
Tish’s Corner: Keeping Your Virginity Until Marriage…..Is It Good or Pure Nonsense & Should Men Also Save Theirs?


Earlier on this week, I was having a conversation with my neighbour about marriage and the U.S economy. Guess I was bored so I decided to have a laugh, since he has a great sense of humour.

So I asked if he believed virgins exist and what’s his opinion about male virgins. Boy!oh!boy!, I never braced myself for the reply. Surprisingly, the 40 year old man busted out laughing.

After making me look stupid in front of him, he decided to tell me a story. There were these 3 best friends who lived in the same neighbourhood. They were friends since childhood. Attended same schools, church, gatherings, had sleep overs and slumber parties together.

When they grew up, two of these friends decided to keep themselves safe and pure for their prospective husbands. The other one enjoyed life and gave it out to every Tom, Dick without Harry.

So here’s what happened to the “two virgin Marys” with the holier than thou attitude. One was a successful entrepreneur, met this lawyer, fell in love, had a committed relationship for a year. Mind you she wasn’t giving the lawyer any.

They eventually got married and after few weeks into the marriage, she discovered her husband cannot knock her off the park. He has erectile dysfunction and was secretly seeking medical help. His inability to satisfy her was a big blow.

Secondly, her dream of becoming a mother was thwarted. Don’t also forget in every marriage if the sex is bad, so is the relationship.

On the flip side, the “all time skanky girl” among them was having a blissful marriage with two wonderful kids. The last girl who also saved her virginity found out that, prior to her marriage, her husband was riding other ladies like a horse behind her back since she deprived him from getting any.

This led to an argument which almost led to separation, because, before their marriage, they had a mutual agreement that he would wait for her no matter the odds.

After my neighbour’s excellent rendition of his 30mins story, he added, it’s just like sampling a piece of meat in the supermarket. He must know what’s good before spending his money.

Virgins are immature and have no experience on how to curl their toes in bed. According to him, the whole idea of being pure is unnecessary, since there is nothing dirty about sex but pleasure.

Being a virgin does not make you extra special or a saint and not being a virgin does not portray a corrupted slutty damaged woman to a saturated point. Besides, people who are new at something are really bad at it the first time. Their sexual encounter is always disparaging and awkward.

Defensively, he said, I’m not implying girls should open their legs every two seconds, but at least giving it up to the one you love or doing it any time you feel you are ready ain’t that bad. After all, most 25-30 year old virgins end up being loners. Why let the cojones suffer?

With that said, I never bothered to reiterate my question about male virgins. I was so not ready for another shocking reply. This was almost unheard of, especially coming from a 40year old man…

They say virginity is not the prize it used to be some time ago and if you saved yourself for marriage, then you missed out on a whole lot of fun on your way to adulthood.

Culture is constantly changing and the way virgins were viewed has somehow changed as well. They are now ridiculed and tagged as naive. Moreover, in this day and age, marriage does not mean forever to everybody.

It’s just a piece of paper, signed and could be ripped anytime. Hypothetically, you save yourself for “Mr. Right”, you meet him, get married, loose your virginity. Unfortunately, the marriage collapses along the way and you move on to another “Mr. Right”.

What will be the rationale behind your philosophy of no sex until marriage? Through media’s exposure of sexuality to the public, virgins find it hard to fit in with their pals. If a man is a virgin, he’s mocked by his peers. Regarding him as effeminate and mama’s boy…They are looked down upon.

Culture is one of the most influential contexts in which behaviour is judged. In some culture, it’s normal for a girl to loose it in her teens whiles others deem it inappropriate. When we travel down memory lane, girls were warned by parents to save themselves for marriage.

They were taught, there will be no need to buy a cow if the milk is free. A man should earn the privilege after putting a ring on it. Virginity was a priority for women but don’t know about men.

However, does it have any hidden disadvantages? It’s even hard to believe when a girl says she’s a virgin these days. Being a celibate until marriage is the most difficult thing for this generation.

