GhanaCelebrities.Com caught up with Ghanaian screen badboy Majid Michel who was out and about in the areas of Manhattan, USA to talk about the rumour which recently emerged that, he was somehow poisoned on set while shooting the movie ‘Somewhere In Africa’.
GC seized the opportunity to ask Majid Michel about his role in ‘Somewhere In Africa’, his upcoming projects, his social networking presence among other things.
On his role in the movie ‘Somewhere In Africa’, Majid Michel said ‘I played a double role in the movie. I played the commander- Lieutenant Yusuf Mumbasa who is the main character and also a journalist who worked undercover. This was quite challenging as the two roles were very different.”
Majid Michel told GhanaCelebrities.Com that “I found it really challenging especially with the makeup which was used to change the colour of my skin in most of the scenes.
This was quite difficult with the hot weather. Also we had to change our accents as the producer wanted it in such a way that you would not know where in Africa the movie took place, that is why it is called Somewhere In Africa” he said.
Surely, you know we will not let Majid escape the question; Is the movie ‘Somewhere In Africa’ a ripp-off of the South African movie Sarafina as some of our readers having been saying.
Majid was quick to say “I really don’t think there are any comparisons at all though I know a lot of people are saying that there are. The two movies are totally different; the accents in the movies are different so they are not even based in the same country. People really need to firstly watch the full movie before judging or deciding on how the two movies can be compared or be brought close to each other”.
You guys know I will be the first person to bash the movie if turns out to be a Sarafina wanna be. I am peacefully waiting for the premiere date which is 30th July, 2011 and after that, we will come on here to dissect the movie. Let’s wait and watch it first and then we can do the ripp-off bashing.
When asked if he was ever poisoned as some newspapers and websites recently reported, Majid answered…“No there was no truth to that, no one tried to poison me or anything like that. I’m not sure where that rumour came from or where that even started”.
On what the Ghana Movie Awards 2010 Best Actor has in the pipe-line, he said “I am currently looking to work in theatre on Broadway, I’ve done some little work in this area but a few Broadway shows are in the pipe line. It’s very different from what I’m used to doing”. Go get it boy!
Now to those who have been wasting their precious time chatting to some JERK thinking it’s Majid on facebook and twitter, you better find something better to do with your time. The Actor told GhanaCelebrities.Com that he is not on facebook or twitter and the reason is that “there are a lot of fake facebook pages which have been put up under my name but none of them are mine. I will soon start up a facebook page for my fans”.
On a little note of advice (below) for the young ones aspiring to become Actors in the Ghana Movie Industry, we ended our chat with Majid Michel.
“Well what I will say is make sure working as an actor and working in the movie industry is really what you want to do and stay focused. Don’t assume you can relay on just your good looks and nice clothes, it’s about hard work and focus”.
‘Somewhere In Africa’ stars Majid Michel, Martha Ankomah, David Dontoh, Roselyn Ngissah among others. The grand premiere of the movie is on July 30, 2011 at the National Theatre, Ghana. There will be two showing; 6pm and 8pm.
The movie will then show in the following cities below:
Accra: Silverbird Cinema On 19th August, 2011 at 6pm and 8pm
Kumasi: Miklin Hotel On 5th August, 2011 at 6pm and 8pm
Takoradi: Polytechnic Hall On 20th August, 2011 at 6pm and 8pm
Tamale: P. Conner Hotel Hall On 26th, 27th & 28th, 2011 at 6pm and 8pm
Sunyani: Centre For National Culture On 13th August, 2011 at 6pm and 8pm
Koforidua: Ma-Dic Royal Plaza On 20th & 21st August, 2011 at 6pm and 8pm

Vincent you are a fkcing liar. I know Majid (P) personally and i know for a fact he did not grant anybody from GC this interview. You and I know where you lifted this story from. Kwasia panin all you do is go around blogs stealing peoples stories. You are a damn thief and dont ever come by blog to steal any story again cos i will air you out. Kwasiasem. I dont respec tyou and i will never respect you. Stupid thief.
You know Majid so what? Majid is not the only person we have interviewed today, we have interviewed Roselyn Ngissah and will do other cast members of somewhere in Africa. We interviewed Martha Ankomah some few weeks ago. Why don;t you call him and ask him if he spoke to Guys from GC or not?
GC has an exclusive right to interview all the cast of the movie Somewhere In Africa and that is what we are doing, paid PLENTY DOLLARS to do if you care to know…Who cares about your blog and who even knows whatever blog you talking about?
