The past few days have been Halloween celebration and backlash for our Ghanaian Celebrities. Before the Juliet Ibrahim Halloween Charity Party, Ghanaian Actress Nadia Buair and her Mum (Mama Buari) joined the Halloween celebration in USA (Click Here For Photos).
The Juliet Ibrahim Halloween Party which will be an annual event was held last Friday at the Aphrodisiac Night Club in Acrra, Ghana to raise awareness and funds for the Juliet Ibrahim Kidney Cancer Foundation.
The Halloween party was attended by Confidence Haugen, Pascaline Edwards, Nikki Samonas, Vicky Zugah, Deborah Vanessa, Soraya Mensah, Prince David Osei, KOD, Efya, Scientific, Kobi Rana, Tinny, Keitta, Princess Shyngle, Jessica Opare Saforo, Ziggy, Sammy Forson, Moesha , Salma Mumin, Sonia Leeyen (Miss Malaika 2012 contestant) and several others.
At the party, celebrities were put up for auction and their fans had the chance to bid and win dates with them. Nikki Samonas was auctioned to a male fan who won her for a lunch date. Deborah Vanessa was also auctioned to KOD after refusing to let the guy with the Obama mask win the date.
Pascaline Edwards was auctioned to a female fan and Prince David Osei to a lady fan who won a movie set date with the actor.
Slutty Nun Confidence Haugen was auctioned and was bought for over 2000 GHS and she promised to host her fan at Aphrodisiac Night Club,all expenses on her.
Juliet ibrahim was auctioned but her husband wouldn’t let anyone win so he stole her away for 3000 GHS.
Prince David Osei was awarded Best Costume of the night and Deborah Vanessa won the Sexiest Costume of the night.
Check out the photos below…What do you think?
@KA NE WU, 3y3 nsem pii.
@KA NE WU, Me Hu a M3ka nti na me bor Pae Mu Ka…lol Obrafour.. Love that song
Hahahhahaha now I can see how useless these people are and way uglyyyyyyy look at her husbands blockhead, who where they trying to copy Kim and Kanye bunch of zombies
@Dr. Miyagi, all i can saying is stupid. stupid. stupid. stupid. idiots. there are a lot of witchcraft in Ghana already ooo. dont this halloween nonsense koraaaa.
@nanya martinson,hahahaha I really don’t know what to say anymore this is really pathetic and disgusting
@Dr. Miyagi, infact, ghanafo) 3y3 mmobo… awwwww must we imitate watever this white people do? and anyway do they really understand their dressing and the history of haloween? oh God have mercy upon us.. this is really embarassing . so can’t u use any other occasions in ghana for ur charity party apart from this halowween? u people shud appreciate ur customs and traditions rather that coping other people things… NHW3HW3 NI MU”
@m/s,hahahaha We All know that in Africa celebrating halloween is “THE DEVILS WORK” is this girl Ghanaian at all and what did she give them as appreciation Maggi cubes, packets of Milo and bags of plantain chips for the trick or treaters “THE DEVIL IS A LIYAAAAH!”
@Dr. Miyagi, This is stupid in de highest level n oops i’ve seen celebrities tat can be dump ass as these so called celeb…God is watching!!!!!!!
@Constance, God is sure watching, Let her Satanic debt and credit, be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus
@Dr. Miyagi, Amen now i have every reason to believe she’s some sort of antichrist to organize such event for Gods children.. Juliet you needs to be banned period!
@Dr. Miyagi, juliet is not an Ghanaian, she is lLiberian and Lebanese
Look at how some of the children dressed. Oh Lord have mercy upon Ghana! No offence Prince David Osei but you looked ridiculous and the guy with the short white hair looks scary.
it look serious than i thought, they were really having fun nd they meant business!!! lol, ghanafo!! eeiii!!
You can’t auction people.! What message is Juliet Ibrahim trying to give the attendees? This is a disgrace. So she couldn’t come up with another way than to auction her own friends?
@ Dr. Miyagi, “the Juliet Ibrahim Halloween Party which will be an annual event…..” I’m so ashamed of this Juliet Ibrahim. What a disgrace!! Ghana doesn’t celebrate Halloween. How da hell is she even going to organise this event annually? DUMB,DUMB,DUMB!
@Resplendent,I have never liked that girl since day one anyway she is just abusing her foundation by giving it a bad image instead of going for something better so if can inspire others she went and choose Halloween this girl must be on crack
@Dr. Miyagi, hahahahaha she’s already a crack head lol. buh truly she has lost all reapect even for her so called foundation, i dnt think any sensible person will donate to dat course. definitely no
@dericka,hahaha very true totally agree with you
@dericka, I agree. She has lost all respect.