They justify that, there’s something called “horny” and that alone breaks virginity…lol. So my question is, when a girl/woman decides to keep her virginity, do you view it as a bad or good decision?

Should men also save their virginity for marriage or must be experienced in order to satisfy their women? Add your comment and please try whisper in my ears as to what age you lost your virginity or when you intend loosing it…. Kidding.


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86 thoughts on “Tish’s Corner: Keeping Your Virginity Until Marriage…..Is It Good or Pure Nonsense & Should Men Also Save Theirs?”

  1. I hardly comment on write-ups on here which are not from me but I can’t let this pass because I am the number 1 sceptic of the whole adult virginity nonsense.
    Apart from the fact that I do not believe in the ‘I am a virgin’ crap, I honestly cannot recall any benefit I derived from my one time encounter with a virgin except my lost of breath as a result of the constant instruction I had to give. Turn right, bend down well well, go more down, too low and all crap…
    The issue of virginity gets worst when culture comes in. I have always seem most cultural teachings so as religion as a brutal way to take away happiness from mankind and subject us to some boring new legal order, capable of pushing you into depression and take away the fun of life.
    What is special about being a virgin when you cannot for a minute guarantee that the man or woman you will marry will also be a virgin? What is the sense in starving yourself when eventually you will go eat the food?
    When I hear the slogan, ‘I am a virgin’, I just delete that person off…The whole concept of being a virgin is pure garbage. Why go on a journey with no real benefit? And don’t give me your reward is in heaven crap…
    In short, no one either man or woman should keep his virginity. It is not worth it and it brings unnecessary stress, depression, rejection and sadness. I swear virgin girls are more unhappy than the ordinary I and I.
    My 2 cents! Thanks Leticia, great piece 🙂

    • @Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, they say opinion are like noses. everyone has his own…as for this, i beg to differ. there are so many reasons why men and women should keep their virginity. no wonder this generation is suffering from all sorts of sexually transmitted diseases. I will give you a few 1) Once you’ve lost it, you can’t get it back

      2) God commands you to keep sex for marriage

      3) Fornication (sex before marriage) is a sin

      4) Your marriage sex life will be MUCH better if you wait

      5) Virginity is one of the greatest gifts you can give your future wife or husband

      6) Having sex before marriage increases your risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (Aids, Venereal Disease, Herpes, etc..)

      7) Sexual intercourse causes you to be one in spirit and in flesh with another person. You will have difficulty cutting these ties to this person when you marry another person in the future.

      8) Sex without the commitment of a lifetime is an empty act. It will undoubtedly fail to match the high expectations you have for it. It usually takes years to develop intimacy with your spouse, and physical intimacy in sex is closely (or intimately) related to this overall emotional & spiritual intimacy. It takes work and it takes true love. Love without the lifetime commitment is not strong enough to develop your sexual experience into God’s perfect and wonderful plan for it.

      9) Having sex before marriage risks pregnancy. It’s one thing to have sex without the security of a lifetime commitment, but try raising children without that commitment. If the parents stick together, that helps, but nothing can substitute a child’s security in knowing that his/her parents are committed to each other and aren’t going to leave when things get tough.

      10) Premarital sex cheapens one of God’s greatest gifts to people. God, the Creator of life, gave us the privilege of being “stewards” in the creation of life. It behooves us to keep the standards that he established for sex. Now think about this CHRIS.

      • @Kwabena Edusei, Wow…you are basing your assumptions on God’s requirements? I do not want to go into Godly stuff with you since the commandants you/we term as from God themselves are dicey…

        What if  I do not believe in God and as such those commandments are pretty useless to me? You should rather descend with reasons which will make sense to even people who do not believe in God or Religion… GOD NEVER TOLD US ANYTHING…

        And who said sex before marriage gives STDs? Let me coach you here, it is unprotected sex that breeds STDs…It is not the time the sex takes place but the way it is done.

