I find it shocking that homosexuality has become a topical issue in Ghana for about 4 years now with high ranking government officials such as the president even speaking about it…
How many Ghanaians have homosexuality killed? How many Ghanaians have malaria killed…thousands! Yet, it seems we are trapped in this absurd homosexual debate, given it more attention that the things causing us the most of our problems.
Why are people so much worked out and concern about what two adults decide to do in the comfort of their bed room? How does this affect any of us who are not part of their act?
To me, if two adults decide to nail whatever spot they want, that is their goddam business…What about you?
Can Ghanaians leave these people alone?
Anyway, read below for what the president of Ghana, H.E John Dramini Mahama just said on the issue of homosexuality in Ghana…
President John Dramani Mahama has officially stated his position on homosexuality saying the act is criminal and punishable under the laws of the country.
The President has also distanced himself from international gay activist, Andrew Solomon, the founder of the Solomon Research Fellowship for the rights of lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender.
Information Minister Mahama Ayariga who spoke on behalf of the president described “the attempt to impute or infer or to try to create an impression that Andrew Solomon is carrying his activism as a gay right activists to Ghana” as “totally unfounded“.
“The President is to execute the laws of Ghana. And the laws of Ghana are very clear on homosexuality The laws of Ghana appall and criminalise homosexuality, there is no dispute about that. Homosexual conduct which is unnatural carnal knowledge of one person or another is criminal and punishable by the laws of Ghana,” he told the media today.
He was setting the records straight at a news conference in Accra on alleged reports that President Mahama has any form of relationship with renowned gay rights activist, Andrew Solomon.
According to him, the meeting between the President and Andrew Solomon was purely coincidental.
The gay activist is alleged to have raised funds for the president’s 2012 campaign after paying 20,000 dollars for a copy of the president’s book launched in in New York last year, according to Youth Counsellor Amos Kevin-Annan.
But the Information Minister flatly denied any such links and explained that “it was pure accident that Mr. Andrew Solomon was a moderator at the book launch of His Excellency the president in New York. As you would know, the president chose to launch his book in the US and it was launched at four different places in the US,” Mr. Ayariga explained, adding that at every location a renowned writer is asked to moderate the launch.
He further disclosed that organisers of the book launch in New York “settled on Andrew Solomon purely, purely because of his acclaim in writing, journalism and authorship. He’s written several books. He’s reported for several media houses in the US. He’s received several awards in connection with his profession.”
LOL it’s true though,a long way. This is tough
A note I wrote when president Obama publicly supported same sex marriage. the bible says that we must not be luck-worm Christians. I believe the president of ghana is well justified with his believes but punishable by law that is a bit hush…..Chris Maybe you should contribute here and there what do you say……lol….
I am a bit saddened by the remarks of our current president. I am disappointed because as Christians, we tend to be liberal and try so hard not to offend, hurt people’s feelings by actually hurting and disobeying God and his commandments. Many of you will look at the president’s support of same sex marriage from the surface level but when you think about it, there is more to it, simply put, “THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END.” The book of Romans 1:27-28 talks about men and women exchanging natural relation with abnormal and unnatural relation. Verse 27(b) states “men committing shameful acts with men and suffering in their own bodies and personalities the inevitable consequences and penalty of their wrong-doing and going astray which was fitting retribution.” This verse simply means that they are being punished for their errors (mistakes). How can we (Christians) rejoice and support this declaration when it goes against our believes? I am not a homophobic, no not at all, but I strongly believe that Christianity today has become fashion that majority partake in. Do not read this thinking that I am perfect no I am imperfect as it comes but there comes a time when we have to stand for our believes and for the man that sacrificed His only son so that you and I may have life and the free will to choose from right and wrong. See one thing that I agree with the Republican Party is that fact that they are very consistent when it comes to their believes. I do not agree with them on a lot of things. For example, when it comes to the topic of abortion, I believe it is the woman’s right to choose. Am I pro-life? Yes! but that is why Jesus came to die on the cross of Calvary to grant us (Christians, gentiles) the free will to choose. As Christians, all we can do is to pray for those who are facing such predicament because at the end of the day, no government official will be judged because a woman chose to end a life. The woman will face judgment solely. Back to the issue of same-sex marriage; when you read the book of Genesis 19, it talks about the story of Lot and the destruction of Sod’om. This city was destroyed because of the sins of the people. When God’s angels came to visit Lot, the men in the city came seeking to sleep with the angels verse 5 says “they shouted to Lot, “Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!” why did God destroy the city? God destroyed the city because of the abdominal acts that were occurring in the city. Now why will God destroy the people if men (women) sleeping with men (women) if this act was good in the sight of God. The bible says that our bodies are temple of the living God, so why are we defiling God’s temple. Christian, we are at war with the enemy it is time for us to stand and take our positions in the battlefield. The same Romans 1:16 states that “ for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is God’s power working unto salvation to everyone who believes with personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Do I agree with the commander in chief? No Mr. President. I am sorry to say that I do not agree with you.
@Nobody, I agree with you, homosexuality is a sin. But so is adultery, fornication, masturbation, lust & even kissing/ fondling someone who’s not your wife. If they are to say today that all those who commit these sins should be jailed, I promise you that several people including President Mahama and even myself (because I have a boyfriend) will go to jail. So let’s not be hypocrites. Homosexuality is a sin but I don’t think it should be a crime & I think there are more important things for our President & other leaders to focus on
I don’t promote being gay but for goodness sakes I can’t believe these leaders are spending so much time over this issue. What does Prez. Mahama, the pastors etc, have to say about the thousands of Ghanaian children selling dog chains and sleeping on the streets? Our mothers are sleeping on the floor in our hospitals when they go to give birth what are they saying about this? Why do these people never come out passionately to talk about putting meals on the tables of poor Ghanaians? All they care about is their monies and salaries etc. And its sheer hypocrisy that several of these men who are criticizing homosexuality have girlfriends and have given birth to kids outside marriage. For your information, the Bible abhors adultery and says adulterers should be stoned! remove the plank from your eye before you talk about the speck of dust in others’ eyes
Mr. Chris (the site owner) please this is urelated to this topic but could you or any GC staff do a story or follow up about the Ghanaian female king of Ekumfi Otuam? Her story is all ablaze on CNN and I heard Will Smith is directing a movie based on her life to come out next year but I don’t know how true that is.
I don’t understand why ghanaians are worrying their heads about this triviality??if two full grown adults decide to have anal sex whilst there these abundance of women in Ghana,it is own their cup of tea to drink!they just shld not do it in a public glare!as long as its in their closet I dnt really care!
Hmmmm eeii ghana fuo….smh…if he had supported this gay act, ppl wouldve chastise him for it….ppl wouldve called him all sort of name and even insult the party in the process…for me, i can noe sleep well because homosexuality is not a supported act from ghana since generations and many more to come
@lilyy,Good 1