
“My Son Will Not Be An Actor” + A Bush Producer In Nigeria Once Requested I Sleep With Him Says Juliet Ibrahim As She Shares Her Views On Why The Industry Has No Child Stars…

Juliet Ibrahim And Family
Juliet Ibrahim And Family

Very recently, an article was published on GhanaCelebrities.Com discussing why the Ghana Movie Industry has no child stars. GC readers discussed this issue at length. I decided to contact ‘Juliet Ibrahim’ one of our own celebrities on this issue.

She found the topic interesting and something that needs much attention. Today I present to you the chit chat I had with Actress Juliet Ibrahim:

GhanaCelebrities.Com: First of all who is Juliet Ibrahim and how did she become a movie star?

I can be described as the girl next door, am down to earth, friendly, fun to be with; once you get to know me, I am easy going, lovable, determined, straightforward and a jovial person.

I could go on and on with the list but I don’t think its necessary lol. I am married and the proud mother of Jayden Kofi Safo, my son. I come from a family of 4 kids of which I am the eldest.

I am a movie star today because I was destined to be. It all happened when I auditioned and was chosen for a role in the movie crime to Christ, since then; I am listed and counted amongst the top best 10 out of Ghana. It’s a privilege to be appreciated by so many fans around the world today.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: What made you decide to be an actress and not go into any other profession?

I had wanted to be in the spotlight when i was young, even though my childhood dream was to be a musician. I somehow stumbled upon acting whilst modelling in Ghana and the rest is history.

I love the entertainment industry and acting is now a part of my life; making it hard for me to want or think about another profession. However, if I should ever go into another profession, it is definitely going to be entertainment (showbiz) related.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: What is the hardest part of being an actress and have you ever played a role as a T.V mum to any kid star?

The hardest part about being an actress is the fact that you have no privacy. There’s no more trustworthy friends around you, there are envy from people for no good reason, and everybody seems to be all up in your business; even those whom wouldn’t get the chance to greet you on a normal day can sit around and say crazy things about you lol.

Yes I have played a TV mom before in the movie ‘master of the game’.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: Now to the topic, gone are the days when we watch these shows (Fun world, By the fire side, Kwasasa and host of kid shows) on TV. It was educational, culturally related and fun for kids and adults simultaneously, but just few years passed and all these TV kids vanished into thin air, what happened?

Well, I can’t really say; but I think these kids grew up along the line and some probably realised it’s just not their field. better yet, their parents just don’t want them taking acting as a profession.

About 80% of parents around the world, always want to choose which profession they think best suits their child, in Africa is a little bit more rampant. I can bet you that, those kids were only into drama back then because they needed to get into some extracurricular activities whilst on campus.

However, kids can be very stubborn at times, if you allow your child at a tender age to get so involved with entertainment ,that kid would never want to study his books, trust me because I have been there before.

Music was my all when I was growing up. You could ask me about any musician or song lyrics and I’ll reply positively anytime of the day, but when it is time for science or a subject I hate ,I won’t have an “A” all the

GhanaCelebrities.Com: Can you attribute that to these explicit movies, soft porn and others taken over the industry?

No I will not say it’s due to the explicit movies; because kid actors have been missing from our screens long before our producers started introducing their new marketing techniques. I think the parents, somehow, are to be blamed for the missing kids on our screens.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: Do you by any chance know some of these kids who used to be in the spotlight; are they all grown up now and successfully doing their own thing?

Honestly, I don’t think I remember any. I remember the little girl from home sweet home, and the very last time I saw her, she was a teenager and looked so grown up. She comported herself very well and behaved like a matured lady, I was really impressed. But I believe she is in the university now.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: You are now a mother and a sexy one for that matter….would you let your baby grow up in the limelight…basically, as a T.V kid? Why?

Lol. Jayden won’t be an actor; I don’t see it in him. But then again, he could grow up to love my profession; therefore I wouldn’t mind letting him act a few times in my movies just for the fun of it, but as a profession, I am not sure.

He could take it as a profession after his masters’ degree and I certainly wouldn’t mind.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: What do you think these production powerhouses and TV stations can do to bring those interesting kid shows back?

We need kids back on our sets, it helps a whole lot. At times I am given a script and there would be about 3 or 4 scenes where by I have to be a 13 yr old before I grow up to be a woman, when I ask the producer who’d be playing that part, he’d say: I have a dark girl and we can’t find any other to match your complexion! lol.

It’s so sad, because I know there are a lot of little girls who can be encouraged to act and make our movies more realistic. It’s so wrong to have a black ‘me’ in a movie and when I grow older ‘I’ appear fair. lol.

I think parents need to loosen up a bit and allow the kids to join and help us make our industry grow.

Producers should also go out there and scout for good actors, there are a lot of kids in drama schools who are so good and are ready to act. We also need kids’ movies on our screens because there’s a whole lot the youth can learn from and through our movies.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: With that said, what’s your advice for parents who are reluctant in giving their children the opportunity to be in the spotlight?

It’s understandable that parents could be reluctant because of  several reasons, to name a few: late night filming, kids missing classes due to filming, little money been paid by producers who don’t appreciate and understand the importance of these kids, explicit scenes in a movie ‘your’ kid would be featured in and so on.

But my only advice is that; as a parent you have every right to read through your child’s script and discuss with the producer what you are comfortable with and not!

