
TRUE STORY: I Am 48 Years Old & I Welcome Dating Younger Men…Because It Is Working Magic For Me!

blankI had a principle that I have lived by all of my life. That principle is to “never date anyone younger than me.”  But now I know not to say “never” as the saying goes “never say never.”  I have done well, and stuck with that principle until just about three months ago.  You see, I am a divorced mother of three children, and at my age I wouldn’t want to date anyone who is younger than 48 years.

I felt that dating someone younger would make me look like a desperate woman, and I know I am not. I tend to take good care of myself, and for that reason I have always attracted younger men lol. Some of these men are as young as 27 years old.  And no, I have not dated anyone that young!  Most of these young ones are only interested in acquiring a “sugar mummy” for their own good.  Most of them are just so immature and talk rubbish.  I have actually taken it upon myself to advice some of these younger men to stop chasing older women and go back to their books, or find something useful doing if they believe they have too much time on their hands.

I said to myself if I were to date, and hopefully eventually get married, then I  wanted someone who is either 48 years or older, and indeed I have met several and dated a couple.  Needless to say some of these men only have the age attached to them, but no brains.  To think an older man will automatically be matured is a misconception on my part.  Some of these older men are liars, cheats, disrespectful, and oh so arrogant.  Nonetheless, I still enjoyed hanging around them for who knows what!

Well, I recently met a guy who is just too cool and too matured to be counted among men lol.  After finding out his age, I became reluctant to continue with the friendship because I realized that I was five years older than him. Well, he was persistent and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. And no he wasn’t in for the fun because he has agreed to wait until I am ready or until we get married. Yes, I said married! You see, after hanging around and getting to know him, I have realized that although younger, he is the best guy I have ever met. 

He is intelligent, patience, educated, kind, gentle, loving, humble, respectful, God-fearing, supportive, helpful, and handsome! Wow, what a gift from God.  I have never been happier in my life. The best thing is that my kids love him. They have a great connection and friendship, and that is a plus.  So if you are a woman worried about dating a younger man, then I want to assure you that it is alright to go for it.  You will be surprised what you find with them!


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52 thoughts on “TRUE STORY: I Am 48 Years Old & I Welcome Dating Younger Men…Because It Is Working Magic For Me!”

  1. You had your time already now that the young ones are coming up your trying to date that with your raggedy expired body good for you hope your happy about that #godiswatchingyou

        • @Dr. Miyagi, Did I go stealing a man? Why should I be ashamed of doing what I know is good for me? Hmmmmm, some people are just not happy at all. And as such, they try all they can to extend their unhappiness to others. Sad Miyagi! You seem to be very unhappy and I can tell from how you sometimes put your opinion across. It is always so bitter and harsh.

        • He is not a boy toy BB. He is a man over the age of 40. I am only a few years older than him. I stated specifically that I don’t date younger men, and I mean that. This is the first date of a younger man, and I am only a few years older than him, so yo usee he can’t be a toy at all. He is human and a man in all areas.

    • @Dr. Miyagi, did you really read to understand the article? I have never dated a younger man and this is my first. And he is not in his 20s nor 30s. He is in his 40’s, so what is my crime when I am also in my 40’s? And what is God watching? Don’t be too judgmental boy!

      • @Stranger, my dearest 48…. way to go, i understand you perfectly and am glad to read such words of wisdom from a woman of substance as you are..don’t bother replying these children who don’t get what you mean and yet won’t shut up… most single mothers out there hear you loud and clear….thanks for sharing and goodluck with your ‘blue prince’….

    • Whew, I am so happy to know that there are some brainy people out there. I mean what is so wrong with dating a younger man? It is okay for a 76 year man to go in for a 26 year old woman, but it is so wrong and unacceptable when a woman does that. Why does society frown on it when a woman does that, but gladly accepts it when a man does that. Some people are hypocritical. Thank you Evelyn for your input, and I honestly wish you all the best dear.

      • The best thing is to find the good in what u have, those critics shouldnt even tice at all. Am very happy for u here. My pray is to have a faithful matured woman like u to marry…@Stranger,

    • @Dr. Miyagi, some of your comments are very appalling to say the least. If you read an article and have nothing good to say just keep it moving. It’s not compulsory to comment. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to insult.  in fact, your comment is very insulting, telling someone she has a raggedy expired body is not funny. 

        • @Miyagi, you are obviously trying to downplay my candid advice to refrain from your trashy comments. If you heed my advice, It will serve you well because your reputation on this forum has drastically sunk over the years. Don’t forget that the people that post articles on this site are not robots, they’re human beings like me and you. they have emotions/feelings. They feel the pain when people like you post comments that are sharp enough  to pierce through the heart. It’s time for you to change and become an inspiration to others. By the way, how many 48 year old’s have you met in your life? She might be 48 years old but her body might not be raggedy and expired as you want readers to believe. When people post articles here they’re not looking to be insulted, they want intelligent people to voice their opinion. Am sure you’re an adult so grow up @ Miyagi

          • Dude do me and yourself a huge favour okay and stay in your own lane don’t come and play “professor mighty. Duck” here like I said in my previous comment when your done than let me know so you can get rewarded your speech does not do me anything so once again stay in your lane I’m being nice so far do you and I will do me@King kweku Quincy,

  2. Hey you all, take it easy with me especially Dr. Miyagi. You wouldn’t know how my body looks or feels like because you will never have the opportunity to do so. It is the ones like you who make dating younger men a chore, but I am still happy to say there are good ones out there. Having them young can work or fail and so is having them old. In my opinion, it is all about love, respect, trust, and friendship.

