OPENED GOSSIP: A Ghanaian Footballer Has 4 Children Outside His Marriage & Wife Doesn’t Know What The HECK To Do!



At a time most Ghanaians are pointing fingers at the women for being unfaithful and ungrateful following the recent Odartey Lamptey’s case, it has emerged that a certain Ghanaian footballer who used to play in England allegedly has 4 children with different women outside his marriage.

And his wife who has 3 kids with him does not know what the heck to do—as a result of the kids and the fact that she fully depends on the footballer.

GhanaCelebrities.Com is told that, not long ago when the footballer’s career in England came to an end, his wife tried to stay over in the United Kingdom but the Home Office failed to grant her a visa—-stating that, she was here as a dependant of her husband and therefore if her husband was no more working in the country, there was no grounds for her stay application.

After her unsuccessful attempt to remain in the UK, the wife of this footballer (R) moved to Ghana only to find out that, her husband has been MORE than naughty all the time he has been visiting and staying longer than expected in Ghana.

As at now, the wife of the Ghanaian defender is confused as to what to do. Leaving is not an option as she pretty much depends on the husband for everything including her ‘panties’, a source told GhanaCelebrities.Com.

Despite calls by family and friends, asking ‘R’ to find peace by ending the already struggling marriage, she has remained hushed, enduring the inner hurt which is pushing her towards the doors of depression.

With nothing much being done by the wife except to endure the pains, we are told the footballer who is currently struggling career wise feels he can make more babies outside his marriage—and he does not intend to end his womanizing anytime soon.

Opened Gossip:

I have left out certain names to protect our most reliable sources. However, I have made this clear to the extent that, you will only have to think a little to be able to fetch out those involved in this yourself.  This is why it is called Opened Gossip…I give you the clues; you do the thinking and share what you know/have heard or what you have been able to put together yourself. :-)

This post was published on December 1, 2013 5:09 PM