Surely the club will not say they do not want him around because of the recent domestic violence issue but we are sure it played a part. We don’t think the club really released him months ago as they are whitening the issue…
He deserves it though! You do not go about beating the hell out of your wife or any woman and expect any serious club to associate itself with you.
This is good news because it is time these celebrities pay for their actions and begin to reason like human beings…
Black Stars defender John Paintsil has been told by his Israeli club side Hapoel Tel Aviv to look for a new club.
The club took the decision to release Paintsil even before he was named in the Black Stars squad for this year’s Nations Cup in South Africa.
The former Fulham player made the headlines for all the wrong reasons both in the local and international media last month following his arrest by the police for allegedly assaulting his wife and a neighbour.
Spokesperson for Hapoel Tel Aviv Rotem Grossman explained that the club’s decision to release Paintsil has nothing to do with his recent assault case.
”Talk about sacking him, John is not going to play for Hapoel Tel Aviv and that was the coach’s decision like two months ago even before the incident,” Grossman told JOY Sports in an exclusive interview
“We made him an offer to find a new club in January but he didn’t want to leave.
“So when he returns I think it will be better to reach an agreement so he can think about his future as a football player and not just train with the team without playing.”
Hapoel Tel Aviv are also considering to take disciplinary actions against John Paintsil following his failure to return on time for further discussions on his future at the club after the Nations Cup.
“He has to give us explanation for his failure to return on time,” Grossman added.
“He should have reported on the 25th February after he got an extension for few days due to his hamstring injury.
“We will question him about all the incidents when he returns and we will find a solution that will benefit the club and the player.
“I don’t think is good for him just to be here and not think about next season , it will be if he starts thinking about next season and find a new team.”
did i read good news?? u r happy someone lost his job because of a domestic incident he had wif his wife?? lyk u father never touched ur mother in an abusive way or use abusive language on her? how dare u judge a man…when u knw absolutely nothing about him? u jubilate over someone’s loss of his job like u av never wronged another human being? is dis what today’s journalism or whatever this is is about?? u could have gone ahead to write this article without captioning it as “Good News”. pray…my dear…pray to ur God, if u av one…dat nothing ll ever push u to do anythn wrong lyk John did…he made a terrible mistake n he has paid fr it enough…but who are u or who think u are to jubilate over his loss of his source of income. God is us watching all.
@Persia, easy girl as much as I don’t like it this is GC,
@Dr. Miyagi, hmm my brother…r they being fair to d guy? what at all has he done that no one has done before? the guy even tried to commit suicide…people be judging him lyk dis thing is new to our society…i dnt support what he did but we shd knw wen to stop talking.
@Persia, yeah it’s very wrong we all loose our mind sometimes but to crucify him like this is very wrong
@Persia, well spoken. @ Chris u shouldn’t have used Goodnews. That’s bad. We are human and we all make mistakes but we don’t have to rejoice over someones downfall…remmeber even the bible hates that. Pray for forgiveness. It will give u food to eat but not salvation…think twice chris
@Persia, This is indeed excellent news I’m damn glad he lost his job!!! If he was in this country he would be in jail. So what he lost his job its just a damn shame the woman went back to him because we all know this is not the first or the last time he has hit her. I despise men who beat women. He will probably never play football again and that is EXACTLY what he deserves!!! Thank God for Justice he committed a crime and deserves to be punished. The next time I wonder how you will defend him. Nonsense KMT!!!
@GoldenGurl, u can’t read abi???? read through my comments again…carefully dis tym…dnt let ur shallow n judgemental mind stop u frm gettn my point…Moron.
@Persia, Oh F off you imbecile . How am I a moron when you are advocting a man beating women PRAY IT DONT HAPPEN TO YOU OR ANY FEMALE KNOW IDOT CANT STAND IDIOTS TALKING TRASH
@Persia, I genuinely don’t care if ppl agree with me that domestic violence should not be tolerated for one second even if the woman tolerates it. I do not plain and simple if that man is signed up by another team it will be a crime…he should be in jail.
