The prestigious Ghana Movie Awards (GMA) which aims at celebrating and rewarding excellence in the Ghanaian movie industry is set to launch its 2011 edition on Friday, 29th July at Golden Tulip Hotel’s posh Conference hall in Accra.
The launch will attract various important industry players and highly profiled politicians who have close link with the movie industry.
Special Guests to appear at the launch will be the Deputy Minister for Tourism- Mr Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Deputy Minister of Tourism- Mr James Agyenim Boateng and the Cultural Minister.
The official launch of GMA will be followed by a nomination party in November at Kumasi, Golden Tulip Hotel.
The actual award ceremony is slated for 25th December, 2011 at the Accra International Conference Centre.
We have a new movie in town called ‘Single 6’, would the 6 Actress be given a single car to share this year?
For more information, visit
Leila is the best!
who is this sexy lady>?
supergal keep putn gh on the map as much as i luv u sis who evr did ur makeups hmmmmmmm no comment
I will try n make it this year..
like your question chris. i guess not again this tyme around. no single car for single six lol