Over the weekend, an event was staged in Accra to give the Miss Ghana 2012 contestants the platform to street catwalk. And as they did their thing with fun, below photos were captured for those who could not be there…
Whose pose and style are you feeling?
they all look beautiful
Beautiful Ghanaian women.
the girl in the First picture nailed it for me all her pictures look good, great job girls.
Abena knows how to strike a pose; nobody does it like her. That’s the kind of girl I want to see on the front page of a magazine. Ayisha and Ohemaa rock! I love their dresses. Afriyie, Rufina and Foriwaa know how to wear the smile better than anyone. The rest are no go area…lol
@Maame Yaa, Ayisha is really good. She is ma bet for now.
beautiful outfit