        There are several MAJOR reasons why a person will want to have sex. Is not all women or men who want commitment, therefore your point that, sex without commitment of a lifetime is an empty act has no substance.

        You have listed about 10 points but none of these say anything beyond GOD this, GOD that. Come on, not everyone is a Christian or believes in your GOD.  Enough of The God Delusion…Have an all inclusive debate and not a church service. I do not buy arguments or reasoning that sole dwell on God this, God that

        • @Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri,
          You argued well Chris and you are also right that pre-marital sex doesn’t give STIs. Abstinence does not exempt one from such risks even though it may lower the danger. YOU are also right that it is not every one (esp guys) who is interested in commitment. But some of Edusei’s comments also made sense to me. I BELIEVE that the issue of celibacy cannot be discussed without the religious twist. I can tell you for a fact that many who abstain or feel guilty when they fail to; do so largely on religious grounds.
          And i agree with you also when you said once religion comes into the picture, then such submissions will make no sense to the Atheist. Of course, I don’t see why the Atheist who doesn’t believe in God should be bordered about abstaining from sex. 
          Adherence to God’s laws must always begin with believing in God himself. No one who doesn’t believe in God would accept his laws especially if the laws judge/critic their emotions and desires. Personally, i do not  fault people who don’t believe in God or the bible if they don’t abstain; at all.

          For instance i am Christian and so i believe in the Bible fully;  I totally abstained till i got married at 28. I did that solely on religious grounds because of my faith in God. As you rightly said, i denied myself the pleasure because of Christ. It is thus totally unnecessary to abstain for no cause. If there is no cause, there is virtually no need to abstain…call it ”useless self-deprivation of physiologically needful pleasure”. There should be ‘a cause worth abstaining for’. I don’t think i would have abstained if i had not become a Christian esp at an earlier age. I did it in total obedience unto God and his LAWS. Am 30 now and we have one girl and an unborn baby…and its well with us. we learned and adjusted well quickly-sexually.

          Chris, i would employ you to dispassionately consider my little piece below. Hope it makes at least some religious sense to you. 

          Gen 2:24-God said a man shall LEAVE (independence) his family, and then CLEAVE (marriage) to his wife, and the two shall become ONE FLESH (sex/procreation). God’s order has always been: LEAVING-CLEAVING-ONE FLESH.
          When we change this order, we disobey HIM. Peoples’ struggle or failure to meet this standard cannot change God’s word. God’s word is so true and abiding. In case we fall short of this standard, we can always ask for forgiveness, bounce back and seek help from the Holy Spirit and/or other counselors. WHAT GOD HAS SAID, LET NO MAN ATTEMPT TO CHANGE IT. Not even one alphabet can be changed from the Bible. Lets remember that a lot of people are still maintaining this standard. Its like writing ACCA, many people are struggling and subsequently abandoning the course and yet there are so many chattered accountants being produced every year. sex before marriage is still evil in the sight of GOD. 
          I will find you on fb…we could be friends

      • @Kwabena Edusei,are you a man of God or what? can you tell me that you abstain from sex before you married or are you still a virgin if you are not married ?
        normally those who preach the gosple dont pratice it .


        • @27calibre, I am not a man of God but I have daughters and when they old i’d teach them the same thing. guys better stay away.

      • @Kwabena Edusei, Good one. I am with you all the way. I hope people will realise it is much better to wait. My husband met me a virgin when i married him about 3yrs ago and he was very pleased with me because he didnt believe there were any virgins left out there. He and his family give me so much respect as a reult

      • “in this day and age, marriage does not mean forever to everybody.

        It’s just a piece of paper, signed and could be ripped anytime.” This is JUST UNFORTUNATE!

