
LIFESTYLE: Is Snoring Affecting Your Relationship Or Life, Do You Know That Your Snoring Partner Is Worth Extra £21,000?


Snoring among couples is common, and I believe most of us have had the experience of being with a partner who snores.   Partners of snorers are often desperate to get a good night’s sleep, and as a result, they often develop habits that devastate their marriages, and that is sleeping in different rooms.

It is irritating when you have a partner who snores. Some snores are bearable and manageable, while others are not.  Everyone needs and deserves a good night sleep, so when that privilege is taken away by a snoring partner, your night becomes miserable.

We all need sleep in order to function properly, and as such a good night sleep is essential to everyone.  Sleep is crucial to our cognitive functioning, our physical and our mental health.  People react differently to lack of sleep.

When I don’t get enough good night sleep, I become agitated, irrational, and I develop puffy and red eyes.   When some people are disrupted during their sleep, they get moody, irritated, anxious, and sometimes feel depressed.

Snoring in relationships often fosters deep resentments between the couple, which can erode their feelings for one another and damage their partnership and sometimes sex life.

There are several tips online on what one can do to minimize snoring.  I have listed several that I know works because I have experimented them before.

When stuck with someone who snores, you can choose to sleep in another room, but as a married couple that may not be the best option.

Another thing you can do when your partner snores is to put a pillow over his face until he stops. No, I am not saying you should suffocate him/her.   You just have to gently cover his/her face with the pillow without putting on any pressure.

Certain foods such as alcohol, caffeine and dairy products aggravate snoring, so you may want to avoid these foods before bedtime if you are the one with the problem.

Avoid taking sleeping pills because they can also make your snoring worse.

Now do you know if you share a bed with a snoring partner and you live in the UK, you can get some cash for it? Snoring brings in extra cash for those who suffer…LOL

In the UK, anyone who shares a bed with a snorer is likely to have suffered many sleepless nights wishing the snoring stopped. Well, they (and their partners) can now breathe a sigh of relief because it turns out there could be a positive side to the condition – thousands of pounds extra income in retirement.

According to MGM Advantage, the retirement income specialists, sufferers of Sleep Apnoea (OSA) – of which heavy snoring is a symptom – can receive extra money in retirement via an enhanced annuity.

So your snoring partner is a cash machine sleeping by you. You will gain extra cash from his snoring…

The, “next time you’re kept awake by snoring, remember that heavy breathing could soon bring in the cash.”

What is your take on this? Do you have any ideas or suggestions that can help minimize snoring?


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