@Persia, I mean I never read such trash in my life….’
lyk u father never touched ur mother in an abusive way or use abusive language on her’ I mean are you insane for writing that i dont know if you are a man or woman but by this statement you must be a very foolish man who has probably beat women and if you’re a woman hang you head in shame it shocked to read you’e comments ppl like you would have women degraded daily given the chance UTTER MADDNESS!!!!!
@GoldenGurl, hilarious my opinion don’t change coz you figured a way to vote me negetive numerous times lol even -9 is not enough
still don’t change my opinion though 😀
@Persia, It is sad when somebody loses a job and I’m not happy that Paintsil is losing his. But the fact that your father beats your mother doesn’t mean that it should be condoned. People must be held responsible and be punished accordingly to stem this uncouth behaviours which not surprising our society condones. My father beats my mom and so my husband can also beat me and go away free ee! Please let allow Ghana to develop.
@Dr. Miyagi, Persia is right why do u rejoice over someones trouble.Now that he has been sacked how is he going to provide for the wife that GC is firmly behind and the children too??As much as this blog is for Chris he also has the duty to be neutral and let opinions speak for themselves.
@Frog, I understand where you. Both are coming from and want argue on that I mean the adding was no need at all, but j don’t think it’s chris who wrote this his way of writing is different who ever wrote this should be very careful
@Dr. Miyagi, then that person shd come out and apologise cos this is bad for business.Come to think of it u may be right am sure it is a woman who will write this.Yeah it is a woman
@frog, I’m sure it is even though chris criticise people sometimes I don’t think this is his style he normally puts his name next to it
@Dr. Miyagi, is him,he is the only one who hate people with success,
Remember kind of hates he have for some actresses.
i dont think its good news that he is lost his job
but the comments here sadden me, thats why women will always be oppressed in Africa
we have come to accept and be comfortable with the idea that its okay, there’s nothing wrong with it,
its normal
theres EVERYTHING wrong with abusing your spouse (both male &female) the earlier we change this attitude the better
also people need to note that, there is zero tolerance for this abroad. Celebrities have lost contracts, jobs and livelihoods because of such silly mistakes. so this is no surprise
@gaga, My dear thanks.
@gaga, we no dat …but all these jubilation just cus som one has just lost his job……… can Chris be so cruel to dis man……….wtat has dis man done dat no one on dis earth has ever done dat b4 ………we hav to hav sympathy for fellow human beings…….today is John but tomorrow it could be u
I think it’s disgusting that he beat his wife. I’m one of the people that believe he should have faced the full rigors of the law for that act because domestic violence is never excusable. However, I also think it’s totally unacceptable that the writer of this article thinks it’s ‘good news’ for another person to lose his job. You don’t kick a dog when it’s down. It’s in very bad taste to gloat when anyone encounters a challenge, including loss of a job. Please, for the sake of decency, change the title as you can see that all the other commentators on this page beside myself are also complaining. Thanks
I think you guys need to look at the beginning of the article to find out who wrote it.If Chris wrote this ull see his full name..It says GC staff..which means its one of their female bloggers.
@jojo, are you a parrot or what didn’t you see that we mention that already
@miyagi be smarter than a serpent if you wanna catch a serpent …
Chris or whatever that local journalist is the person who wrote this rubbish …
He has been mounting hates on many actresses who are on higher C.L.A.S.S than everything which is associate about him
How can you rejoice over a person for losing his job….
John was wrong for touching his wife i wonder why he did that to the woman.
Women are very important in a man’s life.
Women are our success and we shouldn’t touch them in a bad way but romantically
@27cдгibre(Ф_ф), the thing is he wrote this mean article ,he know that if he put his name there ,am gonna bash him as usual.
He can fool some people but not everybody..
You can delete my comments ii dont care dude.
@27cдгibre(Ф_ф), looool it’s getting hot in here
@Dr. Miyagi, seriously lol..
This by force journalist delete my comments any time he cos i mostly dont agree with his point of views..
He can even delete this one too or banned me i dont care…by force journalist