    • @Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, This is my first time commenting on this blog. The reason? I just couldn’t stand reading such a preposterous comment. Seriously? My understanding to your comment is that its ok for a girl to just go ahead and sleep with any man she pleases just because she’s horny? For Christ’s sake! Culture and religion are there to help you be a discipline individual. If you can’t keep your virginity find ur one and only to be with. I have many virgin friends (male and female) and those that cant wait simply get married.
      I guess you wouldn’t mind marrying a lady who has shared bed with all your friends and men in you neighbourhood just because she was damn horny and wanted to satisfy her uncontrollable sexual desires!
      I believe there are many non-virgin girls who are wack in bed! You dont have to sleep with zillion men to be good in bed. i’m sure some virgins were excellent in bed on their first time. Being a virgin doesnt mean BEING IGNORANT about sex. And YES the God does make mention about sex (keeping urself). Its because of Sexual Immoralities ((Acts 15, 1 Corinthians 13, 1 Corinthians 7) that God decided that it was good for a man to get married. Catch u on bbm
      ;)… Ur comment wasnt cool

    • @Posted By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Lighten up. There are cool people out there who happened to have been raised to wait for sex. Most will change their opinions and many will have sex later than others who had no such upbringing. It is best to give them room to work through it at their own pace.
      Riduicule and condemnation of them is unnecessary, and not cool.

  2. I remember there was a topic like this on here not long ago.Well, the thing is, tthe Good book says its better to do it after marriage you know?In today’s world of evil and guilt its kinda hard to stick to it but atleast we must try to keep ourselves from adultery.Guys these days have a theory that goes like”how can I buy a car if I dont try it”hmmm, girls r being compared to objects.Well, virgins out there please keep ur virginity till marriage cuz it comes with lots of BLESSINGS and the “second handers” lets try and keep ourselves holy..!.*NB,Miss Leticia, the picture above doesn’t correspond with your topic.U might wanna use ur usual ones.thanks!

    • @Adjoa Nbaaso), this one de333 something pushed me to comment. Thank you my sister. we are now compared to an object.Men of today, always want to get into our pants. The word of God condemns it, who can be against it?

  3. virginity is nothing the sooner u looose it the happy and healthier you become. this virginity crap is realy not worth it

    • @baby gillsR, are you a man or woman? how can you say that. it is the greatest gift you can give to your wife or husband if you care to know.

      • @Gina, trust me u dont wanna loose ur virginity on ur weddind night is awkward .weddind night is supposed to be fun not pain what if u find out ur husband cant go to sail .trust i have been in that situation it was terrible

  4. Being a virgin is not really the thing for guys,  but for girls it very important .  A girl must be a virgin atleast upto a certain age. After 18 years, she must stop being silly and start getting her self dirty because she will need all the dirty tricks to sustain her future marriage. I know you might find this interesting to believe but a guy for a virgin is pretty cool if you in the mist of ‘dirty’ girls, they all want to break you. In fact you can break and rebreak your virginity time and time again if you are in college full of hot girls. All you have to do is spread a propaganda that ‘you are the only virgin guy on campus’ and trust me it works like magic. 

    Goodluck to all the girls who are virgin cos i don’t want to be the one to do that talks, am not King Leonados in 300…”spartans!!!”
    If any hot girl is reading this comment, my name is Dr Nii Mensa and am a virgin guy. Come and get me!!!

    • @Dr Mensa Nii Mensa,Let me ad this to yours Keeping your virginity till marriage is the best thing you can do. As a human being we all have strengths and weaknesses. If you want to stay a virgin until marriage you need to talk with him and let him know how you feel in this area. Nevre never never be alone with him in any way always go out with another couple. If you stay home to watch a movie make sure another family member is in the same room. We humans think we are strong but remember when it feels good we do not want to stop. In order to stay a virgin do your best not to be alone with him. He will probably say something like if you really love me then let’s do it. In reality if he really loves you he will respect what it is you want. If he keeps pushing y then you may want to rethink if he truly loves you or he just wants to have sex with you.

