masterpiece
Well written.
Wow…enjoyed everybit of this…well done wriiter
masterpiece love it……cme t my church n u will gt all da above xamples..
Playing the devil’s advocate here, but the near-naked females will quote you that the Lord looks at the hearts of men & not necessarily their outward deeds cos they are like dirty laundry in His eyes.
So, when it’s all said & done, thou shall not judge. Judgement is of the Lord’s or the modern saying, “Only God can judge me. ” Thought-provoking piece still.
so true I wish this was an article on as well
I u have said is true and is going on in our society including the churches but I don’t think that is justifiable enough to stop worshiping the lord. Let’s focus on what the bible says rather than what people do