  3. I agree with you, I am dating a younger man, I am 36 and he is 26 and I think he is the best thing that ever happened to me. He is educated, respectful and treats me like a queen, so i think what matters is how he treats you because age is nothing but a number.

    • @Evelyn, Whew, I am so happy to know that there are some brainy people out there. I mean what is so wrong with dating a younger man? It is okay for a 76 year man to go in for a 26 year old woman, but it is so wrong and unacceptable when a woman does that. Why does society frown on it when a woman does that, but gladly accepts it when a man does that. Some people are hypocritical. Thank you Evelyn for your input, and I honestly wish you all the best dear.

  4. @Miyagi…I’m all for expressing one’s opinion but calling the woman expired and raggedy was certainly uncalled for!
    Like she said the man she is dating is 5 years younger than her and even if the age difference was more how does it affect you? it’s not like she asked to date you.
    If the younger men are happy to date older women for whatever reason why is that giving you a headache?
    U need 2 have several seats abeg!

  5. @Miyagi my brother i dont think datting Cougar is an ISSUE ,i datted a COUGAR for 1 year six months,not in europe but in Ghana ,I datted this woman in my high school days ,she was a mother of my class mate,she was very rich and she care a lot ,i did not choose her ,just because of her money ,i choose her because of the way she treat me soo nice,i know there is beautiful girls in my school way back then but i refuse to date nun of them due to some reasons and one is maturity ,but one thing i dislike about her is she is damn JELOUSE .

    what made me stop datting her is i did not know how my MUM and DAD find out my relationship with her ,my MUM cried always because just because i was datting her size ):

    @miyagi datting a cougar is not a crime ,i can give you some good reasons for datting them
    i have never call her nor heared from her since i came to europ yrs ago.

  6. Ah there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this! Whew those condemning her are dating younger gals in our senior high schools which am no exception. Enjoy your time woman if men do the same; women can do better. Hahaha

  7. @Dr. Miyagi, hahahaha..abeg let her b wai..she’s an inspiratn 2 me, dat if ever i want 2 date a younger guy i cn do it. Cmon. Yes we can. Lol..btw wen did u bcome a DR?.

    • Hahhahaha. Abeg don’t folllow this confused stranger I’m sure those potbelly man of her age can’t do that thing so she needs a younger guy with fresh blood to work her out this aint love what she is doing is abusing him, and to answer your question About a month now so when you need someone to examinate your body or lobve advice than don’t hesitate to call “Dr” cause the “the thicker the berry the sweeter. The Juice” feel me loooool B.B. Promoted me from Miyagi to Dr. Miyagi@ThickMama,

  8. @Dr. Miyagi, some of your comments are very appalling to say the least. If you read an article and have nothing good to say just keep it moving. It’s not compulsory to comment. in fact, your comment is very insulting. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to insult. telling someone she has a raggedy expired body is not funny.

  9. @Straner, you are lucky to have stumble upon a great guy, take good care of him. Anyway, I have vowed never to date a woman that is even a day older than me. I have had older women lust for me but I pay them no mind until recently; I met this lady who is only 2 years older than me, I must confess she is a great lover. I am beginning to regret not giving older women chance long time ago. 

    • @King kweku Quincy, i can see how you are ejoying your new find love age is just a number good luck ,i was once a cougar datter and i know how it is to date them ,but now am happily in a serious relationship with a woman am older than 8 months lol..
      once again good luck and enjoy your life.

  10. I’m so happy for you, live ur life, enjoy it and don’t waste time on the foul mouth people who make comments anyhow with no consideration for others feelings, they are just miserable…….Go go go! My dear…..enjoy e good honey dripping on ur tongue n don’t spit it out

  11. Interesting comments!!! But how can the older … sorry mature ladies get them “same age” men when, they are “all” taking by the younger girls?!?! The mature ladies also needs to have some fun too!

  12. @Amoah it’s very possible cos we the young guys aren’t even getting the young ladies due to competition with the old men/sugar dadies, and thats how it goes. It’s sad society think old women can’t do what old men are doing freely dating SHS and Tertiary gals from us. OMG wen

  13. I really find this interesting, this has also be my dream to get my married to an older woman, because she will be more mature,have better understanding about life, loyal, caring and supportive than young girls that careless about their partners…need a real woman.

  14. i am very glad that i became one of the members of this site and i really need sugar mummy to date for a life good and interested mummy call on 0207484991


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