First of all, I must clear certain things which I envisage some individuals would dwell on to unfairly discredit and undermine the substance of this article.
I perfectly recognise and understand that this piece will be bigotry to the candidacy of Ms. Roseline Okoro as Miss Ghana 2012 contestant.
However, should the issues below be ignore and Roseline Okoro manages to win the National pageant, the many years of credibility, prestige, Ghanaian heritage, Association and Representation which is embedded in the Miss Ghana pageant will end.
Where do we place the balance of convenience then? Without any malice, I think it is only prudent that the below issues which can tear down the Miss Ghana pageant and erupt long confusion and dissatisfaction among Ghanaians be addressed to the detriment of Roseline Okoro’s right to participate in unprejudiced contest.
For those who intend to evoke the absurdity engulfed in the entrenched Ghana/Nigeria rivalry by saying that, I am mentioning the below because I somehow do not like Nigerians, you should know that, the parents of my girlfriend are Nigerians (though she was born in Britain and may prefer to be called a Black British). I want such people to know that I do not have any dislike for Nigerians and as such, this piece will only look at substantive issues, detached from any rivalry hogwash.
I do not have a problem with Roseline Okoro’s nationality as a Ghanaian. Since one of her parents is a Ghanaian, by law, she is a Ghanaian. Nationality/Citizenship can be acquired through Birth, Blood (descent) or Naturalization. This means that, by descent/blood, Roseline Okoro is a Ghanaian and SHOULD be able to participate in the Miss Ghana pageant.
However, depending on how an individual becomes a citizen of a country, there are some positions that he or she cannot/shouldn’t hold even though such a person by law is a citizen. For instance, in the United States, only a person who is a citizen by birth can become a President or Vice President. Even that, he/she must have lived in U.S.A for 14 years or more.
This therefore means that, there are differences in citizenship (lesser and true citizens) and I clearly see why. So even though Roseline Okoro is a citizen of Ghana ( lesser citizen because she acquired her citizenship by blood and may not have even lived in Ghana for considerable years), it would be preposterous for her to win a National pageant like Miss Ghana and become Ghana’s ambassador…
The Miss Ghana pageant I know had a prestigious culture and heritage accessory and all the winners have always been culturally strong. How can Okoro fully satisfy the cultural aspect of a Ghanaian Queen?
I hope I am not the only one who has seen the ridiculousness hidden beneath the name ‘Okoro’ as the winner of Miss Ghana 2012 and Ghana’s representative at the Miss World 2013 pageant.
If you are an innocent Ghanaian looking through various names of representatives to fetch who is representing Ghana at Miss World, I am certain you will think Ghana is not participating no matter how many times you would read pass the name Roseline Okoro.
I am not suggesting that, only those with typical Ghanaian names must be given National honours like the Miss Ghana Crown but when a particular name vividly points to another country, then it must be an issue of concern.
Looking at the past winners of the pageant from 1998 to 2010 (Efia Owusuaa Marfo, Mariam Sugru Bugri, Ewurafua Hawkson, Selasi Kwawu, Shaida Buari, Serena Naa Ashi Roye, Inna Patty, Lamisi Mbillah, Irene Dwomoh, Frances Takyi-Mensah, Mawusi Apea, Mimi Areme and Stephanie Karikari), their names have always given them away as from Ghana.
Even if the name does not clearly give the person away as a Ghanaian, it is not a big problem. It only becomes a problem if the prima facie indication you would derive from the name is that; the person is from another country. What would you say to Maame Afia Takyiwaa as Miss Nigeria 2012?
As to how much of a Ghanaian Roseline Okoro is, I had a brief chat with the PR of the Miss Ghana pageant this morning and he mentioned that, to his knowledge, Roseline speaks great Twi… (I asked if she speaks any Ghanaian language fluently).
Though I am impressed, I still think being a Miss Ghana Queen which bestows unto you a National ambassadorial role goes beyond merely speaking one of the various National languages. Such a person must be a Ghanaian in all aspects of life…Remember we have legal Ghanaians and true Ghanaians…
For me, Roseline Okoro as a legal Ghanaian has the right to participate in the pageant unless the rules of the pageant say otherwise. But if she wins, the true Ghanaians will erupt in anger to defend what is rightly theirs…It may sound absurd but National treasures must be protected…
I have a British passport (legally British) but still there are certain places I cannot go; only the true Brits can go…
Do I think the organizers of Miss Ghana 2012 have not spotted the bedlam, controversy and the vast hole that would be created should Roseline Okoro wins this year pageant? I know they would not make that mistake and that explains why I say, she will NEVER win!
I have been told that, Miss Roseline Okoro claims (has told friends) to be a dual citizen (Ghana/Nigeria). This is legally accepted but a dual citizen has limited rights in Ghana and therefore may fall under the ‘lesser citizen’ group.
If a holder of a dual citizenship cannot be higher in governance (cannot hold certain public offices) and cannot be voted for to even become an MP because they are seen as disloyal and infidel, then it is only reasonable that a dual citizen should not be allowed to become a Ghanaian ambassador-Miss Ghana Winner…
This is so true…I dont know what to say but all I can contribute is Name make a big difference in this case……
I think she as the right to compete, she as Ghana blood in her…. many Ghanians born in Ghana still plays for other countries in football ..
Well said Chris this girl recently moved to Ghana after possible unsuccessful attempt to be in Miss Nigeria. How can Okoro be miss Ghana ? These people always say I am half Nigerian and half Ghana. Where will her loyalty be even?
@Lily, How do you know she just moved to Ghana? Ever read her biography or just commenting due to what GC posted?
You are just ignorant nd the writer is as lame as he has been referred to on twitter. One of her parent is Ghanian and she has lived in Ghana all her life. This writer is not only prejudiced but what comes to mind reading his article (which could not bear to finish) reminds m of the discrimination here in the US. I am sure he will be the first to accuse a white person of racism but he is actually doing the same (if not worse) over a pageant.
I don’t understand why you are dating a Nigerian (you can call her purple British if you like). Has it occurred to you that your children (if you marry her) will be lesser citizens of Ghana? Your daughter will not be able to contest for pageants not your son elections or even work for the government because full blooded Ghanians must come first. Your school fees was a waste (that’s if you went to school).
Interesting piece..But then I was wondering where Inna Patty is also from because I cant think of the origin of her name..
@Adjoa Nbaaso), Great…that is what i said …the name is not a problem if it is not Ghanaian and you cannot easily link a country to it… Okoro is not a Ghanaian but can you easily link a country to it? Yes…n that is where the name becomes a problem as far as national representation is concerned…
What will we think of Miss China called Cynthia Appiah?
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, oh so you worried about the name right?
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, then that is too bias.Well because your point is the fact that a name cant easily be link it to a country makes it cool..Remember its better to keep things real, because at the end of the day someone somewhere will figure the truth out.Whether the name can be linked to a country or not it is better to keep it real.At the end of the day you must be a Ghanaian because the pagent is called Miss Ghana and not Miss Ghana/alien.Come to think of it , She wasn’t even suppose to pass the whole audition thing but because of “kululusem nti” She did.And no wonder the organizer(Inna Patty) herself has some question marks to where She is from.I really want to know if that woman is a full Ghanaian.
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Please I went to Wesley Girls High schoolwith Ms. Mariam Inna Patty ,where she was the then Library prefect.( No Offense Mariam ;please don’t interprete this wrongly if you are reading,it is solely for demonstration purposes) and i can assure you she is not of full Ghanaian descent,yet still she won Miss Ghana,so if you want to talk credibility start with her…and stop the double standards!!! Is it not this same country that the Best Actress for “GHANA” movie awards was given to an African American ” lady whom as far as i know has zero Ghanaian blood in her?? ? The President of the United States is a US Citizen by birth but he is of both American and Kenyan descent and that didn’t stop him from becoming the US president. His freaking surname is Kenyan but he represents the United States as their president. Wasn’t a certain Mr. Paul Boateng (Boateng is a Ghanaian name as far as i can tell ) not elevated to the British House of Lords?? If Roseline was born in Ghana and to parents of whom one is Ghanaian (according to her Biography,)and as far as the law is concerned she is a Ghanaian citizen and has privileges like any other citizen . I don’t see why she can’t compete for Miss Ghana….If the name “Obama”- an African name can represent the US with no problems,then i don’t see why the name “Okoro” can’t represent Miss Ghana.
@NN,note that America is more or less no man’s land… made up of people from all over the world and of different cultures.. cant be compared in this case. Gradually our beloved country is loosing sight of our heritage and cultural values because of a few selfish and greedy ones…God help us…
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri,Imagine a US president with a Kenyan surname??? Now who would link that to Americans? Can you imagine a US president having an African surname?? ? hmmm beats me,i wonder who would link a Kenyan surname to a North American country…hmmm!!! You have no point!!! Your article is baseless and racist (for lack of a better description)!
@Ama, ama this article is uncalled for.. is best chris leave these girls alone and feed us with better stories.
I find it very unintelligent to reduce the entire article to just a surname….Is that all I mentioned? Even the issue of surname, did I not cite the circumstances where I think it will be ridiculous and how absurd it would sound?
Why don’t you look at the entire article and consider all the various issues or points raised?
