Ghana’s Keitta in the ongoing Big Brother Stargame’s boxers is getting the headlines.
Issues concerning his ‘famous’ boxers are buzzing on social media.
Read this:
There’s hairy business, then there’s smelly business.
While some of us have been preoccupied with all the Nominations and Evictions drama – which has made us sick with suspense and anticipation – a few vigilant StarGame faithful have been gripped by something else entirely.
From the looks of what is being said on the social networks, Keitta’s boxers are so famous right now, they deserve their own show. A show they might not get, but a post they definitely will!
The vigilant Underwear Police aka U.P. have been working overtime; pouncing on and zooming in on Keitta’s underwear transgressions. Hey, we were taught not to really look down there so it was more than surprising (and a bit embarrassing) to stumble upon unabashed underwear talk. Preacher at a Porn Convention? Yikes, that’s us! It looks like the StarGame masses have skills that would leave the FBI proud.
The internet is abuzz with comments like these:
*“Does Keitta ever change his boxers?” – Dapo Aderele
*“Since I started watching BBA, he is always in these boxers” – Tricia Love Ibe
Some StarGame viewers have jumped to Keitta’s defense as Boxergate unfolds, telling the U.P. where to get off!
*“I know BBA to be an entertainment show…not a fashion show’ – jonwills201
*“Leave Keitta alone. What if that’s his trade mark?” – Celestina Adusahpoku
What we know for sure is that sexy Keitta is a bonafide Adonis and has never been a slouch about showing off his ripped torso. He has made us cry into our ice cream because he is spoken for (Mildred is his smile keeper). Should we care how and when he chooses to wear his undies? It’s his choice after all!
Could Keitta’s boxers be more famous (or should we say infamous) than the diminutive Lady May’s pink heels, or gorgeous Goldie’s ginormous, gravity defying lashes? Whatever the case may be, one thing’s for sure; never in Big Brother history has underwear kicked up such a stink (pun totally unintended) No. Seriously.
Big Brother Stargame

i noticed he wears the same boxers everyday but then i also thought it could be possible that he had the dozens of the said boxers. so lets not jump into conclusion…
probably he thought he’d be awt soon……..dnt mind me…..