Directed by Leila Djansi and featuring John Dumelo, Joselyn Dumas, Beverly Afaglo, Jon Germain & others, a trailer of the movie ‘Northern Affairs’ has been released.
Apart from the sex scenes which may be tasteful or tasteless depending on where you are coming from, we are told the story of the movie revolves around Esaba (being played by Joselyn Dumas) who is trying to get out of an abusive marriage to millionaire husband Marc (Jon Germain).
The trailer doesn’t say much but for those who love Leila Djansi’s movies, another is on its way for you!
Check out the trailer below…
I will pay to see this movie.Leila doesn’t really dwell on glamour and style unlike some producers who create the impression dat every Ghanaian lives in luxury.I think this is a story people can really relate to.
@maame ama, totally agree with you but I’m getting jealous John the Baptist seems to be enjoying every single scene he gets with the ladies, by the way chris when will jackie Appiah and lil win movie come out
@Oheneba Miyagi, It came out I think, I have seen a trailer of a movie with them together called “Bachelors”
@jeff, that’s the one yeah I need to watch that
i will state i love leilas movie but jocelyn dumas is not an actress and will never be,her expression are plain ,her voice forceful and shes not believable,this is another case of someone making it not based on talent but based on contacts or fact shes just on screen or our tvs.look at beverly delivery shes a better actress emotions on her face,even if theres no volume i can tell what beverly is trying to say.please joselyn u not a deep actress dont push it bcz of the curves,the makeup n waldrop is all that makes her an actress ,n da fact leila is producing ,but talent im sorry,
You must be confusing Jocelyn with Jackie Appiah. Now THAT is a bad rotten actress. I know you will never see it that way bcos Jackie is probably your fellow Akan girl. Jocelyn is not the greatest actress, but she above average at least from what I saw in A Sting in A Tale. And she is definately a step above Jackie.
Look forward to watching it
You must be confusing Jocelyn with Jackie Appiah. Now THAT is a bad rotten actress. I know you will never see it that way bcos Jackie is probably your fellow Akan girl. Jocelyn is not the greatest actress, but she above average at least from what I saw in A Sting in A Tale. And she is definately a step above Jackie.
chris even if u write this article to destroy the movie, eila djansi is still years ahead of over trying shirley and usual fake and copiato stories. ya bre.
Wow so two movies at the same time!!!!! Hope this comes to PAFF as well
how much is the ticket?