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, chris dont mind the ignorant ones here,they probably didnt take their time to read what you wrote ,you are right,its about time we do some changes in our decisions as Ghanaian,GHANA we have become in a way too cheap that anybody can come and use us and get away with it,even if it has been done before,it does not make it right,i cant imagine a name like nana yaa owusua going to contest miss Nigerian.
@jessi, you’re either uneducated, or very unlightened. Perhaps both. I didn’t comment on the dumb article for 2 reasons.
1- it’s Chris’s blog & he can post whatever he wants.
2- I think he is just seeking traffic on his blog.
All his points do not make sense. Perhaps he has an interest in the beauty pageant. Probably dating one of the ugly contestants! Phew! Get a life already! It’s the year 2012 & fortunately the world has moved past race, skin color, nationality etc… Thank God for that! Let the best & most beautiful contestant win, period! All that matters is that the contestant is Ghanian!! Jeez! By birth, by migration, by whatever shouldn’t count. Oh, so if she miss Okoro goes to contest in Nigeria, she should be disqualified ‘cos she’s half Ghanian?! Since when did having dual citizenship become a crime????!
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, save ur breath Chris, these ladies don’t know what they re taking about. Do u ladies know the noise this nigerians will make should ”Okoro” win?????? no, u ve no idea. If she wins it will be a disgrace and insult to the people of Ghana and if only they how nigerians look down upon anybody who isnt a nigerian, they won’t be talking trash here. if a name like Afiah Pokua cannot win miss nigeria, why should one like okoro win in ghana?????????
@jsexy, What is whole wahala about? Ghanaians are too hypocrite and always try to be politically correct, as full blooded ghanaian i rather a last name with owusu mawuli or agabila wins that sounds like ghanaian names than okoro, theres no way a ghanaian with the last name osei be allowed to contest in the miss nigeria pageant n win. shes allowed to contest but it doesnt do the country any favors with her last name being okoro. nigerians want her to win so they can keep talking crap about ghanaians. As a ghanaian watching miss world/universe when the ghanaian contestant comes on i wanna hear a ghanaian last name, no hate, yvonne is one of my faves but ummm i rather one of them with a ghanaian last name wins.
@jsexy, yeahhhh i agree with u,,,, this is not discrimination… the nigerians do not respect ghanians a bit so they cannot come n take de crown from our ghanian women…… we want FULL MISS GHANA not half half biaaa full stop…..
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, u made me waste my energy and poor eye sight on reading this junk of crap….the Obama example just killed your point so just go to Melcom, find yourself a good bed set and sleep and dont ever wake up…kmt!!!
@Ama, you have Timi dakolo (nigerian singer who was born in ghana to a ghanaian mum), samson siasia (born in ghana to ghanaian mum), Lynxxx (ghanaian mum), kwesi donkor (born in naija to ghanaian parents) and he heads nigerian basketball federation, fegor ogude (footballer with ghanaian mum), solomon kwame, jocelyn mensah, david mckenzie (born in ghana to ghanaian parents and is nollywood’s secretary general), NTA presenter rose agyemang, burna boy (nigerian singer with ghanaian mum), duncan mighty the same thing and this is to name a few, there thousands of nigerians with ghanaian blood but you don’t see nigerians campaigning against them why? bcos nigerians are sure of themselves and don’t have inferiority complex like u lot kmt its so so sad neways to rosaline I don’t what your doing in ghana to be honest you better pack your bag and go to naija where no one will judge and you will be accepted with no fuss.
Well said! Nigerians don’t look down on them. I don’t understand why they say that. Nigerians are simply sure of themselves. I guess its inferiority complex like you said. I went to school with Ghanians in Nigeria and we did not have these issues I read about online. I have a Ghanian friend that speaks Ibo better than I do and he is always running back to Nigeria, has lots of friends there and no one sees or treats him differently. I have another friend that was born and lived in Nigeria all her life and never been to Ghana. Will it not be stupid for anyone to accuse her of not being full Nigerian? She paid school fees as a Nigerian and has as much right as anyone. My tailor is Ghanian and we get alone very well. Its just some uneducated and myopic ones that try to create beef when there is none. Nigerians like confident people simple! Rosaline and Yvonne, you girls should move to Lagos. You will be welcomed with open hands. We’ll be happy to call you girls Nigerians (full blood or half blood, it doesn’t matter) lwkmd
hmmmmm this is interesting, but i feel as long as her mom is fully blooded Ghanaian then Roseline has a chance of contesting this pageant. Is she a citizen by birth?
This people will never learn.
Oh SHUT UP Mr Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri , If your so-called black British girlfriend was a beauty contestant for England but got ‘dropped’ due to her Nigerian ancestry; You’ll be the first to come here and CRY about racism.
Please tell me,How ‘Ghanaian’ is your former President Jerry John Rawlings? What part of his name is truly Ghanaian? Who is Jerry Rawlings’ father? Yet he ruled Ghana for YEARS and even assassinated FULL BLOODED Ghanaians all in the name of ‘fighting’ corruption, and you all clapped for him.
Truth be told MR, u are only feeling bad cos of Roselyn’s Nigerian blood and name, if she had a togolese or british name/ancestry. You all would have accepted her.
Deny if u want.
@Nword, Do you want me to help you close your latrine pit?
why will he be biased towards nigerians specifically?
if a ghanaian comes to contest miss nigeria wldn you skin her alive?
@Betty(Miss Ghana), Why would Nigeria open her doors wholeheartedly to Ghanaian actors and actresses if we had an iota xenophobia in our system? I met jackie appiah the other day in the city of Calabar where she’s happily shooting a new nollywood movie. Nigerians love competition within our borders and beyond. But you Ghanaians dont,and i cant understand why.
Is a beauty pageant ‘politically or economically relevant? Nigerians will NEVER take such to heart. In 1996,one Miss Emma Komlosy became Miss Nigeria. She was the daughter of a diasporan Nigerian female singer called Patti Boulaye and her father was a WHITE british Hungarian. Nigerians still accepted her wholeheartedly without any issues.
Now you can see why Nigerians look down on Ghanaians; The things that really matter,you people dont fight over it, it’s the foolish-trivial things that Ghanaians are concerned about.
@Nword, Look i dont agree with Chris views but plssss dont feed us with this nigerians like competiton crap. if you wanna see how nigerians feel about Ghanaian actors and actresses just visit ur nigeriafilms, nairaland, and will be amazed how much hatred you guys spew on ghanaians.
@Nword, I am surprised at your comment “Nigerians look down on Ghanaians”. If just an article written by one Ghanaian will warrant such a comment from you then i might say you rather fight over foolish-trivial things. If you have taking time to read the comments of other Ghanaians you would have known that most Ghanaians don’t subscribe to the article. But you were blindfolded by the hatred you have for Ghanaians and therefore saw it as an opportunity to insult Ghanaians. Next time think through before you write anything about Ghanaians. If you have problem with the article just like most Ghanaians do, you address your response to the author and not Ghanaians as whole. Your write up gives you out as somebody who hate Ghanaians for no good reason.
Remember Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm @Nword,
@Betty(Miss Ghana), oh they would thats for sure.
So much shit comes out your mouth, even your ass is jealous@Nword,
Oh SHUT UP Mr Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri , If your so-called black British girlfriend was a beauty contestant for England but got ‘dropped’ due to her Nigerian ancestry; You’ll be the first to come here and CRY about racism.
Please tell me,How ‘Ghanaian’ is your former President Jerry John Rawlings? What part of his name is truly Ghanaian? Who is Jerry Rawlings’ father? Yet he ruled Ghana for YEARS and even ass^ssinated FULL BLOODED Ghanaians all in the name of ‘fighting’ corruption, and you all clapped for him.
Truth be told MR, u are only feeling bad cos of Roselyn’s Nigerian blood and name, if she had a togolese or british name/ancestry. You all would have accepted her.
Deny if u want.
i think she should be allowed to compeat, because president Barack Obamas mum is an american but his dad is from kenya, and he is now the president of the United States of America, i belive since her mum is from Ghana, that qualifies her to be the daughter of the soil.
@maame, thank you maame
@maame, obama became president cus he’s a natural citizen nt just cus her mum is a caucasian. if the mum had him in kenya he wuldnt hav be…
@dericka,Go read the constitution of Ghana about citizenship.
A person born on or after 24th September 1979 and before 7th January 1993 is a citizen of Ghana by birth if—
(a) he was born in Ghana and at the date of his birth either of his parents or one grandparent was a citizen of Ghana; or
(b) he was born outside Ghana and at the date of his birth either of his parents was a citizen of Ghana.
so Roseline’s birth by a Ghanaian parent whether or not she was born in Ghana according to the above law qualifies her as a Ghanaian citizen. SImilarly according to US law,if you are born in the US,whether by Carribean Parents,African parents or British parents,you are a US citizen and that is the law. Obama was born in Hawai and according to the US law,he was a US citizen enough to run for president,just by birth in a US state .By that law, a person with two illegal Ghanaian parents who is born in the US is a US citizen and has a right to vote,even if his/her parents are illegal immigrants!!! That person by virtue of their citizenship can run for office. So please according to Ghana laws ,Roseline Okoro by Ghana Constitution is a Ghanaian and can sure as hell stand for Miss Ghana irrespective of her Nigerian surname. I do not know if she maintains dual citizenship and what Ms. Ghana rules state about dual citizenship and if she does,as far as i know,she cannot be elected member of the Ghanaian Parliament,so unless you and other folks claiming that she is not Ghanaian have a clause from the rules of the Pageant which says something to that effect,leave her be.
