
Clergy Calling On Ghanaians To Fast And Pray For Peace – I Say ‘We Don’t Need Fasting Nor Prayers’

map of Ghana

Three Christian groups have called on their members and also urged Ghanaians to fast and intensify their prayers to ensure the sustenance of peace and tranquillity in the country, especially after the Supreme Court delivers its judgement on the election petition.

I may be right or wrong to say that majority of Ghanaians do not even understand what the court proceedings is all about. Some have the funny mentality that the Supreme Court is there to unseat a president and put another there. We don’t read much (me inclusive) to understand the laws and democratic principles of the country.

I’m sorry to say but these clergy men are really not helping matters.

Ghanaians believe every word spoken by a pastor as coming directly from God, even if it is from their mind. So the assumption is always ‘it has been revealed to my pastor’. Always calling for peace because a pastor or clergyman ‘sense’ unrest or war which will destroy the destiny of the country is adding fuel to an already blazing fire. It causes fear, anxiety and panic among the citizens (maybe unknowingly).

I believe in prayers, but there are some issues in life which do not necessarily need fasting and prayers – It needs maturity by persons involved to accept outcome and honesty on the part of persons to deliver justice. We do not need to fast for peace. What is needed now is justice which will bring permanent peace.

Even if, people are ready to cause unrest because things don’t go in their favour, do they even have money to get a passport, thoughtless of a visa to leave the country? The politicians will run out and leave the ‘ready to die’ youth to die a foolish and an unnecessary death.

If we are to fast and pray for anything at all, it should be in areas of developments, good leadership, even abundant blessings and permanent eradication of corruption by changing the hearts of people in leadership roles. The clergy should not spread fear if they are really men of God because they keep telling us ‘Thou shalt not fear’.


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2 thoughts on “Clergy Calling On Ghanaians To Fast And Pray For Peace – I Say ‘We Don’t Need Fasting Nor Prayers’”

  1. fuck u chris,,,we dont need prayers wat do we need?? a stupid idoit like u…trying to ex[lain the juridial system in ghana…??? i think u should keep religion out of your blogs…i use do repect u due to ur achieve with GC,,,,but i think u r d most thick headed person ever..u think u know everything rite???? idiot…may the wrath of God never leave ur tent…
    u should learn to repect matters of the spirits and if ur spirit is dead to sense whats spiritually things…then shut up…u fucking migget….
    im actually suprised at u cos i know ur mum is frm a pentecostal background…stick to ur celebrity gossips and leave spiritual matters outs cos u dont even understand whats going on…fucking dick head/,,,,,,


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