Tithing is the practice of paying a regular percentage of one’s income to support God’s work and one’s church. The word “tithe” literally means ten percent, which was the traditional amount required in Old Testament times.
In some modern churches, tithing is over-emphasized. Tithing is neither a commandment nor a requirement. There is no place in the Bible that I can find, where God held off on doing His work because He needed more money.
God is faithful and will put what we give for His work to good purpose, but He doesn’t require it in order to accomplish His goals. If God wants something to happen, then it will happen. He does not have to hold back while waiting for enough money to fund it.
Some fat lies from the pulpit about tithing:
– God will only bless you IF you pay your tithe ( Blessings abound all the time)
– Jesus even paid his tithe … by dying on the cross (which part of the bible states that?)
– The tithe is for the Lord (The tithe belongs to the church to undertake its charitable works/pay its bills)
– Heaven will be shut up against you if you don’t pay tithe (really?)
– Your needs will ONLY be met when you tithe (that will make God a liar if that is the truth, because we are told to ask and seek when we need anything)……and it goes on and on!
Tithing does not affect your salvation or your blessings either way. You are not more saved if you do tithe or less saved if you don’t.
God does not love you more if you tithe and less if you don’t. Some churches and denominations, in fact, teach the opposite. They want people to feel guilty and obligated when it comes to giving so that the church can bring in more money.
The church needs money to survive, but it shouldn’t use tactics that will give congregants sleepless nights if they just don’t have the means to put ‘food in God’s house’ and ‘open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings’ which will elude them (non-payers of tithe)
Yes, in Old Testament times, sacrifice and giving were a required part of salvation; but, that was before Jesus Christ died to serve as the final sacrifice. So what sacrifice do we need to give again since we’ve received our salvation from the death of Christ?
One fascinating thing about most of these churches is, they dwell so much on the New Testaments in their everyday preaching, but only use Malachi in the Old Testament for tithing. No where in the New Testament commands or recommends paying of tithe—not that I know of….
It does however encourage us to support our church, Christian outreach or help people directly; assist people who are in need and showing others that we care, so if the church is a New Testament church, they should focus on that aspect of the bible.
How much should one pay if one wants to tithe/give? To tithe ‘as one purposes in his/her heart’. If you, for whatever reason, can’t tithe a full ten percent and do it cheerfully, then choose a percentage that you can give cheerfully.
There is nothing magical about the ten percent – that’s just the amount mentioned in the Bible as a starting point. If you can cheerfully and willingly give more than that, then do so. If, however, you can only give a smaller percentage willingly and cheerfully, then do that instead.
This is not in any way discouraging people to tithe but don’t accept the lies as the truth. God loves a cheerful giver, it is the heart of the giver he looks not the amount the person is giving.
Righteousness is what matters not ‘paying’ your way to heaven. If you’re an armed robber and you tithe, you’re still a thief, nothing changes that!
This is my take on tithe…What is yours?
nice article…
Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament laws (including tithing) & not to abolish it. Read Matthew 23:23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.”
In this text, Jesus was talking to the Pharisees who used to tithe but were not merciful. Notice that Jesus NEVER adviced them to stop tithing. He rather told them that they should practice both together (ie: be merciful & also tithe). So tithing is Biblical & applicable to Christians today. I personally have experienced much blessing through tithing.
@Ama, God bless you.
@Onua, God bless you too. And please to all, I want to clarify that when I said ‘I have been blesssed through tithing’ I didn’t mean financial blessing! I was referring to the peace that I feel in my heart, knowing that I am obeying the Lord & trusting him to guide me. That is the joy of being a child of God. Christians of today have been deceived by ‘prosperity teachings’ so much that we think that when we give God ‘some money’ he’ll give us a car, visa, husband & mansion in return! This is false. God has promised to supply our NEED (Phillipians 4:19) but he never promised to make us multi-millionaires or buy us private jets. We need to return to the old time preachings of our mothers & fathers which emphasized holiness & not worldly acquisitions. And please, as Jesus said, we’re not only supposed to tithe but to be merciful. So don’t forget to help those around you in need & also orphans & widows. God bless!
@Sandy, lol, I signed as Ama previously so sorry for any confusion by the different names & best wishes to you all!
Soo true, I totally agree with this article…
I wish to Educate to educate the general public abt tithe.
Tithe has nothing to do with ur salvation. A person going to heaven is not dependent on whether he pays tithes or not.
It is rather a means of ensuring that enough money is in the church since the Apostles do not work.
