Have you ever wondered why the roads are choked in Accra and yet when it comes to London, there is a bit of space to drive around?
I have seen photos of big international celebrities like Rihanna, Jenifer Lopez, Jay-Z and others proudly taking the trains and buses in USA and UK.
You can see it as a publicity stunt but my point is, no matter the intention, they have made the effort and have shown people that, there is nothing wrong with riding on public transport…
I have met several Ghanaian Celebrities who do not live in UK (visiting) and therefore do not have UK drivers’ licences or cars so cannot drive.
Despite how quick the trains and buses get you to places in London, they’ve blatantly said, No, I am a celebrity and cannot take the public transport…REALLY?
Believe it or not, it has been said to me several times…LOL
Meanwhile, even the UK Prime Minister, Mayor of London and several major UK celebrities are regular riders of the reliable London trains and buses…
Do not get me wrong, I have a car out here but I only use it when absolutely necessary. Why would I drive for 2 hours to a place when a train will take me less than 30 minutes to get there?
Multi-millionaire rap icon Jay-Z over the weekend was spotted in NYC with a Metro card, riding the subway to Brooklyn with the common folk-moments before his big concert at the Barclays Center. Jay-Z found a seat next to a non-raving non-homeless person. How sweet!
Probably, our celebrities are learning from the wrong crowd of celebrities…Fans love down to earth celebrities.
I am not saying they should jump on every bus or train but when necessary, get on it like everybody, especially when you are out of your country where people will hardly even notice you as the star you think you are…
hmmmmm asem ye na waboso! There is a saying that goes “empty barrels make the most noise.” When you look closely, you will realize that those who are visibly really rich and highly favored are often the quiet and most humble ones. Those who have proof to people that they have something, but in actual sense have nothing are the noisy ones. Great article!
@Akua, you are very right. the celebrities based in US and UK sometimes DISGUISE themselves to avoid paparazzi and trust our ghanaian celebritites, they want to be SEEN
i like the last part:the star you think you are,great article GC.
i have on several occasions been on the same train (central line) with many actors/presenters/international chefs (who are celebrities both in uk and us) and they feel so comfortable reading their magazine with no care in the world.
I can hear YN and the albino saying something like that, that chic yn acts like she has million dollars in her acct, drives around town in a maybach, shops at LV n Chanel, as somebody said empty barrels makes the most noise, jay and his wife are filthy rich, they dont show off, his wife is the most sweetest humble person to meet.
@Ball so hard miss dior, hahahahaahahahaha this is too funny lol
Good article. Chris you should have name and shame those local champions that refuse to use public transport in UK and USA. In their dreams! Do they think they are that famous around the world that they would be recognised? The only people that will recognise these local champions are thoes that watch their movies which is not very many. They need to get a reality check! Bush people!!!
@Amma, hahahahahaha good one, i dont see none wrong with public transportation, as a student i do that every morning back and forth and at the end saves more..
Oh pls, its individual choices and why should we bother for a celeb not taken public transport…..next topic plzzz…
well John Dumelo is not one of them, have sat in a Jubilee line (London underground Train) with him from North Greenwich to London bridge where he got off to get a connected train to croydon.. we all know how he is down to earth
@Fanteni Ahufe, yea very true paaaaaa he’s soo humble, he doesnt even mind sellin stuff on his head. dats why God keep blessing him
@Fanteni Ahufe, same thing he did when he went to NY, he’s one humble dude as Dericka stated… John mwuahh keep up being this way. I see him in hollywood very soonnnnn, the sky is his limit John we love you dearly.
hmmmmmm i met also John Dumelo at airport taking virgin airline to Ghana well i notice him but no one was watching him or asking him something and he was @ second class too ….. i think John is humble comparing wif other local champion lol
@ticia, Very very humble lol his entire family are like that so yeah not surprise
i mean economy class …… not second class
I knw dis has nuffin 2 do with de article but ystday Vina(BBA) fame posted on twitter dat Abby of stars of de future is no more.Chris can u pls find out n let us knw thnks.Here it is:
Rip Abby of Ghana’s ‘Stars of the future.’ In case u knw her family in Nigeria pls call +233277188174 Asap
Chris sometimes i think u just make things up. i mean there is no way someone can came up to say they cannot take trains because they are celebs.
as for Chris-Vincent and stupidity sometimes i wonder your thought of reasoning so because jayz of america rides the train our local celebrities should do the same is he jayz better than our celebs maybe he has more cash but that does not mean we should copy him blindly