    • @Dr Mensa Nii Mensa, Yes u are right. I’m 26, and still a virgin. I have a fiance who is alo a virgin himself. We decided we will wait until we wed (our wedding is coming up in few months time). On our own, we decided NOt to go to any secluded place ALONE. We visit parks, gardens and eatries. And we (i in particular) are looking forward to our wedding night. When we shall for the very first time experience sex.

    • @Mavis Yeboah: I like ur commen. I like ur spirit. Even though u’ve lost ur virginity, u still have a good concience and moral. Well, i’m a virgin myself, n I’m 26 years old. Really, I’ve met a lot of men, who profess love to me, but we usually do not last, because the sex isn’t forthcoming, so they leave. But funny enough, i don’t feel bad, cos I’ve always believed that any man who truely loves me and wishes to marry me, wouldn’t be in a rush to have sex with me after only a few months or weeks of meeting. And Luckily for me, God has blessed me with a very God-fearing man, and we shall be wedding soon. Meanwhile, no sex until wedding night.

  5. I will rather get use to the antics of a virgin and marry her than settle down with a lady who’s had several experiences with men of different shapes and sizes.
    Seriously you wouldn’t want to know about how i treated women in the past when it comes to bedmantics and as a result only one of them has been able to get life partner. Even with her current status, she still cheerishes those moments we shared together and wants me around all the time. If your logic is anything to go by, then all of them should have been wives but surprisingly they are not. Despite the fact that they are beautiful, resourceful and comes in handy. My bit is not to rubish your take on the issue but to proudly tell you that the best gift a wife can give to the husband is her virginity. They are a lots books, videos and other means of learning how to be usefull in bed wth your partner. Indeed i have had a relationship with three virgins who were far better than a couple of the experienced ones. So count yourself lucky if your partner saves you the troubles of comparing your perfomance in bed to other able men.

  6. let me say something here,virginity is a good thing.i wish i still had love virgins,because they are sweet and advise is that try and keep your virginity if you can.give it to your husband on your wedding night.these days having sex for the first time is no longer painful,you can use lubricants.also foreplay makes the lady relax if the man is good at would only be painful for the first time when the man is greedy and impatient.but lets be frank,it is very difficult to keep your virginity when you are extremely beatiful or when you possess curvy body.the men,some very eligible suitor will definitely still your heart.people who normally keeps their virginity for long lack male suitors.those are the kind of people who receives proposal once in a year.again,rich girls can also keep their virginity very well.especially daddy’s girls.their fathers provide them with every thing they need,therefore most guys do not march up.but in all being a virgin till marriage would give you great favor from God as you are likely to get pregnant immediately you have sex with your you have no problem with am married but no kids.

  7. Mavis are you a prophetess or something? You are absolutely right. I went back to Ghana a couple years ago to get married to my virgin girlfriend who is now my wife and like you noted, i spend only one month and got her pregnant in the process. It’s just so awesome how one enjoys favours from the Almighty if at least one of you keeps to this virginity stuff. We should not conderm those who have already lost it, instead bear with them and encaurage those who have thiers intact. May the Lord bless us all……

  8. U stay virgin…. there are consequences ….u stay the ” I do all kind of sh** too” there are consequences… ebody and his philosophy… .cos both sides of the coin is kind of shinny.

  9. OK, I will say there is nothing wrong with loosing your virginity or being virgin before marriage, being man/woman. But the wrong thing is disobeying Gods words which says “thy shall not commit adultery”. Thus, we should abstain from sex until you are married. So is up to you, whether u believe in his word or not. If you believe in the word of God, Is sinful to do that, but if you don’t believe in his word there nothing wrong with being virgin or not before marriage.

  10. i agree that you should stay a virgin before you get married. i also wish that i was still a virgin but shit happens. the sex will be more special and exciting on the wedding night if you are a virgin. me myself i wanna marry a virgin guy(if thats possible)

  11. I wasn’t a virgin when I married my husband, however he was. With me being experienced, I was able to blow his mind away.  The only thing that bugged me was the fact that I allowed some guy that I never loved, but out of pressure, take my virginity.  I wish I had given it to my husband instead.  I was so proud of him. Not many men can abstain from sex. Having sex, or making love is not just a physical connection.  It’s emotional and very bonding.  I always feel awkward when I see the guy that broke my virginity because now we are total strangers to each other. I personally think it’s better to save yourself for your future husband/wife because they deserve it.  In the end, your husband/wife will be the one to be there for you through good and bad times not the person you gave your virginity to.