@Ama, does Ghana and USA hav the same constitution?? of course nt, so was replying maame when she compared why obama became a preso irrespective of his background. i didnt say roseline cant be wat she’s contesting for.
@maame, from wat i kno yvonne’s mum is the second wife so it cud be dat roseline’s mum is a nigerian and dat wud be the issue for her
@dericka, lol how you know all these?
@nana ama, will send u the link to dat interview when i find it again
@dericka, Yvonne and Roseline have one mum, and she’s Ghanaian, I wonder were you get these lies from. If you don’t know ask and stop being silly
@Gyamfua, hahahaah gyamfua is called diwofiesem wonder why some ppl are so into our ppl’s family like they own them or something.
@Gyamfua, from an interview with yvonne she said she has half sisters so where did i lie by saying wat i said…was just saying its possible didnt say its for sure. u r familiar with critical thinking??? nonesense mtcheeeeewwww
@Gyamfua, They are simply not Ghanaians and that is it. She should not win.
@sarah,thank u. miss ghana okoro????????? i mean, who does that
@maame, but then you should understand that america is no man’s land. so anyone can rule. due to the fact that they dnt give red indian the respect and right they deserve. you cnt compare america with ghana
@Sweety, u r really shallow in analysis. I don’t think you passed in most of ur exams in school. It’s a Shane when you guys talk and write stuff without thinking
@Papa, hahahahahaha some people cant critically think in life… Papa i love that… Sweety how can she qualify to contest and yet not win?? okay what if she contest and wins? note, candidates earn votes when necessary not like points are given to them based on their last names.
From the looks of things it is being staged for her to win. Inna Patty is just corrupt. Shirley will never do this. All this media hype for this Nigerian. OKRO OR WHATEVER
@joe, well i don’t think so, but am sure nature would determine who to win this beauty pageant.
before an article is published the writer owes it not just to the general public but to his integrity(something you chris obviously lack) to fully research his work before setting out to poison minds. Roseline is born to a nigerian father and ghanaian mother, she was born and breed in ghana, she has lived in ghana all her life; i guess there goes your theory that she hasnt live in ghana long enough. im ghanaian born now naturalised and living and working in the uk as an analyst; none of my work mates can claim hold to being british more i can, i have same rights as they do(again research well or may be you british girlfriend can read and translate for you) and no smith isnt my surname so they arent confused as to where my parents(both actually) are from but all hell would break lose if any one of them should suggest i was any less british than them;it would be on cnn but here we are having a discussion about who has a right to win miss ghana(btw whats the point of participating if not to win) or are you just shocked that a ghanaian born in ghana , live and studied in ghana can be that well groomed. total disgust at your lack of facts… my opinion you owe Roseline and the readers an apology
Where in the article did anyone state she has not lived in Ghana for long enough? Having problem with understanding the piece and construction too? Gosh!
And like some other people on here, you do not understand the concept of a lesser citizen…Anyone whose citizens can be stripped off him or her is a lesser citizen and I am sorry to tell you, you are one…
In America, anyone who cannot seek the highest post of the land because he or she is not a born citizen is a lesser citizen…Dont go and say it anywhere that because you have acquired a British citizenship, you have the same strength of citizenship…
Let me bresk it down to your level, Greater citizens can’t be deported, your passport can be taken off you and be deported easily…the lesser and greater just indicate the strength attached to the sort of citizenship a person holds.. Ah aba…
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Where is My dearest native Dr. Miyagi the Nigerian hater with british born Nigerian wife. What hatred can do to peoples psyche. It will make you hate your sister because she has Nigeria links.
As for the Nigeria vagina you have managing, there is no hatred when it comes to Nigerian vagina.
Hahahahahaha lol I’m here lol let’s get one thing strait I don’t hate nobody and neither do I hate nigerians I just like to tease them like they way they like to tease us but as for this topic I totally disagree with it and why is is this girl being crucified what for being half nigerian and half ghanaian all because of her name come on @Jtoni,
@Jtoni,That a bit below the belt. Let’s just deal with the issue at hand. I am of the firm belief that Ms Roseline Okoro can compete Lrgally in the Pageant and would certainly have zero problem with her winning because if we are worried about surnames and what people think of us with a half blood winning the title,we should first start by stripping Ms Inna Patty of her 2004 title because she sure as hell is not full blood Ghanaian. The writer of the article is obviously biased and cannot take an objective stance. I have no beef with Nigerians but kindly leave his “British black” of nigerian descent girlfriend and her body parts out of your comment. She really hasn’t done you or any of us wrong!! Let us concentrate on the topic why this young man think it is preposterous for Ms Okoro to win the Pageant…
@Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, listen you are not very smart she is not a lesser citizen because she is Ghanaian by birth so her citizenship can never be revoked secondly people like Adolf hitler used the term lesser citizens and look where the world ended up . You are a lawyer so should not be using such language . Listen anyone who talks wrong bout roseline has never suffered racism before so don’t know wht they talking about. You should never be judged by the sound of your name and to put ur argument in the toilet Lola odunsgu won mis Finland and went on to win miss Scandinavia and placed 3rd in miss universe and guess wht her name is fully Nigerian and her father is nigerian too. So now wht do u have to say. In law we call tht precedent now go check on the facts I have given u before you continue to disgrace us
sweety maybe you shd get answers to those questions first before following blindly; u see you would just manage to make your self look less intelligent .
p.s: people with facts not just opinions cultivated with no basis are acknowledged and make impact. lets make informed and factual contributions;that is a better colour to wear.*justSaying
This shows how some journalist are ignorant about putting up stories. Obama Barack is an example of what you just wrote. You have made a fool out of yourself and also displayed your ignorance in writing stories. Shame. For your info the Lady in question has schooled here in Ghana since birth till she currently graduated. Think before you write
Where are you from? I don’t think you even passed most of your exams in school. Cuz u r really shallow
WoW this is so pathetic…!!
To—–>>>>>>!Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri : Guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Am sorry to say your are thinking uncritically cuz this is not a fact! Please Get your facts right!
Just cuz she got a nigerian last name doesn’t mean she can’t be Ghanaian.
Roseline is a True Ghanaian by birth. Born and raised in Accra, Ghana, And schooled there her whole life. I fee like you need to check her biography before you say anything. Plus you indirectly insulting the intelligence of the Miss Ghana Executives. Am pretty sure they did a background check on all the 20 finalists before they were chosen.
You been a loser… for saying she is not gonna win. I can assure you that she is already wearing the crown!
Not only is she Ghanian but Beauty, Intelligence, Poise, Sophistication, Glamour, Compassion defines her!
Obviously Roseline is making every effort to succeed in this pageant. She is constantly uploading photos and updating statuses on her fan page. always keeping her fans updated. Still promoting her fan page and stuff regardless of the numerous “likes “she got. She is not been reluctant. she is really putting in much work so far!! Big ups to u Roseline I’ve never seen anyone do it better! #UDeserveTheCrown
I can see people are just been ignorant. Is about time y’all shut up and learn something!! Matter of fact don’t hate what you can’t imitate..!N jus so yall knoe “Hating on them Only makes them famous…”
Good Luck Roseline! I got ur back!
Enough said!
@Nana Akua, ive been really impressed with all the hard word she’s been putting in, at least a check on her fan page being all interactive, obviously this Ghanaian hospitality and friendliness comes naturally to true blooded Ghanaians, Roseline you are doing well, kudos we will support you, these uncalled for article to daunt your image shouldn’t distract you.
Good luck
@Gyamfua, U cudn’t have said it any better!
@Nana Akua, Got her back too lol and i know she will know lol thats a fact smartest and prettiest among them all… Go roseline make the fanti’s proud.
@nana ama, Yup I choose to believe Roseline can and will change the world with her words and thoughts..!! U ARE OUTSTANDING Roseline..!! #KeepItUp
Wud retweet if this was twitter..!!
@Nana Akua,i pity all of u supporting nigerians to insult Ghana like this.
@jsexy, Stop been shallow…!! N grow up!! the bottom line is Roseline is a True Ghanaian n she is definitely wearing the crown!!
@Nana Akua, keep dreaming!!!!!!!! old woman…
Obviously the Journalist is ignorant and not very smart too!!Sad thing he is a lawyer!!!He didn’t bother to even research the lady in question to know that apart from her legal Ghanaian citizenship by virtue of her one Ghanaian parent, she also did her schooling in Ghana,so there is no question of her not having lived in Ghana long enough and which surprises me is he talk about ridiculousness of a surname from another country being linked to Ghana and as usual in counterintelligence,he lists “Patty” as part of the surnames and says on quote “Their names have always given them away as from Ghana”. Obviously he did not do his research He says even if the surname does not clearly give it away as not Ghanaian the it is ok?? Ludicrous!!!!! Mr writer you seriously goofed this time!!! Displaying ignorance!!
