Mzbel has never had any good luck with men…Probably her best and exciting relationship was with hiplife star Castro ‘De Destroyer’-Ghana 50 cent.
If Mzbel’s relationship with Castro , the man who failed to even tell her about his marriage is what I call her best, then you should know the worst places Nana Ekua has been.
Recently, it was all over the news that Mzbel was warming the rich bed of Opanin Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Chief Executive of UT Bank. Mzbel came out several times to deny having any intimate or sexual relationship with Opanin Kofi Amoabeng.
Today, the above photo has surfaced and from the look of things, do you not spot it all written on Mzbel’s face? Money talks right?
What do you think? Can these two be mere friends ? Don’t tell me Nana Ekua is at her Mzbel wonders again and this time, she seems to be rocking it with her father’s size…
Mpe me size all these hiplife so-called celebrities are just fooling their self marriage wreckers I don’t have any words for this bankye head girl
OOOH! they can be mere friends as she says. but how did the media get this pic?
LOL…….. as3m b3ba dabi.
Mr UT man is lukin lyk a dead body which has been laid in state…all dis so called big men in our society sucks big time
Mzbel,this man doesn’t fit u koraaa..why eh??is it just money or its somethg else??u can’t get a common decent guy??oh I forgot that uve got de worse record in gh music industry..if its what we thinkin den u don’t try at all..
@cici, what do you define a decent man?what makes one decent?its money,money talks bullshit happends,you are nothing in this world if you have no money,even if you look like a monkey women will like you for your cash.look at lil wayne and 50 cent,dey no fine but women they die for them,why its all about the benjamin.
Lets allow them to be, becos they are adults.
come on guys this is a photo shop cant u see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that man is the CEO of Unique Trust n i heard he was going out with Nana Aba Anamoah of TV3 n Mizbel, so most of these rumours that we hear are true abi? hmmm these sugar dadies they r always surrounded by celebs cos of their money, 3y3 ns3m pii
@Akosua Addai, he has what these ladies want and that is money,so he ives them the money and they give him what he want,.its a of give and take.
This is clearly photoshopped.. hahaha y’all are funny.
Eii Nana Ekua, aba? This man can born you. You will ride him and kill him and you will be charged for murder plus your pending police assault case. Ghana mma pe sika dodo
are girls of her sort not wrecking homes? are they not ashamed of themselves? forcing themselves on men who have titles, names and money. where were they when these men were struggling to be on their feet? how were they trained at home? no discipline?
the pics looks suspicious…anywayz whatever it is ,it’s their own wahala,not mine..
eii mzbell pls this not good at alll…how can this old man even handle the juicy box.
The man is divorce and the girl is single, I dont see anything wrong with it, so long as their adults, and age does not matter in relationship if she is in it for the money it is up to her, but if she loves him and want to settle with him I dont see anything wrong with that despite the age difference…..
What is it abt dis pic that shouts out dey r dating. Aren’t people or females allowed to ve a photograph with a male friend?????????????????????
nonesense GC.This picture has been photoshoped.I can even do a better job.
@Maame u can say that again my dear
the man is divoced but has thousands of girlfriends, mzbel might just be one of them. this man has kids and as far as i know, he has been dating someone i know for more than 15 years because i have known the lady for almost 13 years but she had been with this man before we became friends and this lady i am talking about has a child with this man. she is such a decent lady.
@fred, he has two kids i grew up with in sakumono estates, kwaku and keli….he’s a self admitted libertine…said in an interview once that marriage is not for him. it’s not like he’s single or anything so let him be.
@jb, are you aware that keli or kekeli is an ewe name? i am an ewe myself. check your facts. i live on the spintex road so i know what i am talking about, i am not saying that he should not be but when your family member or a very good friend of yours is in the same situation, talk trash. l am a guy as well kudos to you if this is the way you will live your life.
@jb, at least reading from the begining, no one mentioned here that the man is married, veryone here is saying that the man is divorced, but he is a role model to a lot of people not only in ghana but other parts of the world so he should act as such both businesswise and personal lifewise. is it not a shame to see a man of his age with a girl like that? anyway, it is his life, he should live it the way he wants – is he ghana hugh hefner?
so far as the man is divorced and mzbel is single ,they can mingle
@mavis yeboah, the man is divorced but he has loads of the girls including mzbel so of course they can all mingle and enjoy themselves and await STDs
@fred, leave whoever this girl is out of your case. i dont think she has asked you to fight on her behalf, moreso, you did not mention that they are not dating meaning that the girl is ok with what the man is doing. if you have a case or beef with the man in question or mzbel address it and get out of here quick.
@kiki pal, hei, chill. all i am saying is i feel pity for my friend because she is a descent girl. i tried to make advances at her but it didnt work out so she became my good friend LOL.