  12. I have been going through all the comments and I realise that most of you guys are focus on one thing and forgotten as out the other but there are two virginity’s. There is the physical virginity where the hymen is intact, and the moral (cultural) virginity where the person hasn’t been involved in sexual activity. 
    You can loose your physical virginity without having sex. The hymen can stretch and rupture during other activities, such as horse riding, dancing that involves splits/High kicks, sports injuries and severe falls. A person who hasn’t had sex can therefore can be a physical non-virgin, while being a moral virgin. And a woman who involves herself in sexual activities which don’t involve vaginal penetration, can be a physical virgin without being a moral virgin. To me this includes oral sex. And of course when there is sexual intercourse, the virginity is lost. So when does a woman lose her virginity? It depends on your point of view. But to me physical virginity is nothing compared to the moral virginity. And it is important to remember it is a gift given but once. 


  13. this is fucking insane, I cant believe what Im reading. just cause your girl has been smashed by any next guy does not mean you should say virginity is a bad thing…, please dont be john…. the cause of social breakdown is because of breakdown of the family, and that is a result of fornication and adultery… we are human beings not dogs that just fuck any next thing. 

  14. If you live in the u.s.a.,these kindna responses are not news as we hear them every second of the day.

    Remember Americans have no culture rather, they have a system of living which has no value for certain things which matters to those of us from Africa and for that matter GHANA. I believe is good to preserve oneself (boy /girl) till marriage but because society is changing rapidly, Virginity is loosing its value and I pray that Ghanaians will uphold our cultural values and reject globalization which is having negetive effect on our cultural values. NaNa Anim (Long Island Mmrantehene New York,)

  15. How do u know if ur guy is a virgin?To my fellow dear virgins we r priceless,pple call us names cos they wish to be in our shoes.Be proud of it.

    • @Fas,way to tell if a man is a virgin or not. look for stretch marks on his abdomen. If he has none, it’s a safe bet Well if you ask me you cant you have to depend on his honesty….there no scientific theory to determine that no matter what you say and also another way to determine if a man is a virgin is by having sex with him(wrap it up) and if he’s a pro and looks like he knows what he’s doing then you got your answer but if he doesn’t know where to put the (bleep) then you also have your answer…….

  16. Hmmm! So Who is right? My girl friend is a virgin. We’ve been making luv together but not sex. We’ve been dating since our teen ages, but we’re both in our 20s now. We’ve done everything lovers will do (including bathing, and sleeping together), except sex bcos want to keep that till marriage. Should we go ahead and just do it (after all, there’s nothing new under the sun btwn the two of us), or wait till marriage?

  17. i’ve read all the comments on here & i must say im HIGHLY impressed by most of them..atleast there are ppl out there who obey God, regardless of their relationship with HIM. Im Christian and yes i believe in virginity and so does my boyfriend but we always find ourselves in compromising situations when it comes to sex but the fact that we end up falling doesnt make DOING it right. we both feel extremely guilty after doing it becuz we know in whom we believe…As Miyagi said, being alone in a room with ur partner increases the possibility of falling, especially if the physical attraction is very strong. Secondly, lets assume there’s sumone who hasnt read the bible or heard of God’s laws a day in his/her life. That individual may not understand the importance of keeping his/her virginity till marriage, but I believe the CONSCIENCE that he/she possess will play a role in whether or not he/she will go around sleeping with every Tom, Dick and Harry.. Even some non-Christians know its not right to sleep with every guy u date, not just for health reasons but for pyschological reasons also,how much more we Christians who have it written BOLDLY in our bible. As for whether that non-Christian who will abstain from it for psychological reasons will also abstain from it when he/she finds THE ONE, i highly doubt it becuz he/she does not yet know the value or worth in holding bacc from that “Mr Right” till marriage..This issue goes beyond the physical intellect & into the spiritual..

