Have you ever sat down to evaluate the manner you treat your man or woman? Having a partner has become customary and many of us have one because we just have to-nothing special or worthy of envy…
Though the saying ‘do unto others as you would like them to unto you’ predates even the Bible, it has NO standing in our current setting of life. Greedy, lies, theft, unfaithfulness, betrayal and pretense have taken over the beauty and sacredness of our relationship with our partners.
Can you boldly say AMEN to this Prayer: “May your Daughters & Sisters be treated the way you treat other Ladies” and if you are a woman “May your Sons and Brothers be treated the way you treat other men”?
Life is a big circle on a constant spin. Whatever you do unto others, it would eventually catch up on you.
In light of the above, we ask; how is your relationship with your partner like? Can you do better?
AMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmen and Ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmen. My cousin was beaten, slapped in the face. Some few weeks she found out she has taken seed, She told her bf about it: BF told her to abort it . Some men are wicked.. very very wicked so ladies watch out…
A big Amen to that.I can always say that without any difficulty. ,
i can only say A…. but cant add the men. lol
Ammmmmmmen to dat……………….I luv u mr RIGHT