I guess Tupac is going straight to heaven and Bishop Duncan Williams agree with that. If not, why is he not making sure his son-Dee Wills is in the church singing the praises but rather, throwing out the heavy rap punch lines…
On a serious note, this shows how liberal and understating Bishop Duncan Williams is…He surely must have a high tolerance level. Maybe he even listens to 50 cent and Ja rule…It is definitely the heart that matters, not what we decide to do…RIGHT?
Check out ‘Dee Wills’ son of Duncan Williams below
Now we see where the poor offering church givers give goes.
Am sure his dad will open a Rap university for him to teach Rap as side the Church.
@kwame, loooool
@kwame, pls who told you that he uses your poor offering to support his Children, Pls be careful about how you speak about people in this world Kwame…..
God bless ur soul
i dont why his dad is being pulled into this equation……if the boy chooses to be a fool that’s his problem…when judgement day comes is his father going to b penalised by this dude’s stupidity?????// i highly doubt it
@QPa12, great comment.
@Kassim-sweet Banana,oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh thanks….
@QPa12, well spoken
@QPa12, thank you!
@QPa12, My Words Exactly..Its like U were thinking What I was thinking.. Just because hes a pastor’s son does not mean he shd not be himself. But the things is, its not for us to Judge..Only God can Judge. So people shd leave his dad out of it!!
Just because hes a pastor’s son does not mean he shd not be himself. But the things is, its not for us to Judge..Only God can Judge. So people shd leave his dad out of it!!
i don’t understand why some people expect pastor’s children to be like angels. For God’s sake they are just normal humanbeings like us regardless of who their parents are. His father is the bishop not him. So if a 16year old guy has a passion for rap and decides to go into it what is so bad about that? At least he hasn’t done anything bad so allow him to be himself. It seems like ghanacelebrities is running out of stories these days.
Seriously? Why are you blaming his father? we all come into this world with our own agenda
Some kids would end up troublesome no matter how well you raise them and some will end up very well behaved even though they are from broken homes
So whats the problem
And besides Duncan Williams has said he was a troublesome youth back in the day, so maybe its in their genes, he will grow out of it
@KA NE WU, sorry im not saying if my comment came off offensive on his his side….i have no intention of offending anyone, just using the hell idea as an example (seeing as his dad is/was a pastor) it was the only one to hit me at the time…… on the “foolishness” and “stupidity” side….it was to illustrate that no matter how dumb his actions are (im not saying rapping is not dumb cuz i’ve heard some and they are amazing and his rap in burner was surprisingly good) his father cannot be blamed for any of that…….
Sorry my comment is not related to the story, pls who watched the last edition of ”fans diaries” on joysport featuring the ghana-burkina faso game? Pls do u the song used in the background? Is it a ghanian song? I want to know the singer and the title to see if I can download it. Can’t get the song off my mind, so so love it
u guys shld knw better dat pastors children does wot they like……i knw a lot of pastors children who dnt seem like…..so u guys shldnt judge or blame the dad……dee wills will change with time waii….its normal
EACH one for himself, God for us all. the fact that his dad preaches the gospel dont exempt his kids for doing what they want to do as adults. as a matter of fact we all know that most pastors kids do what ever they want anyways. his dad should not be drawn into this at all. everyone wishes their kids the best but not all of them turn out the way we want them to. its up to God to judge.
if you listen to his dad’s growing up stories he wasnt perfect either but he changed.
aint gonna lie. his song is way better than most ghanaian artist. sounds good
kwame,childrens are gift from God and all u got to to do as a parent is teach dem de ryt way to live their lives,but at de end u arent de one who decides their destiny…u can take a donkey to de river side bt u cant force it to drink frm it…plsss lets be honest here..it is only God who can change a life and not the parent or the pastor so leave him alone
U know, i always thought men of God’s Children should go their fathers way, but it wrong. Some of these pastors weren’t born with Bible in their hands. Most of them have been there, done and lived that life till they repented…so i believe his time will come.
I feel sorry for him. I’m a pastor’s daughter & I know that it’s very hard to be a pastor’s child. You see the ugly side of church life- the hypocrisy, your parent’s weaknesses, the greed of some elders plus the sycophancy of church members. This can put you off church for life. And this is coupled with the unrealistic expectations people have of you. This boy was really little when the issue between his mum & dad (the bitter divorce) happened & it must not have been easy going through all that since the matter became very public with comments here & there. I think people should rather be praying with him. Thank you.
@Afia, I know. the pressure sometimes is too much. I dont know why people always have such wrong expectations-portraying us as holy, perfect etc. its annoying
Hypocrisy,and level of ignorance of Ghana GC
@27cдгibre(Ф_ф), hypocrisy and level of ignorance,of GC staff is very high ,
@27cдгibre(Ф_ф),Thank you.I expected this type of articles to be found in museums because it would have been the mentality of the 18th century not in todays world.
He is only human and the fact that his dad is a pastor doesnt mean he cant rap.Leave the poor boy alone GC.Who are we to judge someone?And whoever wrote this article, remember the the remaining 4 fingers of yours are point right at you.Just make sure they are clean.
GC r imbeciles Paa..have u forgotten about Eli in the bible n his troublesome sons?I guess u don’t even no what I’m talking about..probably Bishop has tried his best to raise his son in a christian manner but home boy might have deviated n doing his own thing.. This is not an issue to b bombarding this man of God.. Making big issues out of nothing.. Craaaap
Oh how quick we judge! The fact that a person raps means they are going to hell? It is not what is on the outside, it is what is in the heart like the writer rightly pointed out! God looks into the heart. True certain actions may not point to God and Christ but look at Paul in the bible,when he was Saul , he was a horrible person but yet still God used him, same way God used a Prostitute to help the Israelites who ended up in Jesus’s lineage by the way! Only God can judge a person! The person who is perfect should cast the first stone…Kirk Franklin and His God’s property folks,Tbone,TobyMac all use rap to worship the Lord and sing of their love about God and Christ and what he has done for them in Life…Jesus came for the broken not the perfect;leave the Judging to God and let’s be careful of what we say about God’s annointed!
that’s the life he has chosen to live and his father has no control over that…cuz it looks like he’s old enough to make his own decision!!!! the best the dad can do is to advice him and then keep him in his prays. im pretty sure the dad is not proud of his son.