    • @2babyyxl, . “Im Christian and yes i believe in virginity and so does my boyfriend but we always find ourselves in compromising situations when it comes to sex but the fact that we end up falling doesnt make DOING it right. we both feel extremely guilty after doing it becuz we know in whom we believe…”

      i stopped reading after that… basically it’s wrong to have sex according to christianity but its ok in ur case cos u feel guilty afterwards “becuz you know who u believe in”

      I know who you believe in…he doesn’t exist.

      • @mackie5667, you missed the whole point but i don’t blame u cos once u saw the word Christianity, u got ready to bash and disclaim every point. i don’t need to waste my time in explaining nothing to u..any intelligent person would know that i argued on both sides of the issue (for Christians & non-Christians) & i CLEARLY didn’t say becuz i feel guilty afterward it makes it about u just give ur own opinion & keep it moving!

      • @mackie5667, “the fact that we end up falling doesn’t make DOING it right. we both feel extremely guilty after doing it becuz we know in whom we believe…” If this still doesn’t make sense to u then idk wat else would…& p.s i argued on both sides of the’d know that if u actually read the whole comment!!..have a gud day

  18. Religion is not an ideal fora for settling debates of conscience. I sleep with women purely for the reason of pleasure. I enjoy the buzz that orgasm brings. When the time comes for me to want to make babies i will sleep with women for that reason.

    I hate it when religious zealots and doomsday pedlars use religion to define what sex should mean. I am fucking a lot of women in order to get my virginity back. ~ So back off!!

  19. How could you see a nice chic and say u are saving your virginity. Sometimes i hear tits and ass talking to me. In my sleep i see vaginas as the gateway to heaven. You guys have no idea.

    Just look at the picture in this post. You see that ass right? You tell me if ur not gonna sell your whole house to bang that ass. I would sell my soul to the devil just to tap that ass and bury my head in between her thighs until thy kingdom come.

    • @Joseph Midnight, hahahaha damns jospeh is that you lmao I do agree with you in some way picture above is temptation by the way Chris how could you put buffy ass on a topic like that 

  20. am a virgin and am keeping it till the day GOD will bless me with the man of my dreams. dont care what people thing, keeping my virginity till marriag is very important to me.Am only 23 and i dont see a reason to have sex now. so anywoman out there who is still a virgin should be proud of it.

  21. Abstaining fron sex is the best thing to do even though it’s not easy.
    Marriages in which the partners were sexually active before marriage do not usually last.
    How will u feel if u find ur partner in the company of another man, if u know she gives it out easily when she’s horny?
    .o0O(this guy is going to bung ma girl)

  22. Kingblaq is right we’v been together ‘naked’ and we done notin yet.We play like kids and often tease each other.He often cals me ‘virgin mary’ and tells me he’s proud of me and am also proud of him.

  23. Keeping ur natural virginity till marriage is very difficult especialy wen in a reltnship.u can only achieve dis wen ur patna supots u.My boyfriend once visited me wen a guy came arnd selin wat he called virginity cream.u aply into ur ‘p…y’ for somtym to keep tyt.our laughter drove dis guy away.dear virgins it’s so swt to keep it,u feel so’VIP’ bliv u me, u have a lot of fun as u don’t feel so restricted to 1 person.

    • @Fas, hei don’t screw up dear. Part of ur last statement is rather the direct opposite. How much fun do u have with other guys apart from me? I guess that should be for those who give their p*ssy to every tom and dick, and not u instead. Reframe, and come again.

  24. @Adjoa Nbaaso), yes oo. All we do is petting. I understand her, and I want her to keep her pride until she’s ready, both physically, and psychologically, to let go of it. She’s so horny, and precious to me.