@Ama, lol a lawyer my foot…. if he’s a lawyer am also a medical doctor lol Ama a smart person wont write shyt like this on people he barely knows… like i said is about time some of these celebrities sue his ass for wrong post.
@nana ama, and you,a lawyer your foot?who the hell are you any way?when did you even start coming here?and what makes you think that you are important?this is his BLOG and he has the right to say his mind ,you on the other hand has the right also to disagree with him,but to say a lawyer your foot,who gives a damn about your foot,if you have a problem,take it to the lord in prayers or get out of here.
@Ama, You are not called any AMA and we all know that. I can hear your thick Nigerian accent in your writing. Stop pretending lol
@Grace,Madam 3mma me bo 3nfu!!! Why should i be Anago nni by force just because i don’t agree with your argument? na aden?? nsem fo….you with your Grace name koraa, i am not saying you are Nigerian , FYI i was born in Ghana,at KATH to be precise to two full blooded Ghanaian parents. I lived in Ghana all my life!!! Went to Ridge School in Kumasi. I eat Dokono,gari,fufu,ampesi,you name…so drop that Nigerian argument koraa na you are enraging me with it!!! P3 nyansa s3m bi ka and if you don’t have any shut it!!!
@Grace, Why would she pretend to be something she’s not? this is very serious grace
Sometimes I do not understand Ghanaians. do you think there are no Ghanaians in Nigeria? why will they let a partial or non fully Nigerian to become a National icon such as Miss Nigeria? No it will not happen but when you come to Ghana because we do not appreciate our national identity and culture, anyone comes in and we allow them. That is why those chinese have to Ghana and are boldly shooting guns at Ghanaians.
@Grace, you are looking very stupid with every comment you write. wld you then say full blooded ghanaians outside and in the country committing crimes have more rights and better shot at the crown than a law abiding citizen with a ghanaian mum by virtue of being full blooded ghanaians.
when you complain about foreigners in ghana also remember all the development that has come into ghana thanks to them and pls pls pls do not forget we ghanaians living abroad and are still being able to exercise full nationality rights of the country we reside
yes we have people who have come in to disrespect ghana; those should be our common enemy. e.g roseline sister elizabeth(also half ghanaian ) started a campaign against a restaurant(i believe italian waiter ) that racially discriminated against her; the restaurant has been shut down now. that mr . writer and madam uninformed commenter are our common enemies as ghanaians and these are citizens worthy of the name of mother ghana, not the likes that direct their energy at unnecessarily activities that undermine the nation and all its attempt to progress.
ps: we do not decide who have what rights and who doesnt, grace neither you nor i can pick and mix who has right or not !!!the reason being like you have displayed we are not that informed and majority of people use just 8% of their God giving brains; we have a constitution that make that decision, Read the constitution, Grow in wisdom maybe one day when you wisen up you can be part of rule markers , then if you want to change the laws governing citizens by all means make ghana “foreigners free” but till then stick to what you know which is obviously not even much.
@Grace, Thank God . someone here has got some brains. we ghanaian can be soo stupid sometime aa
@Ama, the guy said his mind,if you have better info,bring it on board with proves,knolledge is not meant for one person alone.
The mere fact that a person holds a bachelors degree in law does not make him a lawyer. that is only an academic qualification. there is a professional qualification which he doesn’t have. Technically, he is not a lawyer!
First of all, what I understand from this long article is that Roseline shouldn’t win MIss Ghana because of her name. Seriously I think this guy makes no sense what so ever . First of all, x president Jerry John Rawlings is from a Scottish descent and hasnt got a Ghanaian name He probably should have been called Jerry fiifi according to this ignorant fool. Secondly, Barack Hussein Obama, sounds in no way American yet he holds the highest office in the world, the president of united states. Mo fara, is a Somalian yet won Gold for Britain in the Olympics, Kevin prince boateng is playing for Ghana and brother playing for Germany, wow has is that. Inna patty sounds so Ghanaian yet she was won miss Ghana , she is half Lebanese by the way. Majid Michel keeps winning awards for Ghana all the time but is Half lebanese. Christiano Ronaldo is partly Brazilian yet playing for Portugal . It seems this fool is totally ignorant and hasn’t done his due diligence what so ever. He is a complete idiot. These are the fools that divide Ghana all the time. He is a lawyer n yet so ignorant. The world is fighting racial discrimination but yet this is like a black on black discrimination. Wow is this guy really a lawyer.
If all what you understood from the article is that Roseline should not win Miss Ghana because of her name, then you should not have commented. Probably far beyond your comprehension. You should have just gone to the next article and look at the celebrity photos cos maybe you would have understood that…
@True citizen, u need to stop comparing america with ghana. read the american history first aaa. just remember that know one has the right to be a president in american apart from the red indians . where are they now? so u see america has now turn into no mans land
kmt . people need to stop using majid michel and inny patty or whatever her name is as and excuse to be ignorant . Ghana accept people like that,because they do not bare a surname name that is easily identified.for u to find out where they are from you have to ask them. but we all know that okoro is a nigerian and can be very well identified. stop using Barack obama to justify your point, if we go down in history, america belongs to the red indian due to lack or respect and selfish behave america has become no man’s land and everyone and anyone is allowed to rule
So this guy has contradicted himself by saying Roseline can qualify but can’t win. How can someone b so stupid. How can u have the right to enter but haven’t got the right to win. Monkey!
The kardashians of Ghana. Okoro sisters. Hated but loved.
@True citizen, lol The Kardashians in Ghana for real..!! I like the way they hyping the Okoro’s tho!
Not forgetting abt Roseline Wearing the crown..!! Go Roseline U THE BEST!!
Hmmmmmmmmmm this aint making sense but will stay silence I don’t want peoples mouth to get dirty
@Dr. Miyagi, No one is use to ur silence so maybe u ve to spill the beans out.
LoOol I will surely come back to this topic I just want to understand what the writer is trying to say before I jump into any conclusion@Adjoa Nbaaso),
@Dr. Miyagi, “the Man dies in him who keeps quiet in the face of tyranny”- Prof. Wole Soyinka
Chris u have perfert points and I might have to just agree with u , I strongly think her name should at least represent for the country if not her nationality or whtever , e.g if she’s chosen to repesent GH anywhere it will be hard for anyone to point out where she’s from GHANA with her name( not to stereotype or anything ) is just a clear point
BBC report: miss Ghana what is your name?
Okoro: I am Roseline Okoro
BBC report: where Re you from?
Okoro: I am half Ghanaian and half Nigerian
BBC reporter: wtf where are the full Ghanaians to give full representation to their country?
@Linda, hahaahahahaaha…………
@Linda, nice one lol,but soo damn true
@Linda, i sooo agree with with u,the gal is claimin dual citizenship nd i fink dat where da problem is.why cant she just take one.
Let’s face the fact, this is hard to say but Chris has said it and that is why I like him. He tackles the topics that everyone shy away from even though inside us it may be burning. personally i will not be proud to see her win the miss ghana title since she is not full ghanaian (both parents and her name is even not ghana related). I will prefer for any of the other girls with full ghanaian heritage, name and stuff to win.
@Obaa Yaa, you should have contested since you know best.
@Obaa Yaa, i agree,nigerians will laugh at us when a name like okoro is winning miss Ghana,because they know that could not happen in their country if it was the other way round.
@jessi, What exactly is your beef? I smell inferiority complex, get a grip of yourself, no one is laffing at us you are rather displaying ur weakness in the name of saving Ghana.
@Obaa Yaa, she should stop saying she is african, and prolly say she is ghanaian…cos she isn´t even sure which country she represents…lol..think she´s playing on both countries intelligence…Never heard any european say they are europeans when ask which country they from…They should make up their mind……i wish her sister all the best though..
Wow wow wow!!!! ghana man and inferiority complex so so so sad now you see why Nigerians don’t rate u lot, when it was majid michel, its cool, jerry rawlings its cool, fokn bois, the liberian vicker, dumas and them mixed breed its ok but when it comes to the okoros, then you say no why??? simply bcos they have,Nigerian blood deny it all you like but that is the truth and dn’t gimme that i have a nigerian gf bullshit pls…….this is where Nigerians shit on you guys. Go to naija and see how many half nigerian half ghanaian or full blooded ghanaians born in nigeria that they allow to be whatever they want to be bcos they know these ppl are repping them regardless for example (you can google them if u like)
you have Timi dakolo (nigerian singer who was born in ghana to a ghanaian mum), samson siasia (born in ghana to ghanaian mum), Lynxxx (ghanaian mum), kwesi donkor (born in naija to ghanaian parents) and he heads nigerian basketball federation, fegor ogude (footballer with ghanaian mum), solomon kwame, jocelyn mensah, david mckenzie (born in ghana to ghanaian parents and is nollywood’s secretary general), NTA presenter rose agyemang, burna boy (nigerian singer with ghanaian mum), duncan mighty the same thing and this is to name a few, there thousands of nigerians with ghanaian blood but you don’t see nigerians campaigning against them why? bcos nigerians are sure of themselves and don’t have inferiority complex like u lot kmt its so so sad neways to rosaline i don’t what ur doing in ghana to be honest you better pack ur bag and go to naija where no one will judge and you will be accepted with no fuss
@Tunde, u said it all. Some Ghanaians r hypocrites.
