If only most of us could see the benefits of exercise beyond weight loss and just looking fabulous in our best attires, I am sure we would move to live in the gym or totally change our entrenched lifestyle…
If only most of us could see the benefits of exercise beyond weight loss and just looking fabulous in our best attires, I am sure we would move to live in the gym or totally change our entrenched lifestyle…
Instead of training your stomach and bankye legs your, training your arms training looks so fake by looking strait into the camera
@Oheneba Miyagi, I think she is so beautiful. I saw you in town and you were looking gorgeous.
@Tony, you think sob
@Oheneba Miyagi,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. YOU TOO FUNNY
@salute, looool
@Oheneba Miyagi, hahahaaaaaaaaa ,bros locsl champ no go fit slim oooo. she wants attention ,hope you good.
Jackie I think you are very beautiful and you look better in person than in pictures and tv saw you for the first time at the movie premiere last week. I love u.
Slim or big I would want you to be my wife.
That’s a lie she isn’t flat
Swear this a movie staunt! Oheneba you too bad….
@Betty, hmmmmm
she had to wait to look like boafroat before.
eat no kinke, no bread, no fufu, no apple juice, just water, no food after 6 pm. enjoy chicken and salad.
I hope she will keep doing the gym otherwise we will see more of her flesh, and it’s ugly for an actress.