  25. @Fas, don’t get to horny here. Just be a lil cosiderate cos most guys will get blue if u expose it all… I luv u boobs…shhh… That’s just for lunch sweetheart!

  26. I BELIEVE that the issue of celibacy cannot be discussed without the religious twist. I can tell you for a fact that many who abstain or feel guilty when they fail to; do so largely on religious grounds.And i agree with you also when you said once religion comes into the picture, then such submissions will make no sense to the Atheist. Of course, I don’t see why the Atheist who doesn’t believe in God should be bordered about abstaining from sex. Adherence to God’s laws must always begin with believing in God himself. No one who doesn’t believe in God would accept his laws especially if the laws judge/critic their emotions and desires. Personally, i do not  fault people who don’t believe in God or the bible if they don’t abstain; at all.
    For instance i am Christian and so i believe in the Bible fully;  I totally abstained till i got married at 28. I did that solely on religious grounds because of my faith in God. As you rightly said, i denied myself the pleasure because of Christ. It is thus totally unnecessary to abstain for no cause. If there is no cause, there is virtually no need to abstain…call it ”useless self-deprivation of physiologically needful pleasure”. There should be ‘a cause worth abstaining for’. I don’t think i would have abstained if i had not become a Christian esp at an earlier age. I did it in total obedience unto God and his LAWS. Am 30 now and we have one girl and an unborn baby…and its well with us. we learned and adjusted well quickly-sexually.i would employ all to dispassionately consider my little piece below. Hope it makes at least some religious sense to you. Gen 2:24-God said a man shall LEAVE (independence) his family, and then CLEAVE (marriage) to his wife, and the two shall become ONE FLESH (sex/procreation). God’s order has always been: LEAVING-CLEAVING-ONE FLESH.When we change this order, we disobey HIM. Peoples’ struggle or failure to meet this standard cannot change God’s word. God’s word is so true and abiding. In case we fall short of this standard, we can always ask for forgiveness, bounce back and seek help from the Holy Spirit and/or other counselors. WHAT GOD HAS SAID, LET NO MAN ATTEMPT TO CHANGE IT. Not even one alphabet can be changed from the Bible. Lets remember that a lot of people are still maintaining this standard. Its like writing ACCA, many people are struggling and subsequently abandoning the course and yet there are so many chattered accountants being produced every year. sex before marriage is still evil in the sight of GOD. 

  27. Keeping your virginity to me is very important cos u never know wen your relationship wld end…shld u sleep with 50 ladies before marriage, u wld never be satisfied wen u get married since u’ve seen it all and a master as such never feels satisfied…Your virginity is the best thing u can give your husband/wife….

  28. I totally agree with u , as 4me i’m 20yrs, and no matter what any one’s view might be, i’m very very proud to till be a virgin. And its gonna be that way till i’m married cos thats my virtue. Even after 3 failed relationship all becos i refused to open my legs, while they can al go 2hell for all i care. 1more thing, i’m not depressed, lonely etc just becos im a virgin, no no, but i’m hapi nd content. Even if girls are losin theirs dat doesn’t mean dat i should follow the crowd and do the same. (i.e, just like you putting your hands in fire and telling me to do d same)

  29. Keeping ones virginity before marriage,does it have any effect on childbearing?cause am still a virgin @20yrs,hope its not bad?am scared.

                           Your’e my hero! I’m only 16 years old  but I want to keep my viginity till my wedding niht. Your exactly  how I want to be like when i grow up. 
                            i just moved to  a small town where I noticed A LOT of young girls my age are already mothers! Can you believe that!? I just became SO SICK & TIRED of these kids around me having immoral ***. On top of that ***uall images are shoved constantly in our faces from the media. I’m just being a strong minded young girl  that my mother raised me to be. I WILL NOT be swayed into a man’s sick ***ual desires.
                             I knew there are other good people out there who are obeying God’s law no matter what!

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