Few months ago, I wrote an article looking at the countless foundations being set up in Ghana by our celebrities. (CLICK HERE TO READ IT).
In the article, I made it clear that I am worried by the rate at which our Ghanaian celebrities are setting up individual ‘Foundations’ and the use of the word ‘Foundation’ for these set ups which do not in anyway resemble or operate as such.
I also mentioned that, the whole issue of celebrity foundation is not a battle of ownership where everyone has to owe a foundation, rather it is a battle of joining hands for the common good of the less privileged and needy individuals in our societies.
I considered the fact that, if the celebrities come together with their resources, they can sustain such projects for a longer time and make remarkable achievements.
I noted that, it seems they all want to own their own ‘foundations’ and as such are not ready to pull their strength together.
After the launch of Yvonne Nelson’s glaucoma project, many celebrities have followed it up with their own version of ‘foundations’. I asked; what stops these celebrities from helping out with the already established foundations, instead going out there to set up new ones?
Would these foundations last? NO…
Yvonne Nelson’s Glaucoma foundation is sinking fast and the others will follow for the same financial reasons…
Yvonne was on PeaceFm few minutes ago and she explained that, her Glaucoma Foundation is a bit on the low because of financial setbacks…
Though I will let her off the hook for not having thoroughly considered her financial strength before proceeding to set up a ‘Foundation’, I think her colleagues could have saved her initiative by buying into her concept. Rather, they all are setting up their own gimmick foundations.
I hope those who want to help society will forget about ownership and team up with their resources to make a sustainable impact…
Quantity is not the way forward for foundations, what matters is the impact…
Listen To Yvonne Nelson Talking About The State Of Her Glaucoma Foundation Below
i agree with u perfectly. it is not about setting up a foundation, everybody can set one up, it is a matter of SUSTAINING them. the same thought crossed my mind when all these foundations started. It will be better if celebrities and the general public join forces to strengthen the ‘much needed ones’ instead of setting up individual ‘new’ ones. BUT the question is will the ‘IT celebrities’, the ‘divas’, the ‘i want to beat them’ society we live in WORK TOGETHER. i was very pleased with how the female celebrities came out to support JIF, that is how it should be. thank you Mr writer.
thats soo true