This has shocked many and has torn the hearts of many people apart but that is the law and without it, the world will not function.
Though the law strives to achieve JUSTICE, it only does so in the rim of legality and not morality or anything of such. Has justice been served? The answer will defer depending on where you come from in this case…
After deliberating for 2 days, a six member all female white Florida jury has found George Zimmerman, 29, NOT GUILTY on all counts in the shooting and killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
George Zimmerman is a free man today and we hope America understands it—-He needs not to walk in fear or anything of such sort!
Zimmerman, the self-appointed neighborhood watchman claimed self-defense when he shot the unarmed teen to death in February 2012 in a gated Sanford in Florida.
Though the prosecutor-John Guy made strong legal points like; “The defendant didn’t shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to – he shot him because he wanted to….That’s the bottom line”, Zimmerman walked off today as a FREE man!
Outside the court, supporters of Trayvon reacted with disappointment and anger.Some chanted and held up a large banner saying “End racial oppression”.
This case will deepen the division between blacks and whites in America, and the racial bell will continue to ring!
Yea screamed at work when verdict was read. That fat pig should have serve sometime in jail. Wat a joke these floridians are. I’m moving to Florida so the stupid jurors will let me go when I kill some body there. First Casey Anthony and this? They shouldn’t choose people from Florida to do jury duty cos dey are soooo dumb.
i said it,i said this fat pig was gona walk… sick to my stomach!!! where is the justice system they claim to have,africans in America lets learn cos ours will be more sorrowful. #NoJusticeForTrayvon
Just woke up to see Zimmerman got found Not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin. Congratulations Florida, you bunch of racist tossers . Trayvon Martin’s family are victims of “The Fix”. The courts put on a dog & pony show for you. There is NO justice in America.