Yesterday, as part of mother’s day celebration, several Ghanaian celebrities shared photos of their mothers with fans. They accompanied the photos with touching messages…
Nadia Buari, Michael Essien, Juliet Ibrahim, Eazzy, Yvonne Nelson, Mzbel and others shared never seen photos of their lovely mothers (Click Here To See The Photos).
Today, we bring you new set of photos-Becca & mother, Deborah Venssa & mother and Ama K. Abebrese & mother…
wow , they all look great. becca’s mum looks really young
Eerrrmm is deborah a celebrity??? Wot does she do again??? Only in gh lol
@mandy,looooool goes everywhere like insects.
So adorable.Becca’s mum is a thing of beauty and Ama ks too.not forgetting Debbie’s mum.
Sister Derbie luk older dan her mum, Becca’s mum is very prety
@mandy say it again……… dat girl is sumfin. she is self put put to much.
That’s nice
But come on I don’t wait till Mother’s Day before I show my mum a love ,I love her always