@Tunde, you dont have to insult a whole nation just because one writer decides to spew his ignorance. i am a ghanaian and i dont agree with him one bit. in fact this girl have a lot of fans here in ghana. this girl speak only ghanaian languages.knows nothing about Nigeria apart from the fact that her father is ibo from Abia State. Pls ignore Chris. He is not even based in Ghana. The Ghanaian citizens living in Ghana has no problem with Roselyn or the Okoro family. we see them as our own. Chris can hate all he wants, but that is not gonna deter this lady from following her dreams and she has quiet a large of number of Ghanaians supporting her.And oh remove Joselyn Dumas name from the list of mix raced ghanaians in ur comment. Joselyn is a full blood Ghanaian from Krobo tribe on her mother side and Ewe tribe on her father’s side. she only has a little complexion which is common among the Ga’s, Krobos, fantis, and ewe’s tribes.
@Joanna, Joselyn has krobo blood in her? I now know where she got all the hips from. 🙂
FYI so you are able to make an informed decision about what this debate is all about and take away the whole issue of this being about the whole Ghana/Nigeria issue. I would like to believe if the Roeselin was half German and Half Ghanaians the writer would still publish this article. Though obviously it more of a hot issue due to her being half Nigerian know that this whole issue of Ghanaians allowing people that don’t have the right legally or ethically to rep their country. Unless you can tell me a half Nigerian has ever represented Nigeria Miss World with a overtly non Nigerian name…think about it
Mr. Journalist, you must be the arithmetic man; you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance.
@nii armah, hahahahahaha dat was a gud 1 lol
U guys r losers I mean GC staff. Where was she born in de first place? Miss Ghana is made up of ugly people anyways she both GC and dem r losers.
U guys r losers I mean GC staff. Where was she born in de first place? Miss Ghana is made up of ugly people anyways so both GC and dem r losers.
we will take her over one of those half co’s that competed last year.
Oh, this is not so fair at all. She was born here in Ghana and has the blood running through her vines. We wholly and accept her as such. Besides, nigerians themselves do not see her as one of them and when she goes there, they will call here names like ” Omo Ghana” and what not. please leave her alone to compete, if she wins then so be it and if she does not well then we will be on. Roseline we wish the very best.
madness at de highest level
At times u Ghanaians can reali be stupid u knw how on Earth can someone bearing a Nigeria name be crown Miss Ghana? This very funny indeed and that is why I respect Nigerias so much because never will they welcome such stupid thing like this u know…what is it? Is it that Ghanaian girls aint nice that a Nigerian have to come and be MISS GHANA? Right now Nigerians aren’t accepting all those so called half-cast actors and they all ends up in Ghana nad as foolish as they can be again accepted them so when will you stop and learn STUPID PEOPLE CROWING OKORO AS MISS GHANA HAHAHHAAHHAHAAH GHANA IS THE BIGGEST JOKERS OF THE YEAR
It is very stupid of our Ghanaian organizers to even pass through half blooded Ghanaian with strong affiliation to Nigeria which can be seen in the name she bears to compete for Miss Ghana. IT IS CALLED MISS GHANA, not Miss half Nigeria and Half Ghana.
And those fools saying she has schooled in Ghana and blah blah, WTF. Do you guys the number of Nigerians schooling in Ghana now? You school in country or half one of your parents from there so you qualify to become Miss Ghana?
And can you stop the Obama nonsense? Do you know the number of times that top African journalists and politicians in America here have spoken against the authenticity of Obama as a president ? Some few months back, they even threaten to impeach him if he cannot show his real birth certificate. So ignorant people saying Obama this and that, come to America and see the many articles we have been published on his right to become America president.
I dont blame you, most of those commenting cannot even write good English. talking nonsense
@Cecilia, Look dont mind them because they are just being STUPID you know as if Nigerians will do such a thing. I school here in these USA does that gave me the chance to be Miss USA NONSENSE!!!!!
@Cecilia,Then if you want to talk credibility,let us start with the 2004 winner,Ms. Inna Patty because so is not a full blood Ghanaian. Why don’t you start a petition to strip her of the title because she shouldn’t have been able to go through the pageant for her to win. Save yourself some time by educating yourself who a Ghanaian citizen is by our constitution. The ” her schooling in Ghana argument was to buttress the point that,she is a citizen by birth and by virtue of her going through the educational system in Ghana,she has met any residency requirement if there was any for the pageant (be it number of years required to stay in Ghana,for her to be a full citizen as it was alluded in the article that “even in the US,the president” or vice president position is for natural citizens by birth and there being a 14 year residency requirement). If there are nigerians schooling in Ghana and they live here all their lives and they are born to two full blooded Nigerian parents,they are not Ghanaian citizens unless they naturalized. The lady is question was born to a Ghanaian and a Nigerian ,did her schooling in Ghana (therefore met any residency requirement if there were any in Ghana’s laws for citizenship or the Miss Ghana Pageant). The author of the article in one of his responses said that a lesser citizen is one who citizenship can be stripped etc.But no one can legally strip this lady of her Ghanaian citizenship because she acquired by BIRTH (Naturally born) and she did not naturalize or anything,so unless she renounces it,how is she a lesser citizen?? I find that itis you who needs to be educated on Ghana’s laws. Unless the Ms. Ghana Pageant has a clause that says only full blooded Ghanaians (i.e. both Parents must be Ghanaian irrespective of citizenship status) can compete,only then would she not be able to compete and win. Until such a clause is brought forward, i think you should shut it and stop complaining about people’s english because obviously you can’t read and comprehend simple sentence construction. You talk about lawsuits against Obama’s citizenship,my question is did any of them hold in court? None of them did because he was a naturally born citizen by virtue of being born to an American Mother and in a US state…They tried to prove that he was born in Kenya,but that didn’t hold in court because his legal birth certificate said he was born in Hawai,a state of the US. I put it to all who say she is not Ghanaian,why don’t you take her up in court and stop spilling garbage and unfounded arguments on this website.
@Grace, would u mind those STUPID FOOL ex biting their MADNESS
@Khloe are you Half USA and HALF Ghanian by Blood…… Fools
@Mike, you are a big Fool and as such wouldn’t waste my time on a dump ass like you ok STUPID FOOL
@Khloe are you Half USA and HALF Ghanian by Blood……fool
I’m very sorry for our beloved country for foreigners like you who continually indiscriminately exposed your ignorance and try to indoctrinate the Ghanaian with idiologies and psychological effects you have had from your country of birth – Britain. You are not even a Ghanaian in the first place, the funny part is you are also very ignorant. How many foreigners represented(as ambassardors) your country Britain in just the past Olympics? Is Balotelli an Italian? I’m sorry to say once again, but you are xenophobic and a racist. Moreover you’re not even a Ghanaian so better shut up.
Wei de3 aluguntugui, gui. Medaase medaase . GhC1 for the 1st slap.
Conspiracy theories about the citizenship of Barack Obama claim that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore not eligible to be President of the United States under Article Two of the U.S. Constitution. Some theories allege that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, or that his birth certificate is a forgery.
Others allege that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia and lost his U.S. citizenship. Still others claim that because Obama’s father was from Kenya, that means he held dual citizenship at birth (British and American), and the supposed dual citizenship means Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. These theories have been characterized by some commentators as racist, or a racial reaction to the first African American president of the United States.[4]
The claims have been promoted by a number of fringe theorists and political opponents, often referred to as “birthers”, some of whom filed unsuccessful lawsuits seeking to disqualify Obama from running for, or being sworn in as President, or to obtain additional proof that he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President.
Some Republican elected officials have expressed skepticism about Obama’s citizenship or have displayed a lack of willingness to acknowledge it.[5] Republican members of the U.S. Congress and state legislatures have proposed and voted for legislation that would require presidential candidates to provide documentation of their qualifications to be president, including natural-born citizenship.[5]
Belief in the conspiracy theories has persisted despite Obama’s pre-election release of his official birth certificate from Hawaii in 2008,[1] additional confirmation by the Hawaii Department of Health based on the original documents,[6] and the April 2011 release of a certified copy of Obama’s original Certificate of Live Birth (so-called long-form birth certificate). Other evidence of Obama’s Hawaii birth has surfaced such as birth announcements published in August 1961 in two Hawaii newspapers.