Why am I even bothering myself answering you? Another loser out there!
@Posted By: Gossip Mama, Do you even have to reply this wannabe Blogger?You have passed his/her stage, you are now paid to interview not her/him who goes begging for interviews. Geez! Who cares even if you know Majid. People have work to do!
@Truth, Another fool has found her way to GC. Even the worst fool can see that GC has been promoting this movie for months and this is maybe part of their promo contract with the movie people.
Has GC not interviewed people bigger than Majid? Why does Chris have to steal something, can’t he dial Majid’s number and speak to him? Can’t you see the quotation marks to let you know Majid is being quoted? This place is full of comedians
@TiffanyBabe, that was a good reply. some people are just annoying.
@Truth, who cares if you are even sucking on Majid’s dick. why will Chris lie about an interview which is to promote a movie. What will that bring him? go suck on Majid’s dick well and ask him if he spoke to GC or not because you sound like a jealous blogger who envies Chris’s success and the fact that he parties and speaks with all the celebs you dream to even have their contact numbers
@Tracy, LOL. well said.
@Truth, are u a blogger or a wannabe blogger????is Majid ur sole property? if not den shut the hell up………whts ur beef if dey even “stole” dis story from anoda blog, why is the operator of dat blog not respondin and u are???? it just tells me wht a desperate, fame seekin asshole u are………Majid is ur personal friend, ma foot……..does dat mean he tells u everything, includin when he goes to screw his wife?? or does bein a “personal” friend qualify u to be a PR…..find something to do…i think ur name should ne FOOL not TRUTH…..Opanin has spoken.
@Opanin, say it again? So many foolish people are on the web and call themselves bloggers.lol.
Why will GC lie about talking to Majid if they did not when they know that the blog is read by almost all the celebrities including Majid himself.
If Majid did not grant them an interview, why will they say he did when they know he will see it or his friends or wife comes here each day to read? Did Truth think before she typed?
Ghanaians and Ani Bre. Skin Pain will kill some Ghanaians. Be happy for someone’s success and do not jealous them because these Gc guys are doing well and working their asses off day and night.
@Truth,I so don’tagree with you in this one it’s rather you drop you comment or don’t go to google and you will see that GC is the only website that interviewed Majid you should rather change your name from truth to humiliation
all i have to say is that majid u is hhhoooooooooootttttttttt!!!!!!! 🙂
@afroquuen, Ampa, I SOO LUV HIS MOVIES.
Why the FACK is this FACKING E-x-c-l-u-s-i-v-e news eh GC? Why? Do we think that we GC fans give a flying FCUK about this MIJIT called Majid who is a facking adulterer and a FACKING f*ck?! GC I have never been this angry with you people until now…so please to allow peace reign don’t show us pichas like this again o cos we prefer ORIGINAL 100% GOSSIPS! Yes I am a MALE GOSSIPER and I am proud to say it! Who gives a FACK about them ghaanian DWARFS going to FACKING SINCITY called Gallywood and …Abegi make we hear word jare!
@jayjay, another fool! just listen to yourself.
@jayjay, big idiot…..dats all i have to say….
@jayjay, Can somebody block this idiot from this website….??????
@jayjay, are u not the same person from nigeriafilms.com who insults anyone who news comes up? If its u pls this is a desent website n we are very proud of our Ghanain celebrities so don’t come here to do ur usual uneducated stuff. Thanks
@jayjay,have you seen your own naija girls with their cross legs
Loool,I wouldn’t like 2 be in dis so called Truth’s shoes.
this foolish jayjay is everywhere, go to nigeria films.com and he is there writting only nagative comments, DONT YOU VE A JOB? Useless being. Kwasiasem
Good Job Chris.. All I know is that I will be @ the national theater on the 30th..
good job man! wishing u all the best. i hope u get to work on broadway
But Chris You must Admit You are a Thief Though (this will not be the first or the last – you take stories off peoples blogs and then twist it up and make it yours) – Your blog is like the APuskeleke of all ghanaian blogs. With your cyto school followers. Your blog is very useless but i come here for laughs to read the apuskeleke comments. Paapa never granted any GC person an interview lets just lay out the truth. Common – animguasisisem ben ni
@Truth,The best part of it ALL is that, you are here each day to read the BLOG no matter whatever you think it is. Have a good day!