Where on earth does this huge disparity and ‘discriminatory’ treatment given to artistes and talents exist? Oh it does exist in Ghana…
I perfectly understand how big the group-P-Square is when it comes to African music. Same way, BET Award winner–Sarkodie and the Tema based group-R2Bees are not also guinea pigs when it comes to African music and talent.
How can one justify paying P-Square $200,000 to perform in Ghana alongside Sarkodie and R2Bees when the latter persons are being paid ONLY 10,000 Ghana cedis (5,000 dollars).
According to Eugene Osafo Nkansah of PeaceFm, “BET Awards winner Sarkodie and Dynamic duo R2Bees who have been billed to Perform alongside Pan Africa group P-Square; for the Malta Guinness sponsored “Top of the World Celebration” Concert have threatened to pull out of the show if organizers do not pay them $20, 000 and $10, 000 respectively”.
Really? Is that how much these musicians think they are worth if P-Square is cashing in 200,000 dollars? Personally, I think they should multiple their request by 4…
It is being reported that, the organizers of the event-Charter House “are not ready to pay the Ghanaian artistes that much so they may order all media houses to hold on with all commercials of the event which has names of the two artistes whiles they look for other artistes to replace them, if they are not able to come to an agreement with the two artistes by end of today”.
As much as we all love Charter House and appreciate their efforts when it comes to bringing us good entertainment, I think Sarkodie and R2Bees should not even threaten, they should just pull out or else, Charter House and other event organizers will continue to undermine their worth and talent.
The guinea pigs treatment we give our local artistes (including the big ones like Sarkodie and R2Bees) must stop.
That’s bullshit the only money they should except is 200000 for R2bees and Sakordie nothing less. Who the fuck they think P.Square is, my guys are more talented. Just because they coming from another country doesn’t mean they should get more money I bet they don’t even pay Sakordie that money when he goes to perform in Nigeria. No wonder most of our stars are broke. HISS TEETH
@Endowed, hello guys pls don’t be naïve about the whole thing yes P square are africans not americans but u have to understand there level your boys are way too far behind can’t even make the to 40 in 9ja (talking about R2Bees) there only song i know of is the one wit wande cole. P square is a universal name they tour the world. Accept it and your country will grow just like we have helped in ur movie industry. We do not see u as opponents man. And we are not in a race we are one
Why would they pay P-Square such huge money whereas they would pay Sarkodie en R2bees much more less? Let them just pull out of it cos it’s obvious that the organisers don’t appreciate their talent! Better pull out oooo!
this is an insult, yes p square is probably one of the biggest names if not the biggest on the global music scene to come from africa, but this is just demeaning, the disparity is just too huge
this is bullshit i will pull out too if it were me
i don’t like all’em tema rappers but this one di3….s3 3y3 me aa anka menso m3y3 saa……I’ll pull out as well….What nonsense
I love psquare, luv home boys sarkodie and R2bees but will always choose psquare,although I must confess 5,000 is too small.but will go to watch p2 wit or witout R2bees
@Ella, Thank you for that…
this is terrible, am nigerian but can’t believe this. The difference is too much. Sarkodie especially deserves much more for his exploits of recent. Inyanya ( one hit musician and not still a star to me) got more than that amount for playing in a port harcourt night club last year. Terrible. But why did they even agree to such amount at first or were they forced or something
Serious Insult. dats a pure exaggeration. How can they reduce them to this. My God this PS sqaure guys are being overated. I think Sarkodie and R2bees shld withraw. Cos they all deserve same amount. pure rubbish.
Tha authorities / organizations in Gh r all fools to disrespect our talent jus b’cos dey’r 4rm dffrnt country or wat?Ghan shud grow in mind nd stop bin hypocrite 2 ousefs idiots charter house or wateva dey call demsefs…..Sarko nd R2bess shud pull out str8….. f **k charter house nd all members surrundin dat st*pid organiztn go 2 hell ghanaian haters
Nonsense ( in my Agya Koo’s voice)!! They should definitely pull out of this gig!! It’s demeaning to them as artists.
aaaah, honestly this is insulting to the Ghanaian musicians. They could have done better, 5000 is too small as compared to the amount they are paying p-square. If i were Sarkodie and R2bees I would have pull out.
Good thinking boys,pull out! such disrespect. the sad thing is they’ ll find one nonsense musician who would agree to play in their place. Event organisers are too fond of this behaviour in Gh.
I am not surpriseat all……..the kokomaster dbanj charged more than that wen he came to perform at the 020 live……..the way u sell urself out is the same way people will buy u……..thumbs up to psquare
a good man is never honored in his own country #sah eh
@akua, Psquare are even much more honored in Nigeria. Level pass level. Just understand that.
a good man is never honored in his own country #sad eh
why is it that some Ghanian people are so greedy like that and even love others than their own people .
i am nor in the right possession to tell u what to do but you should show some respect to the artiste.