[7] Polls conducted in 2010 suggested that at least one quarter of adult Americans doubted Obama’s U.S. birth,[8][9] while a May 2011 Gallup poll found that doubts persisted among 13% of Americans and 23% of Republicans
During the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama’s citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton’s faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama’s origin, religion and birth certificate.[21][22]
Jim Geraghty of the conservative website National Review Online may have sparked further speculation on June 9, 2008, when he asked that Obama release his birth certificate.[23][24] Geraghty wrote that releasing his birth certificate could debunk several false rumors circulating on the Internet, namely: that his middle name was originally Muhammad rather than Hussein; that his mother had originally named him “Barry” rather than “Barack”; and that Barack Obama, Sr. was not his biological father, as well as the rumor that Barack Obama was not a natural-born citizen.[24][25][26]
In October 2009, anonymous e-mails circulated claiming that the Associated Press (AP) had reported Obama was “Kenyan-Born”.[27] The claims were based on an AP story that had appeared five years earlier in a Kenyan publication, The Standard.[27][28] The rumor-checking website found that the headline and lead-in sentence describing Obama as born in Kenya and misspelling his first name had been added by the Kenyan newspaper, and did not appear in the story issued by the AP or in any other contemporary newspaper that picked up the AP story.[27][29]
In 2012, published a copy of a promotional booklet that Obama’s literary agency, Acton & Dystel, printed in 1991 (and later posted to their website, in a biography in place until April 2007) which misidentified Obama’s birthplace and states that Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” When this was posted by Breitbart, the booklet’s editor said that this incorrect information had been her mistake, not based on anything provided to her agency by Obama
Some campaigners, such as the Tennessee-based Liberty Legal Foundation, contend that in order for a person to be a natural-born citizen within the meaning of Article II, Section 1, it is necessary that both parents be U.S. citizens at the time of that person’s birth. Those who subscribe to this theory argue that since Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen, Obama could not have been a natural-born citizen, and is therefore ineligible to be President of the United States.
The Liberty Legal Foundation has cited language in an 1875 voting rights case—Minor v. Happersett—in support of its claim that the U.S. Supreme Court has defined natural-born citizens as “all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens”.[91][92]
Others, including New Jersey attorney Leo Donofrio, have claimed that a person cannot be a natural-born citizen if he is a dual citizen at birth. Those who subscribe to this theory argue that because Obama’s father held Citizenship of the UK and colonies, and not U.S. citizenship, at the time Obama was born, Obama was born a dual citizen and therefore was not a natural-born citizen.[90]
In August 2008, the Rocky Mountain News ran an online article asserting that Obama is both a U.S. and a Kenyan citizen.[93] This turned out to be incorrect according to, which noted that Obama was indeed born a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC) under British law, by virtue of his descent from a Kenyan father at a time when Kenya was a British colony, but lost CUKC citizenship and became a Kenyan citizen when that country gained independence in 1963. However, Kenya’s constitution prohibits dual citizenship in adulthood.
Obama therefore automatically lost his Kenyan citizenship on his 23rd birthday, in 1984, by failing to formally renounce any non-Kenyan citizenship and swear an oath of allegiance to Kenya.[94] Although the paper apologized for the error and published a correction, the article continued to provide fuel for online rumors about Obama’s eligibility for the presidency.
@Francisca,thats pure bullshit gerr out with your nonsense
@Francisca,That is why i say whoever wants to take up Roseline Okoro in Court over her citizenship is welcome to and several cedis in Lawyer fees later,the person will learn that ,Legally she is a Ghanaian citizen and until such a clause that says either dual citizens or persons not full blooded Ghanaian cannot compete in the Pageant is found in the Pageant’s constitution,no one can stop that girl. You talk about Obama’s citizenship brouhaha but if there was any veracity in all those suits,do you think he would still be president per US Constitution???? Think like an intellectual not like the everyday common person. I am perfectly aware of the lawsuits so no need to post videos.Make your argument with numbers. Can you provide me a number or percentages of these law suits against Barry regarding his citizenship that was won in Court??? Until such a proof is found stop posting a meaningless list of court cases like Miyagi said,pure bull!!!
@Ama,well spoken
@Ama,You are here saying what you like…..go there and you will die from bomb attack ….
@mike jones,Go where exactly Mike Jines?? The US?? what shows that i have not been there ??? DO i need to travel to a place before i know their laws??? smh…
@Ama,sorry meant Mike Jones, i suppose you meant Nigeria??? Well i am not interested in the Nigerian side of this issue. All i am saying is constitutionally the lady is Ghanaian and if she has the wits to match her beauty and displays intelligence or performs exceptionally well during the pageant,i have no beef if she wins…She can have her other half from Antarctica for all i care, or can have a Russian surname,so far is she is half Ghanaian and constitutionally she is a Ghanaian citizen and has met any residency requirements,i have no qualms if she wins.
She simple WON’T win… Miss Ghana with a nigerian surname…
Don’t we have equally beautiful and intelligent girls contesting or is it because her sister is famous?/
She is NOT winning.
@sarah, i think she will win because her sis is famous in ghana
@style3ny3yaano, lol.. Famous in Ghana or in Accra.. These judges are just biases.
She has more pics in all the albums of the whole Miss Ghana diary. You can check Miss Ghana 2012 on facebook… I just detest how dese Okoro girls are evrywhere and sooo desperate for power.. What is this?? And she’s bleaching on top of everything. Check the pics for their corporate visit to special Ice Mineral water (facebook?).. there’s on pic that was on the front row and seemed to askin a quest. Check her finger lines..
@sarah, Ghanaians do not stand up for themselves, this is where most of you ghanaians will send petitions to the organizers of this pageant n demand that you want a full blooded ghanaian with a ghanaian last name representing n you outside the country, in such pageants as the miss universe world, every time u say the truth u are branded a hater, but nigerians wouldnt let somebody called roseline osei represent them??
Yo man, i respect your opinion though u r somhw contradictory in som of ur statements. Bt i expect dat in dis century, ppl stop being insular and backward and try being more open minded. Do u realise the ‘Obama’ name isnt American? Neither is d man 100% American. Wake up man. In case u dint realise, this is d 21st century!
Reading through some of the comments make me laugh. I believe the organizers have chosen their winner and runner ups already, all is left for them to do is to put up the show. Those beauty pageant organizers are biased. So okoro or no okoro, y’all need to chill. 😛
Daisy, London
Posted on September 11, 2012 at 11:42
Okoro to be a Miss Ghana? That will be the day Nigerians will laugh at us that we can’t even find a single gal beautiful enough who’s 100 percent Ghanaian to be Miss Ghana. But then again Miss Ghana ain’t what it used to be and generally pageants are a lame form of measuring a woman’s beauty. Methink one Okoro is enough in the Ghanaian Entertainment Industry. If their surname was Ghanaian as in their dad being Ghanaian, it would have it a bit more acceptable. People vote for the full Ghanaians. You know how Nigerians see anything between themselves n GH as competition. This one an Naija gal.
Eish so this is what my single and first comment (check below) on the Pictures showing the three Okoro sister’s has generated? And you’ll think that Vincent boy will give me credit seeing that he’s written a whole article on it generating more than a 100 comments. Pray that I continue to get bored and find myself on this blog. Good u took that cartoon noise off the page for those of us in London. It seems you’re maturing. As for the Okoro you all know I’ve shared my bit on it.
@Daisy, London, Even you this Vagina
@Daisy, London, Yes congrats on spreading negativity and hatred round of applause KMT nonsense!!
@GoldenGurl, errmm spreading hatred? My sister, I just stated a fact with no ill intentions. I don’t care so much for these so called celebrities as I don’t even have time to watch well-made foreign movies much more the local half-baked ones. I love to read a lot and find myself a lot on Nigerian blogs. Recently I started reading entertainment stuff and you can’t just imagine the insults these people we consider our neighbors write about us so I was just concerned. They call us ugly and heaped insults on us last year when the Miss Universe Ghana went to import a white looking American girl to rep us (Yayra Nigo or some funny name like that). And this wouldn’t be any different. If an Okoro win a Ms Ghana, we won’t sleep. But then again, Miss Gh lost it vibe years ago. Hatred I have none. can’t be bothered about all the noise dear. I started a debate not hatred. Fab weekend!
@Daisy, London,are you making sense
I just hope the okoros get to know how hypocritical the people they think they are one with, are.
After winning various awards representing ghana in the entertainment industry,they now feel you are not ‘ghanian enough’.
No problem!
We Nigerians accept you whole-heartedly,and hope you would be wise enough to marry from Nigeria,and then relocate back to Nigeria along with all your family.
@Solomon,thanks i totally agree with you there is allot of hypocrites on here my question is why didnt they come up with this nonsense when Yvonne Okro was coming up and had to wait for her sister to participate best advise i can her is just to quite cause to me she is already a winner she must be doing something right for her name to make that much noise
y’all shld chill, she jst contestin wai,.dat aint a crime wai..jst contestin. And oh she shld thank Chris 4 makin her mre famous. Hehehe..anybdy on forum on dis blog bcomes popular BAM!!
I’m just wondering how Yvonne Okoro would feel it she stumbles on this article and reads all the comments.
@Nword, The lawyer blogger hates Nigerians with a Passion but love managing Nigerian Vagina. Managing a Nigerian Vagina does not excuse publicly stated hatred of anything Nigerian.
@Nword, Oh please of course she has read the article lol she is there on Twitter ripping Chris to pieces but that is coz she knows say she has messed up and been caught. She is surely on here commenting under various names hence names we have never seen on here before! They know it’s dodgey to put her sis forward but are trying their luck. it’s a shame the girl has to suffer coz to me she is gorgeous and could win if you ask me BUT really when you are of mixed background and put yourself in any position to rep one of your countries you REALLY need to pick a side because otherwise you just come across confused and ppl from the countries do expect some level of loyalty. Look at Obama? He sides with his American roots SIMPLE. He had to pick and show loyalty with one side, its shyte but that’s the reality. He has travelled so many times still yet has he been back to his own home in Kenya ? I feel the chick tried in Nigeria and did not get through so was advised to go for Ghana. Hey the girl is trying her luck oo lol
@GoldenGurl, The ‘Okoros’ have always considered themselves Ghanaian,no one really knows them or claims them in Nigeria. Nigeria already has more than enough celebrities to be proud of.
