From PricelessMom.Com
If your partner is grumbling, distant and uncommunicative, it’s not necessarily your cue to jump up and start catering to his needs. Fluffing his pillow or spending hours in the kitchen fixing his/her favourite meal, this might not cure his woes. It will only exhaust you. Yes!!! He/she is everything to you.
If you continue doing this, your partner will likely see you as a working partner instead of a love partner. People who are too much in love often feel overly responsible for their partner’s wounds and moods, thinking that they in some way caused them. In their eyes, they must have done something wrong to cause them to slip into silence. This therefore burdens them to bring this partner back into a good mood.
Looking Up to Your Partner and Looking Down on Yourself
Many people in love put their partners first especially women because of a collective legacy of feminine degradation. After all, the sun shines brightest and the moon only glows because of the sun. This conditioned belief is difficult to shake even for the most liberated and accomplished woman, this is a reality which only few women have been able to shake it to off.
If you are the type who put your partner on a high mountain, thinking he/she is more intelligent, capable and ultimately more important, all that admiration will make you look pathetic. Your adoration will likely only fuel an already too big ego and does little to elevate your self-worth.
Abandoning Your Friends and families to Spend Every Waking Minute with Him/Her,
The worst thing a person can do is to deny themselves time with their friends and family, thinking their partner will miss them, can’t fend for themselves or that their partner will meet with disapproval if they spend time away from them.
If you are the type to only contact friends and family only when your mate isn’t home or hang up the phone abruptly when they come through the door, you are killing your self esteem. A person’s friendships outside of her relationship feed and reward her. And in times when things aren’t running smoothly in the relationship, good friends and family offer support and advice.
Your Goals Don’t Matter As Much as His/Hers
Abandoning your goals whether a career choice, an educational opportunity or a spiritual journey because you believe your partner’s goals will serve you more in the end, will derail your hopes for personal fulfilment. Killing your goals to encourage your partner’s goals is because you believe he/she deserves success more than you or because deep inside you don’t believe in yourself. If you put your personal goals on the backburner too long, your dreams will simmer away.