If it has nothing to do with salvation, why do we then gain from it?
God on the other hand will bless ur business.
What ever u do will flourish.
If u ar a shoe maker, u become the best shoemaker.
If you are the CEO of a big corporation, ur company will continue to grow.
If u work for a firm u will be highly favoured and promotion will be ur portion.
But u don’t get these blessing by just paying, u need to pay sincerely and honestly.
Before u say anything pls read
MALAchI 3:8-12.
Bye and God bless u
@Edward, I don’t think the writer is discouraging or against tithe (from the angle with which i’m reading). I think he/she is elaborating the way some churches have made it a habit to if i may use the word ‘con’ people into believing that their salvation and blessing will only come from paying tithe. What i really want to ask GC is to put names on some of these articles. we’re not going to attack anyone.
Thank you soooo much Ama. you’ve said it all. God bless u.
The CHURCH OF CHRIST have been teaching this ever since. Chris is suprisingly very right, yea its a suprise, I neva tot his atheistic ass wud know something like this, lol.
@Edward, I don’t think the writer is discouraging or against tithe (from the angle with which i’m reading). I think he/she is elaborating the way some churches have made it a habit to if i may use the word ‘con’ people into believing that their salvation and blessing will only come from paying tithe. What i really want to ask GC is to put names on some of these articles. we’re not going to attack anyone.
So are you saying there is no need for us to pay tithe. Coz GC is confusing some of us.
tithin is spiritual, if you don’t understand don’t speak against period
Tithing was under and is under the law with a curse for
Christians seeking salvation under the law, Galatians 3:3-13, Malachi
3:1-18. When pastors and priest lie by
quoting Malachi 3:1-18, under the law IN OLD COVENANT , how many Christians
line up to be served with
food when tithes and offering under the law are given? Is the storehouse
pastors’ and priests’ house or the Church
being the body of Christ? Saved Christians by grace IN NEW COVENANT , who are
lead by the Holy Spirit are not under law.
They are ministers of the new testament
born of love with exceeding glory which surpassed the glory that was in law in
Moses . We have been redeemed from the curse of the law to adoptions of sons in
Royal Priesthood
( Pastors ,Priest and Bishops who are servants of God cannot subject sons of
God in Royal Priesthood to tithe taxes-
absolute illegal) and are not under the law, Galatians 5:1, Galatians4:4-5,2
Corinthians 3:1-18 . Salvation under the law one attains it at last breath on
earth having done all that pertains to the law which is hard for one to
accomplish. Even the tithe which was given by Abraham was under the law of sin
and death from the fall of Adam and Eve. Those who lie would like to deceive
Christians that tithe was before the law but before which law. When Christ was
born He was given gifts and not tithes Mathew 2:11-12. Salvation under
spiritual law of love by grace is freely
given and attained with free miracles from God our Father, Ephesians 2:4 -9,
Ephesians 2:13 -20. Under Leviticus priesthood tithes were given for the tribe
of Levi and tithe of tithe to the high Priest for they shared no land apart
from the walled towns
they were allocated to stay in for their continuous sacrifice to God, Numbers
18:20 -29.Widows, strangers ,fatherless and orphans benefited from tithes and
offerings given to
Levites, Deuteronomy 14:22-29. In Christianity widows were asked to be catered
close brethren to ease burden to the
Church. There were also tithes of different kinds in Israel. There was also a
tithe where a
family had to eat all before the Lord, Deutreronomy12:6-7. In Christ Jesus we
are saved by grace to adoptions of sons in Royal Priesthood of Christ and not
by works of law ,Galatians 3:8-13,Acts13: 38-39, Galatians 4: 4-5,
Galatians2:16-21, Galatians 5:18. Sons have direct access to the Father
and free common inheritance not bought
or worked for from the father. For
servants ( Pastors and Priest) are servants of God worthy all respects and due
help . NEW TESTAMENT two priesthood are compared Hebrew7: 7-28, Hebrew8:6 -13,
Hebrew 9:6-9, Hebrew 10:8-23. Leviticus priesthood under the law with tithes,
death, discontinuity and its acceptance under glory of law without the great
commission was done away in Christ and
the holy priesthood of Christ without tithes, death and discontinuity with
exceeding glory under which Christians are in salvation being a Holy nation and
Loyal Priests to preach to the world GOD
being their Father in new covenant ministry. Tithing weakens the Royal
Priesthood of Christians in Christ where Christians are supposed to give
themselves as living sacrifice in the mission vision fields. The Christians
Royal Priesthood in Christ
Jesus is internally weekend from within
,fought and economically drained mostly for indoors ministries under revival of
Leviticus priesthood by
pastors. The Royal Priesthood is internally spiritually emaciated and trodden
upon.2 Corinthians2:1-13, 2Peter 2:5-9. Priesthood involves sacrifices. The
priesthood was changed from the old covenant( Leviticus Priesthood) to the new
covenant (Loyal
Priesthood of labor in Christ without
tithes allocations which is not appreciated) and the law governing it was
changed. Jesus Christ told Peter look after his lambs and later to look after
His sheep ( service) in clear shift from Leviticus priesthood John 21:15-17.