Obama was a frequent visitor to Kenya b3 his presidency but he always let the world know that he was an American. He didnt even drop his kenyan surname-shows that he’s proud of his Kenyan roots. Would Ghanaians have felt better if the Okoros had changed their surname to Owusu?
Is it not shameful that Yvonne has won many awards as a Ghanaian actress and contributed to the development of Ghana’s movie industry. Now her kid sister wants to be Miss Ghana,and some folks are now pointed to her Nigerian roots.
this article is giving this gal more publicity, along side her sis being a known actress………….these organizers will at the end of the day crown her the queen…………..this ghana for you…………..the whom you know diseases…why is her sis nowadays going to events with her and puting her in the public eye………….we are watching….and dnt be surprise if she is crowned…………if you take a good look at the photos of the gals…….at ani event and places they visit..this gal is always in most of the photos…much attention is being giving to her more than the other gals……..those of us who have being part of these things knows wht goes around there……..ghana watch……..well
@NANA AKUAH AGYEMANG, true talk sista Miss Ghana/Nigeria heheheheh
I have a message for y’all…..
well for the HATERS at least
As much as u hate the Okoro’s, as much as u hate to see them succeed, they are jus blessed beyond measure!!
Seriously some of you should really calm down, before you burst a blood vessel or something..!!
I encourage haters because you have to be doing something right for someone to feel the compulsion to tell you that you aren’t. So in fact Chris-Vincent– You have given Roseline a compliment. She should be thanking you by now, for taking the time out of your busy life to focus on hers.
@She-Meyor, I soo agree wif you my frnd… The Okoros I learn are sumhow rich and I’m sure they have bought de conscience and values of the judges and organizers of this pageant,,.. I just pity dose other intelligent and beautiful girls contesting for a crown that has alrdi been given to that girl.. Those pple will always buy theiir way thru life.. They are just LOSERS who’ll not work to achieve success but rather bribe their way thru everything in life.. If dat Okoro girl wins, dat pageant will lose it value FOREVER…
The Okoros I learn are sumhow rich and I’m sure they have bought de conscience and values of the judges and organizers of this pageant,,.. I just pity dose other intelligent and beautiful girls contesting for a crown that has alrdi been given to that girl.. Those pple will always buy theiir way thru life.. They are just LOSERS who’ll not work to achieve success but rather bribe their way thru everything in life.. If dat Okoro girl wins, dat pageant will lose it value FOREVER…
@She-Meyor, but u can win the title of president fool . Is Obama an american name fool. Grow a brain
@She-Meyor, Thank you very much, hey CHRIS GET THE EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE NUMBERS OF THE PAGEANT ORGANIZERS, we need an explanation on why someone whose not a full blooded ghanaian is contesting for miss ghana, with her last name she shd be contesting for the miss nigerian pageant. What happened to those days when ghanaians like afua amoah bonsu, josephine kakari irene dwomoh shaida buari winning miss ghana, now miss okoro ummm no, i dont care what anyone says that name sounds like nigerian in my ears its a shame that they arent giving the full blooded ghanaians in the contest a chance to win, when is this nonsense coming on in ghana? If this girl wins the same nigerians on here defending her about how she was born n schooled in ghana blah blah will be on here talking all kinds of shit about ghanaians.
@She-Meyor, Not only being an american citizen by naturialization will not qualify u to contest for the miss american if one of your parent is an american u still cannot contest for the miss america both of your parents have to be americans, and for those of you using the obama’s argument do u know what this man go thru on a daily basis with white people, my belief with obama is this he got a pass cos his mother was white n also was brought up by his white grandparents, that appeases the whites, if his mother was a black american n dad being kenyan theres no way in hell the white people would have given him the chance, so sit down with that obamas argument he was just lucky.
@Ball so hard miss dior, Yup my point exactly. But we all have opinions and we all see things differently. So I dont know why some people feel the need to insult others just bcos their reasoning differ from others. Its a shame that they call us who are not in agreement with this girl running for Miss Ghana small minded and narrow minded. I guess I nor the ppl that are not in support of this are not the ones who are narrow minded but those that are insulting others bcos their reasoning differ. So ppl so just refrain from insulting others here on this platform..
Mr. Chris Vincent, what else is there to understand in your article other than that you have a very SMALL MIND and suffer from serious inferiority complex. Thank God many Ghanaians have shown by their comments here that most Ghanaians are much more sophisticated in their reasoning than what you portray in this article. In future just keep to your yellow gutter-journalism of feeding us with low-life celebrity gossips and skip serious feature articles as those appear to be way above your intelligence
@Big Chief, which are you here for the yellow gutter journalism or low celeb gossip since your here reading the very trash you say is so rubbish?? lol
Forgive me for asking, but what are the criteria for winning Ms. Ghana? Is there a criterion for authentic Ghanaian name? Just how stupid can you be and why come on here to display it to the whole world? I can only add that the image of Ghana you are striving so hard to project is not really enhanced by these obsessive inferiority complex you have over Nigerians. I bet it would have been no issue if “Okoro” was a Liberian, Gambian or Sierra Leonian sounding name. I can’t imagine Nigerians losing sleep because a Nigerian of Ghanaian ancestry with Ghanaian sounding name but who has lived all her life in Nigeria wins a Ms. Nigeria pageant. Thankfully, many Ghanaians on here have shown they are above the fray
We will end this nonsense soon. I just got off the phone with one of my peeps and we have agreed to buy off the rights to Ms. Ghana pageant. After all Nigerians have bought over anything of value left in Ghana. Surely Inna Patty can’t resist 10 million dollars for the rights, yeah? And from next year, only girls with Nigerian ancestry and names will qualify to contest Ms. Ghana, hahahahahaha. And while we are at it, please stop deluding yourselves that there is a rivalry between Nigeria and Ghana cos there isn’t. Only Ghanaians like to kid themselves that there is; competition for what? It is only a figment of the imagination of Ghanaians. Ghana will probably be in rivalry with Rivers State which has double the economy of Ghana
This Okoro family will always buy their way thru life.. They are just LOSERS who’ll not work to achieve success but rather bribe their way thru everything in life.. If dat Okoro girl wins, dat pageant will lose it value FOREVER…
@sarah,did you do some thinking before you wrote it down cause its seems to me that everything you just wrote is made up by you
@sarah, You know nothing about the Okoro family!!! Elizabeth Okoro is my very good friend and I have met Roseline on a coupe of occasions. Liz is a working woman who works from 8am to 5pm and at times it even goes beyond… how do I know this? Liz is my co-worker as well and she also has her own business just like I do on the side, please get your facts right… Why would you come online and try to disrespect a family you know nothing about, you don’t even personally know “Yvonne Okoro” the actress among them. They have older brothers who are hard working just like every one else. Get it together mama!
@sarah, you so jealous . Don’t worry Yvonne can give you a job maybe house girl lmao
@Sol, Have the okoro’s cheated or bribed any one you know . Typical you speak from ur ###. You must be so bitter with your own life lmao ohhh sorry enhhh.
First of all roseline was born and raised in Ghana to a Ghanaian mother . She went lincoln primary school and then went to faith montisourri secondary school . She just graduated from KNUST . She lived in Ghana for all her life and speaks the language as good as any one . This is typical of us ghanians we have have Kevin prince playing for Ghana whos brother is playing for germany even our goal kepper has never lived in ghana but yet he is ghanaian so because the are oborini ( white) we accept and love them but now some one with a Nigerian name and as black me and you lived in Ghana all their life is not . This is stupidity at its highest . And reason Ghanaians will all ways be fools to the rest of the world . lets go deeper our first president may his soul rest in peace married an Egyptian so would you say his children are not ghanian don’t forget Samia is an mp and chairman of cpp . Listen roseline is Ghanaian. Once upon a time our ancestors where enslaveed for the color of our skin now we judge people for the sound of their name . I am deeply ashamed to call my self Ghanaian today .
@Solomon, Pls stop dis hypocricy… She’s not a Ghanaian.. She shud at have a local Ghanaian name.. She’s Nigerian… And a nigerian can never win Miss Ghana!!!!
The judges and organizers will make de greatest mistakes of deir entire life if dey allow her win.. ‘OKORO’ – ‘MISS GHANA’… It will only happen in Gh where we dun believe in our pple.. Her sister’s sooo calle fame is playing a huge role…
@sarah, Listen she is Ghanaian and has a ghanian passport for your info unless you think Jerry John Rawlings or mills are Ghanaian names to . So now you are judging someone by the sound of her name . If she deserves it then let her win . I am sure you wouldn’t win a beauty contest if it was held in ur own house or village you are from so please think before you talk lmao
@Sol,hahahahahaha looool thats a good one hahahaha
Ebei! My people just yesterday tv Africa showed a documentary , what was found in the vault of the Vatican. They found images of christ being black and the bible describing the hair of Jesus as nappy etc. king solomon of is Israel had dread locks , even saw pics of pope john paul kissing the feet of a black jesus.fMy people , from Rawlings to jake obestsbi. the last time I checked , are all Ghanaians. Let the best man win and let stop this defeatist attitude to life. We should stop this
Some of you guys do not seem to know what you are talking about. Neither do you see the long term implication of this girl contesting the pageant.
