Are you a woman, a mother or would be mother? A new blog being run by a mother of two-Mrs. Priscilla Asante, who has special interest in pregnancy, parenthood, babies and all other related subjects has been launched to help and bring mothers around the world together…
PricelessMom.Com is an extensive resource platform, full of helping articles and expert advice on issues women, mothers and would be mothers face in life.
Despite her first hand experience as a mother of two, Mrs. Priscilla Asante has added to her team of writers for PricelessMom.Com a real doctor called Dr. Cathy Gyamfuah Asante.
Dr Cathy who has comprehensive knowledge and experience in pregnancy related issues, babies’ well being and also very passionate about parenting will take questions from the blog/community’s members and give free expert advice to women, mothers and would be mothers.
This is a platform created by a woman, run by women and for all women…
Check out PricelessMom.Com Now!