Under Leviticus
priesthood an animal for sacrifice was alive between the alter of sacrifice and
the Levite priest holding the sacrificial knife. Sheep remained alive for a
period of time only when they were delivered many animals for
sacrifice and the alter could not hold
them all for sacrifice .We are dead to sin and alive in Christ who live in us
being a living sacrifice
to God. Levite Pastors and Priest are comfortable with brethren who live like
dead sacrifice. Levite priests were to labor to sacrifice and not tendering the
flocks or do any farming ,Numbers 18:20-32.
They lived in walled towns .Pastors and Priests who revive the Leviticus
priesthood removed by
Christ and merge it to the Loyal priesthood of Christ do so for personal gains
in mass cheating for self tithes allocations. Leviticus priesthood under law
remained hostile to the Ministry of Christ and His disciples who suffered in
their hands even after Christ’s death. Levite priests beat and wanted to kill
all disciples of Christ whom they told not to preach in His name. Acts 5:17-42.
Let well educated brethren teach the Word of God the same way as learned Doctor
Luke and Br. Paul did for spiritual
growth of the body of Christ. Let well educated Christians stand for justice
like Dr . Gamaliel who was a doctor of law who in his response rescued the
apostles from eminent death in the hands of Levite priests Acts;5:17-42.,. What
pastors are not telling the Church (the bride/sons/ ambassadors /advocate of
the word/children) is the reason Christ
had in choosing the twelve disciples ( under new covenant in Grace ) and
opted not to use the Levite Priests ( in
old covenant under law) that were well established and placed had they to be
chosen preach to the world. LET PASTORS
doctrinal falsehood on tithes smartly
engineered and flamboyantly taught by them worldwide cannot be justified
or be cleansed by their religious social
status. Christians should not be for entertainments but for truth preached and
taught which is not in contest in numerical strength for acceptance. It quite
clear from the Bible that there is no perfection and justification under works
of the law. Galatians 2:16- 21,
Galatians 3:8-13,Galatians 4;4-5,Galatians 5:1,18. Hebrew 10;8-9. For
God has no pleasure for sacrifice and
offerings and burnt offerings and offering for sins and for which is offered
under law. WHY WOULD
Selective preaching and teaching on tithes falsehood cover up still remain. In
law men in old
covenant remained the instructors and
enforcers of the law. In new covenant the Holy Spirit remains our wonderful
teacher and counselor in grace. For sure those who are in bondage of the law
have men appreciation at hand but those lead by the Holy Spirit in Liberty
within the yoke of Christ in grace
have the acceptance of God. Christians should not be held spiritually
hostage by falsehoods taught in concealed falsehood out of labor. When Christ
taught give to Caesar what belonged to Caesar and what belong to God to God,
Caesar was a Roman Colonial power authority over Israel, Mark 12:17. Without
the Roman colonial power authority over Israel, the eleven tribes were giving
tithes as a tax and offerings to the Levites who had spiritual authority and
government power. The twelve tribes worshipped God together in temples in two
groups of Sadducees and Pharisees in Judaism faith.
