We all know Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson loves to throw off those celebrity moments in photos—to get her fans more interested in her lifestyle …
With the help of filters, Yvonne Nelson shared the below photos—looking extremely white!
We all know Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson loves to throw off those celebrity moments in photos—to get her fans more interested in her lifestyle …
With the help of filters, Yvonne Nelson shared the below photos—looking extremely white!
I really look the the footwear.lt’s a shame about the dark patches on her toes from the bleaching.
@Bee, are you okay?
@Bee, I meant to say” I really like the footwear. It’s a shame about the dark patches on her toes from the bleaching”. YES I SAID IT!!
@Bee, l agree with you. Those dark patches around her toes are signs from skin bleaching because
that part of the body is difficult to get lighter quickly.l am speaking from experience because
l use to bleach myself before so l know what l am talking about.
This babe has just gat a way of making people extremely emotional. @bee is her first victim on this one. #lol
@Bee, u just had to go there didn’t u
@frog,hehehe. Couldn’t help it. Don’t get me wrong, l do like Yvonne.But when something is so obvios for
everyone to see and one keeps denying it, it becomes laughable sometimes.
@Bee, I agree with u. looking at her toes tells me a lot, yet some ppl will deny the obvious.
Well incase u did not notice, the second pix of Yvonne okoro also looked like shes colouring herself too. Or cuz its NY? Pls camera effects
I am now 100% sure Y.N. is bleaching (tonning, as they say).
@B.B, if i were Y.N i wouldn’t even dare to wear a peep toe shoe.
cool ..go gal..