All you seem to be saying is because she is a citizen of Ghana she should be able to contest and win.
Do you know what the above means ?
It means a white german girl whose parents are all germans but work in ghana can contest for miss ghana as long as she was born in ghana (citizen ) and has lived in ghana. So a pure white girl can go to miss world and represent ghana right ?
Look at it this way again. Let say I marry a white girl and bring her to Ghana . She will become a citizen of ghana by marriage with time. Can this white girl go and contest and win miss Ghana ? You guys are saying yes there is no problem.
Lastly, you want to tell me that it will be fully accepted by Ghanaians if a russian man comes to marry a ghanaian and give birth to a child in ghana (pure mixed race) this girl can contest and win miss ghana to go represent ghana ? And in all these cases the individuals will not have ghana name as well
Are guys correct ? Do you see the issue this okoro thing can bring?
Some of you guys do not seem to know what you are talking about. Neither do you see the long term implication of this girl contesting the pageant.
All you seem to be saying is because she is a citizen of Ghana she should be able to contest and win.
Do you know what the above means ?
It means a white german girl whose parents are all germans but work in ghana can contest for miss ghana as long as she was born in ghana (citizen ) and has lived in ghana. So a pure white girl can go to miss world and represent ghana right ?
Look at it this way again. Let say I marry a white girl and bring her to Ghana . She will become a citizen of ghana by marriage with time. Can this white girl go and contest and win miss Ghana ? You guys are saying yes there is no problem.
Lastly, you want to tell me that it will be fully accepted by Ghanaians if a russian man comes to marry a ghanaian and give birth to a child in ghana (pure mixed race) this girl can contest and win miss ghana to go represent ghana ? And in all these cases the individuals will not have ghana name as well
Are guys correct ? Do you see the issue this okoro thing can bring?
@yaw, yaw u must be an illiterate she has a ghanaian mother never lived in Nigeria plus isnt Kevin prince and the black star goal keeper representing Ghana . Secondly for your info the ex miss finland has a Nigerian parent so get ur facts right about Russia and all the bul#### .
@yaw, so wht is wrong with a white girl being Ghanaian you bigot. Its because of fools like you they say black people are backward did you watch the olympics how many blacks did you see representing European countries . Those black are now heros in their countries . People like you belong in the stone age not the 21st century . Please go back
Even the last name the the writer “FEBIRI’ doesn’t sound Ghanaian either.
ASHANTIS tend to come from Sudan with FRAFRA background.
@Awuradebasa, are you ok?
I personally don’t give a rats A.S.S if the Okoros win or not because that whole Miss GHANA thing is a big sham. The organizers already know the winner and could care less about what anyone says. Chris has every right to express his views and so do you, through your comments. The most intelligent and beautiful Ghana MBAA will never participate in dis shallow contest so long as the main criteria for a beauty pageant are overlooked. After all, the Miss Ghana’s are a no show at the Miss Universe because of the hypocritical nature of the local organizers. Now let me concentrate on more important and relevant S.H.I.T.!!!!!!!
@kumapem, u damn ayt dear CORRUPT is wat they are…
i could not agree more with u
this is a hot issue ooh. ok so i know many of us have given our reasons as to why roseline okoro should be allowed to contest because she is ghanaian too and yes thats true. but there is one thing i would like to know especially from the nigerians on this forum. has a half ghanaian half nigerian girl with a ghanaian last name ever contested in the miss nigeria pageant before? and if so did she win and represented nigeria in the miss world pageant, coz someone gave a good example of how alot half ghanaian nigerian are making it in nigerian but has any of them ever won the miss nigeria pageant before with a ghanaian last name? thats’s what i would like to know, if it has ever happened before pls give me the person’s name
@abena, hey abena in 1996 Lola odusoga (100% nigerian name ) won miss Finland and went on to represent Finland in the world finals so now tell me if white Finland could accept love and adore a girl with a Nigerian parent 17 yrs ago why do we in Ghana embarrass our selfs in 2012 .abena go back to the stone age you are from and leave as in the 21st century please . Lola is now a famous model so please check for ur self
@Sol, i never said roseline okoro couldn’t contest i only asked if a half ghanaian nigerian with a ghanaaian last name has ever won any nigerian pageat before and u are here talking abt miss finland? what has my question got to do with finland anyway? I have seen alot of mixed race ppl win pageant shows and i really don’t mind but my question here is has any have ghanaian/nigerian with a ghanaian last name won or contested in miss nigeria before? thats all i’m asking n is a no or yes answer so if you don’t have answer for my question just don’t reply me mtcheeew
@abena, my point is , because it’s the first don’t make it wrong or do you want me to give you an example of other first time incidents which have been very right .so wht do you mean because it’s never happened then it’s wrong . If so then Obama is wrong with so many others .
@Sol, i’m not saying its wrong in anyway. i know this is the first time its happening in ghana but based on your reply it means it has never happened in nigeria before? or has it? but in the end it all doesnt matter anyway since miss ghana pageant is biased. i’m sure they already have the winner so we are all just making noise here.
Adebayor is a Nigerian but a football player for Togo, if Rosaline wins she will be representing Ghana so no sweat,go girl go
U are all soooo foooooooooooooooooooooolish
@Shin, just imagine the “goat” telling a sheep that it stinks. kwasia, you fool pass the word foolish itself
@B.B, lol my dear pls take it easy on him/her wai
Personally, I have absolutely no problem with her contesting for the Miss Ghana title. Since such pageants/contests is not all about winning the crown. I think it wouldn’t have been such a big deal if she had a Ghanaian father because then she would bare a recognized Ghanaian surname…. But at the end of the day, a name is just a name…….. She’s got Ghanaian blood in her veins, that’s enough qualification…..
Nigerians are watching the reactions of ghanians on this issue.
They do not give a rat ass about the pageant,but how a Nigerian/ghanian family who has won awards for ghana is treated.
This may set a precedence to how ghanians are treated in the future in Nigeria.
your statement’ ”particular name
vividly points to another country, then it
must be an issue of concern”then what abt our ex president JERRY JOHN RAWLINGS.what shows this is a ghanaian’s name bt he was even a good president
the bottom line is, is she not a Ghanaian? does she not carry herself as such? i see no big issue with this. or some people are afraid of her beauty and courageous in winning the crown?
This whole thing is a fabricated propaganda to run Miss Okoro down,I wonder why people should still dwell on tribalism and Racism at this age we are now. This is something the black race is fighting against in foot ball,but yet in our local vicinities,its very paramount. How could you tell me that her surname is an issue when there are so many of the past winners that had surnames that are not even African talkless of Ghanaian. This is basically baseless. Miss Okoro is not contesting any political office but mere beauty peagant,so i wonder why all this campaign of calumny and name calling on a young girl whose mother is Ghanaian and grew up here in Ghana too.
Its so sad to notice this. i am sure that if this was in Nigeria and the person having dual citizenship as this writer claims she has,Nigerians will even be happy to have the person contest.
What a shame I never knew some Ghanaians could be so racist and discriminate because of a name when other countries like U.S.A. dont. Barack Obama does not have an American name yet he is president. No wonder I have never seen a mixed race girl win a beauty pageant in Ghana before even if she has a Ghanaian name. I’m sure its because of her skin colour. This is such a big shame
Although I do comprehend your point about her last name, I think to create two categories of Ghanaians (lesser and “true”) is unfair. I, for example, was born in Moscow, Russia but lived there for only three months. For the rest of my life, I lived in Ghana and then moved to the US. Both of my parents are Ghanaians, by the way. I attended Creche, preparatory school, primary and JSS all in Ghana. What category would I be placed in? And I totally love how none of her, perhaps, ambassadorial skills came into play? Smell my sarcasm? What you’re practically saying that solely because of her last name, she should not win.
I believe Yvonne Okoro has every right to be upset. You’re saying that they may never be true Ghanaians because their father happened to be Nigerian. Whose fault is that? I am not at all taking sides but it’s just food for thought.
Even here in America, there are no categories of citizens. Whose the better citizen? You, joke. Barack Obama’s last name might as well disqualify him from being president. After all, his dad happens to be Kenyan right?
she needs to be halbreed for ghanians to accept her!ghanains love halfbreeds!
Guys i believe what the moderator is trying to say is We Need a Daughter of the land to win. An indegenous daughter. One who despite their education , but also ythrough oral tradition knows a lot. Naa Okailei believe can easily telll you stories of her ‘we’ clan. There is something that no one can take from a child born and bred in he cultural enviroment. It comes naturally. It is in-born.
President Obama could never have won the race if he had the kenya culture instilled in him. He wass more of an American than a Kenyan.
For people to say Miss Okoro cannot win the miss Ghana, it simply means she exhibits more Nigerian culture than a Ghanian on . We sometimes are not aware of what we portray;someon else might see what we ourselves are not concious of!!k
This is not racism or otherwise. Ones Country is very important to them , and everyone has the right to fight in keeping their heritage True and owe a loyalty and an allegiance to their country.
hahahahahahah.,,this is so funny
she is not better done than the other contestants