
Breaking News: The Department Of Homeland Security (USCIS) Approves Visas For The ‘The Spirited Actor’ – The Search For Africa’s Next Hollywood Star Contestants!


Information available to GhanaCelebrities.Com has it that, the Department of Homeland Security has approved for VISAs for the 12 contestants of the ‘The Spirited Actor’ – The Search For Africa’s Next Hollywood Star Reality Show which is scheduled to take place in New York.

‘The Spirited Actor’ – The Search For Africa’s Next Hollywood Star is a reality show to recruit acting talents in Africa [Ghana and Nigeria] for the fame and glitz in Hollywood. The winner gets the opportunity to co-star in an America movie with Morris Chestnut as well as “A” list actors and actresses from Hollywood. The winner is going to get his/her own personal Hollywood agent. The person gets training from Celebrity Acting Coach, Tracey Moore.

‘The Spirited Actor’ – The Search For Africa’s Next Hollywood Star is a Tracey Moore, Paradise Entertainment & Davis Media Group initiative. It’s sponsored by Ghana Commercial Bank [GCB] and VIasat1.

A press conference would be arranged to convey the good news to the media shortly.

The final 6 from Ghana are EMMA, KING JO, MARIE, OBI, SEMIRA and JOAN. GhanaCelebrities.Com can confirm that one of the female contestants has been replaced.

Below are the pictures of the finalists from Ghana. Pictures of the 6 from Nigeria will be published soon.blank

King Jo

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0 thoughts on “Breaking News: The Department Of Homeland Security (USCIS) Approves Visas For The ‘The Spirited Actor’ – The Search For Africa’s Next Hollywood Star Contestants!”

    • @dina, History is being made. Most pple did not believe the organizers will pull this off. This is the biggest Reality Show in Africa. Wait a minute just in case someone is thinking Big Brother, the show that subjects you to ridicule with no guaranteed career prospects with one or two of the contestants winning a cash prize. The rest leave after much public humiliation. The only lesson Africa has learn t from that show is display your private parts and fame awaits you. Hence the display of private parts by our local celebs ( I call this act “BIG BROTHER SHORT CUT SYNDROME”), As for our local reality shows where the contestants are mere pawns to promote a corporate agenda and thrown away like used condoms after the show, the least said about them the better.
      This is a show is where careers will be made, acquire training from the best in the industry as New York is the acting Capital of the world. Meeting A list actors, casting directors,producers etc.THEY ARE ALL WINNERS. This is a reality show with a purpose.

  1. get ur facts right..homeland security is not USCIS…USCIS is Unites States Customs and Immigration Service. Homeland security has nothing to do with immigration….research before you write

    • @jj,But who processes the papers of new immigrants  or returning and departing immigrants at the ports of entries? Is it  not Homeland Security (TSA)? 

      • @gh-allday,
        let me give u a breakdown TSA as u say it is an arm of homeland security DHS (department of homeland security)..they have nothing to do with approval or disapproval of visas..they are in charge of preventing terrorists into the county among other things…USCIS deals with immigration…the post is very much incorrect..

  2. You ghanians that live in our homeland are really silly! Stop this bullshit about breaking into hollywood and focus in building Gollywood! Do you really think that Hollywood royalty will ever hire these guys! If they are lucky they will star in third class movies!! what am I even saying, sixth class movies if their lucky. Sometimes when I read this news I really feel pity for the ghanian industry. Let me break it down for you guys… no one cares about ghanian actors. I live in Italy and I’ve travelled a lot in other European and American states and trust me no one cares about ghanians or nigerian actors because they don’t even know who they are. So this people can’t just hope that by partecipating in this contest they will gain fame!! What the ghanian entertainment industry needs to do is to build a strong entertaiment industry by starting to produce good and legendary movies… only by then the rest of the world will take them into consideration. Anyway there is no harm in dreaming so if these guys want to dream….good luck to them!!!


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