They are
amazed we stand in Christ without seeking their favor or consultation in tithes
Bishops ,Pastors, Priests and Church
Elders handle the Church of Christ within Christians doctrines established by
Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles
in the mission field vision. CHRISTIANS
from those
held dearly in trust by many Christian. The situation becomes more murky and
tricky when church elders are accomplished in the classic falsehood which puts
the church into mental slavery. The
Royal Priesthood in grace is quite different from Leviticus Priesthood under
the law. Leviticus Priesthood in the old
covenant belonged to the Levite tribe among the eleven tribes in Israel but the
Royal Priesthood in the new covenant
under oppression and suppression belongs to all brethren in the world in Christ
Jesus ( the Church / the body of Christ) who are ministers of the new covenant
commissioned to preach to the world. The Royal Priesthood is well placed to
the world more effectively at close quarters in Christ love and glory
expected. It is quite unfortunate that Christians unknowingly are victims of
systematic unmarked high professional intellectual
falsehood commercialization cover up in
tithes teaching by learned Christians brethren which is a disservice to the
(church) body of Christ. But Christians have been warned not to be fools since
for some preaching and teaching
falsehood is a smart act energetically
engaged and Christians are openly conned .Ephesians 5:15-16. Tithing under law
impoverishes the Royal Priesthood of
Christ physically and spiritually which make the Great commission less
effective. When all saved Christians are in Royal Priesthood, to whom
do you tithe to in the in new covenant? The Royal Priesthood needs to take its
place in Christian missions empowered in New Covenant for Christians to
work in glory of Christ love
intended for the body of Christ.
It quite clear from the Bible that there is no perfection and justification
under works of the law. Galatians 2:16-
21, Galatians 3:8-13,Galatians 4;4-5, Galatians 5:1,18. Hebrew 10;8-9.Men have
entailed vouched perfection for Christians through their hands in tithes. This
would be a clear spiritual blindness for many Christians.
Our relationship to God our Father is
in love in our loyal priesthood to the
world. Roman 8:14-17. Only those who are
not sincere mix teaching under carnal law and spiritual
teaching enlightenment under spiritual law. When we study the old covenant it
should help us get rooted deeply in the new covenant. The devil uses the
nobles, evil and false witness to do his will according to circumstances, Acts
13;50-51 Acts 6: 9-14. Christians must remain wise and not be cheated by devils
workers transforming themselves as angles of light which corrupt the Word of
God, 2Corinthians2:17, 2Corinthians11: 13-15. Levites Pastor, Priests and some
Christians misquote Jesus Christ on
judgment. Judge not that you may be not
judged . Matthew7:1-5. They say God prohibit judgment which is not true since
it is based on taking the scripture out of content and contest on
understanding Jesus statement. It has
given them a highway of teaching lies without being questioned. They have
separated themselves from the body of Christ to ideal entity who cannot be
censured. Shall you close your eyes to evils committed that they may not judge
you. Do you buy yourself freedom from being judged for not condemning evil or
commenting on anything positive or negative. The preaching of the Word of God
is based on judgment on sins and righteousness . God requires from us righteous judgment in wisdom and in love
which condemn sins which leads man to repentant of sins and redemption.
The Word of God in its content and
contest states judgment on sins and righteousness. All living beings and
organic life are in constant judgment
for existent. If we can stop all processes of judgments life will come to a
standstill and ultimate death with final
judgment of decay. Life and all creation were
established in good judgment by God and close of age shall end in
judgment to eternal life or eternal death which is eternal life of suffering
and separation from God. Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-25. Even our bodies judge
us out of energy and we hunger for food and thirst for water. All witty
discoveries are results of acknowledgment of positive judgments on active well
coordinated principals. Christians are encouraged to solve cases in judgment
among themselves. 1Corinthians 6:1-7,The Bible encourage us that our love may
abound yet more in knowledge and in all Judgment and we
judge ourselves dead in Christ, 2 Corinthians5:14 ,Philippians 1:9-12. Life is
in active constant judgments and the creation mourns for final judgment which
it shall be subjected by God. We relate
in evaluation to all things in judgment.
What we known and do not know is based on judgment. What we believe right or
wrong is based on judgment. Irrespective of any judgment delivered on us we
should delivers the Heavenly Kingdom judgment to sins . We saved Christians are
counted and judged worthy to suffer tribulations together with Christ when we
live Christian life in love ,Revelation Chapter1,2 and3. We thus judge
ourselves dead in Christ.
There are may be
those who preach tithing to saved Christians for lack of spiritual
understanding. We should girdle up the loins of our minds as the knowledgeable
wise sharers of the Word of God . 1Peter
:13-15.Roman 10:1-4. We shall be off the hook of being soothed ,cornered, and
been cheated on doctrinal issue in Christianity. God bless us in abundant grace
of spiritual revelation and spiritual
understanding of His Holy Word, Colssians1:9-14, Ephesians 5:6
-7,1Thessalonians 2:3-6, 2Timothy2:15, 2Timothy 2:24-26 . Amen .I am happy and
blessed to interact with you on spiritual teachings. Hope we shall search more
scriptures for our spiritual growth . Yearning
to receive your input on the topic
.God bless you.
The message is
freely given purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.
By Br. Robert Munyui Kamunyu