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Actress Yvonne Nelson Says…She Has The Hottest Legs In Ghana’s Entertainment Industry & She Even Wants To Insure Them…

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Yvonne Nelson has been hearing all what people have been saying about her hot legs and she is surely loving it…

Though some of us think they are not that much of hotties, she thinks she definitely has the hottest pair of legs in Ghanaian Showbiz and that she actually wants an insurance company to insure them…LOL

Compliments like ‘Yvonne has hot legs’ must have eroded deep into her head as this is not the first time she has resulted to the self-praise.

Yvonne Nelson often makes such flattery statements about her hot legs on social media platforms-twitter and instagram but talking about it in an interview with Glitz Africa Magazine shows that, she is dead serious…

Yvonne is reported to have told the magazine;

“I have the hottest legs in the industry right now. I don’t know, maybe I have to get my legs insured”

Do you think Yvonne Nelson has the hottest legs in Ghana Showbiz as she claims?

This post was published on February 11, 2013 6:02 PM

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