Dear GC Readers,
I have a dilemma which my means leaving my man, and I really don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying for a few years to work as a model and finally after many low paying modelling jobs my agency have got me an opportunity to model for a very big brand.
The only problem is I have to pose in a bikini with a male model and of course my boyfriend of three years is not accepting it at all. I tried to talk to him and even said I would see if I could get him to be on set so he could see how harmless it will be.
I have to let my agency know this week if I will sign the contract and he has given me an ultimatum that if I take the job its over. I feel so under pressure and I would be so gutted if I let this one go as I will have to start all over again.
Modelling is all I have, it’s all I know and am good at. If I turn this down my agency will not get me anymore work but I truly love my boyfriend. I just don’t know what to do.
Thanks, Jackie.
Dear Jackie,
While I would always advise to ensure that you have secured career plans to suit you, if you’re in a long term relationship that has potential for the future it’s not as easy as just doing things that only work for you.
I’m sure you think your man is being selfish, controlling and unreasonable but ask yourself if your man was a model and had to do what your’re being asked to do, would feel at ease with this? This will give you an idea of how he is feeling and how best to figure out a compromise, if there is one.
I would assume your man is aware of your passion to do this and how much effort you have put into making this happen. Has he clarified his main issue?
I’m guessing it’s about the male model and lack of clothing? Or is he worried about the type of work you will end up doing next if he says he is supporting you with this one?
No one is saying don’t be a model but are you taking this job because of it’s potential or because it’s the first major job. If you are comfortable doing this kind of work and you have no issue then I would not say you should give up the job but ask yourself this;
If this job doesn’t turn into any other major job will you have regrets giving up your relationship and vice versa?
Let’s See What Our Readers Have To Say Too! Guys, Please Chip In Your Advice To Help A Sister…
All the best.
Send all your relationship & Love probs to me via
Dear pls listen to what your intincts tells u but hey if u will take my candid advice dont ever give up your career for any man. take it its the real fact
First of nice picture imsassychic can’t get enough of it 🙂
Now back to the subject Jackie only advice I can given you is continue with modelling there is a reason you went into modelling I assume when you met him for the first time he knew some how that your where into modelling your boyfriend sound more like a jealousy type don’t let that spoil your career like the saying goes there is a time to speak up and a time to be silent a time to read and a time to write. a time to learn and a time to teach. a time to listen and a time to be heard so speak your mind
Ask yourself these questions. Wud he marry and support u when u ve no job? Take him to da set n be as professional as possible. Im a model n i knw how difficult it is to secure a well paying contract. Good luck!
Gurrrl!!!!!!.. you better go head and sign that modelling contract. do you know how many models will kill to get that job. this may be your last chance. do not ever give up your goals for a man. men come and go!!!. this is a no brainer ! i wont even think about it. if you,re meant to be with this man, you will be ..modelling or not. sistah dont give up your dreams . you dont wana be sittn in a rocking chair one day saying, .”.could have, should have.” your ship may never come in again… remember the saying..” one day my ship will come” . well sistah this is your ship so go head and board. my advice , ” ride this chance till the wheels fall off”
wey kinda boyfriend be dis….
@bee,da old fashion type.
As Dadie Opanka said “.. do what pleases you”. This body you have now for modeling would not be the same some 10 yrs from now. So go ahead and take the deal if that’s what you want. He will NOT leave you.
I dont know what to tell you cos you are already naked on the net so what a f**k are you wasting our time to advice you on what to do.
just tell your boy friend its notting new cos you already have naked photos on the internet and this is not going to change anything.
I will wait till someone writes an article over these letters. SOMETIMES I GET CURIOUS AND ASK MYSELF IF THEY ARE REAL STORIES FROM PEOPLE
@maame, yea me tooo dear …i wonder …but i thinlk its a make up stories …most of the time ….
Never make this mistake in your life dear life cos i have and regreted seriously,had a chance to travel to have a university education abroad but i let it go becos i was so much in love and my man use that to discourage me ,since i was scared to loss him i let that chance go but we broke up later .Sometimes i regret it but can’t turn back the hand of time.Ur man will support u if he loves u so much,it will not be easy for him understand but in the end he should support u ,if he doesn’t then i dont know what everybody thinks but u should choose ur career and make sure u put in ur best and be a very good and sucessfull model so he will regret letting u go .
Dear Steph,what exactly is your bf’s problem with your career? Did he not know about your career before choosing to date you? If he had any problems before,why did he not speak up? Why wait this long? Listen girl,from what you wrote,modelling is all you have to support yourself.If you think your love for him is so strong you could sacrifice your future for him,fair enough;go ahead and decline this offer,but be ready to depend SOLELY on him for all your needs.If not,go for the deal and try as much as possible to be professional about it.If he leaves,at least you will be left with a clear conscience.Set yourself free from this emotionally psychological blackmail and live your dream.If he’s yours to own,he’ll surely come back.TIN FOR YOU NEVA LOSS.Take care.
My dear am sori my advice is coming to u late when u might have already taken the decision. But i will say it in simple terms pls follow ur dreams cos thats ur future. No man is worth the stress I have been there and back am struggling to gather the bits and pieces of my life now just because of a Man he ruined me with uneccsary jealousy , I lost friends and many things,,,, If he loves u he will encourage u.