@Resplendent, May God have mercy on her bunch of looser who attended such event… This middle east chic should be banned from our industry… She’s not bringing anything better rather than curse on our producers.
So how much money did she raised for this her halloween party for her foundation??????????? or was it a custome party to take pictures….
Thank God I didn’t see all the celebrities that I respect….
@Maame Yaa, i agree, jackie appiah, john dumelo, jocelyn dumas and majid were surpposed to be there but Thank God they didnt show up
@sarah,Jocelyn was der. Look well
@Maame Yaa, yea i was happy john didnt go else he wud hav been in trouble paaa. he needs to maintain his status
@Maame Yaa, i know eai….i was saying the same thing. This is very stupid. I guess they dont know the meaning of halloween.
well, off course these celebs are not respected celebs…they dnt matter…but this jULIET chick must be stopped…and Efya’s shoes is a steve madden shoes worth 100 buck…celebs my **s
Crazy people. Dirty & ugly.
edey bee keke .. chale how i dey wish say i go this thing paaa e pain me ruff .. we need more things like this in Ghana allah
@Adjoa Manu, i believe u can organize one like this everyday if you want. 😛
@B.B, Choose between serving the devil and serving God. Wise people will remain wise! When I see the photos, they look dumb.
@Adjoa Manu,I feel sorry for that pig that gave birth to you
@Dr. Miyagi, Wow!! You are going to disrespect the person that gave birth to her? Go hang yourself man.
@E-MAN,and so you want some as well goat
@Dr. Miyagi, Do you think such people human? They demons in this world.
@Adjoa Manu, hmm. I attended one at my school. It was keke. Let’s organize a bigger one next year in Ghana, all are welcome, that includes all you ignorant fucks.
@E-MAN,thunder fire your swollen kamel lips, you devilish goat
hmmmm, so this is it.
hihi short of worrdddddddddddddddddddddssssssssssss
i see nofin wrong wit what they did
Nothing wrong here. Witches turn me on. I would luv to bang the hell out of a witch someday.
@Joseph Midnight, lol dont worry dear GOD said ask and it shall be given unto you hahahahahaha lol u really got me laughing after reading ur comment lol.
Mercy lord!!!! This is too embarassing omg, am speechless….May God have mercy on your souls!!! Exploring and entertaining the act of witchcrafts.. Juliet i encouraged you on your greatest chapter with halle berry but now imma be honest with you about this. If y’all celebrities really have given your heart to Jesus and want to be in heaven with Him and the holy angels, how can you still want and enjoy the things of the devil, which represent death and destruction? Stop and look at the kind of things done on Halloween, it all glorifies death and ugliness. Satan is the source of these things. Think of some of the horrible masks used on this gathering? Just follow Satan and you will end up like that. Do you really want to be dead? Death and misery is all Devil will ever bring to his followers. Jesus christ being our father represents Life and beauty, goodness and happiness. Satan only brings death, pain and misery to his people. Is it really fun to be following the devil? Dear ghanacelebrities, that attended this gathering, if Halloween costume party still has any influence in your life, pray for forgiveness and ask Jesus to help you to see it as He sees it. A true believer will hate every thing to do with this evil holiday! shame on you all
Okay, so maybe she could’ve called it an ordinary costume party, not a Halloween party. Maybe we would’ve seen it differently. We don’t need to copy everything western.
What is wrong with some ghanaian celebraties that are destroying the image of Ghana? You have Sister Deborah with her stupid song Uncle Obama. Now this nonsense of a Halloween Party. Whilst Sarkodie and other ghanaian celebrities are trying to make it big internationally, these two are indirectly tarnishing the image of Ghana. I’m sick of people that don’t think before they do something. You this Juliet, you have no idea of Halloween and youeven let children to come to the event. It is known that God loves children. And it is sad to lead children to such devilish acts. We are all going to be judged one day and you Juliet have to be very careful with what you do.
@richard, her father is lebanese and her mother is half liberian half ghanaian.
finally have some power n internet, whats up GH peeps? Where am at, folks are not thinking about halloween, cos of sandy, n here we have these wannabe celebs using halloween as a theme to raise money, thanksgiving is coming i hope they celebrate that too
@Ball so hard miss dior, I hope you are doing fine. In which state do you live?
Wannabe Americans’ worst of them NIGERIANS…