In Hollywood there are so many child actors, and they grow to become great stars along the line; for example: Drew Barrymore.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: Has there been a time you have thought that acting ain’t for you or do you regret being an actress?

Not really. I only had an experience when I started acting newly with a bush producer in Nigeria who requested I sleep with him, and when I refused he insulted me publicly on set, I got mad and walked out on the set and never ended the job hence he never paid me the rest of my fee.

I was so hurt that when I came back I told my mom that I can’t stand such gibberish in the industry and that I’ll just quit; but my sweet mother advised me to pray over it and be strong and if that’s the career path I have chosen I will rise and shine in God’s own time.

After few months I got a call for a big movie, ever since then I have been filming with about 40 movies on my CV.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: Really, impressive. Lastly, what’s your advice for children out there who see you as their role model and aspiring to be like you?

Education is the key to becoming who you want to be in life. Without education you can’t be a good actor, without education you won’t be able to read your lines nor co-operate with your colleagues on a set.

You need to be educated to know a lot of basic things in life. go to school, learn and whilst in school you can take acting as a part time job if you really want to be on the big screen, but never joke with your education.

Not many have opportunity to go to school, so if you have my advice is, please make very good use of it.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: How was it like working with that little boy in the movie “masters of the game”? Did you encounter any difficulties when shooting that movie?

Oh my God! Rahim is my little husband lol. He is a grown man in a little boy’s body. He is about 10years old, I think, but he doesn’t act like one. He has all his lines off head even before we start recording.

At times, if I miss my line, he reminds me. lol. He is not troublesome at all and I wish we have more kids to work with like him. His father is really doing a good thing for him because he loves acting; it shows in his every move whilst on set.

GhanaCelebrities.Com: You really like to see these kids on set. don’t you. By the way, thank you and it has been great having this chat with you.

No problem. As Martin Luther King Jnr. said, “A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent”. For these kids to reach a higher pedestal, we all need to stand up and push them. The sky should be their limit. They are the future.


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67 thoughts on ““My Son Will Not Be An Actor” + A Bush Producer In Nigeria Once Requested I Sleep With Him Says Juliet Ibrahim As She Shares Her Views On Why The Industry Has No Child Stars…”

  1. she arrogant wat does she mean ” even those whom wouldn’t get the chance to greet you on a normal day can sit around and say crazy things about you lol.” humble ur self girl

      • @osei, thanks for letting @baby know .I think she has a mental problem .Juliet has spoken on something that is really missing in our movies and all your dumb skull @baby could pick is her point she is making to idiots like you

    • @baby,

      say that again my dear, as if she is good in acting. it is only in Gh such pple like u can be actors mtceeeeew!!

  2. Why do ppl call this girl Juliet Ibrahim an an actress. Ghanaians are bush sometimes and dont know the definition of a real actress. Any pretty person on screen is an actress – Nkwasiasem. If Juliet is an actress then I am Beyonce the singer. Nsem fo kwa – mikoti aa mikoti

    • @BreastilnaFoFoNufour, you are a very useless girl . i mean so what if she sucks you guys just don’t get it. Like the bolivian tape worm Miyagi who look like shit that still lives in your ass. Anyway point being i like here but who are u ladies thanks to these stars you can now come here and express yourself other than stay home cook and sleep. She is a star because she has actually sold copies of her movies , she gets paid for it and has over 40 movies on DVD , plus i bet she looks ten times better than you i bet my money on it. While your breath probably smells like some dirty socks not washed for years thats why you can only type cause we can’t here u

  3. Juliet is no more beautiful than the other actresses in Ghana. She needs to look at McBrown’s pix and see what real beauty is. As for acting, lmfao. Girl get a clue. You want to be popular or you want to be an actress? (Talking about you always want to be in the spotlight? There is a huge difference. Talk about education, go back and get one maybe you’ll ‘learn’ how to act.

  4. is she serious aboout her acting career, i cannot take her movies seriously , i cant even understand her when she talks, and talking about “even those whom wouldn’t get the chance to greet you on a normal day can sit around and say crazy things about you”, nonsense are u so bright like God that nobody can come near u, kmtttttttttt does anybody have time to come and greet u in the first place…

  5. Only bunch of envious old saggy bitches would say shit about another woman,u wish u were in her shoes,so sad.the lady is living her life and will still be on your scrEens like it or you all can kiss your asses better yet dig a hole and bury yourselves in hate and envy.@kr you are a damn big ugly ass hypocrite.don’t hide behind your old pc and type shit about people.nana ama is old and wonnt be in the game for long so start accepting those that are still around.instead of understanding the essence of the article you are talking shit.fools!

    • @suzyb,look at this Prɛko girl so what are you than tuutuu baa take your ashawo power somewhere else w’ano fiaa de apoofii 

    • @suzyb, now I can say without a doubt you are the most stupid person I’ve ever seen commenting on here. Witch I turned down several movie Ghanaian/Nigerian producers who are affliated with Blackstar Entertainment, in NY last year alone. When a producer wants you in his movie because of your complexion even when you say you don’t have any training in acting, neither are you interested in the poor scripts that they churn out and they still tell you that your complexion will sell their movies that says everything. So tell me, if I can turn down movie offers because I know how they operate what do I have to be jealous of Juliet on? Her acting? Her complexion? Her looks? Hahaha, you make me laugh. I can say that I could do better than her on screen and I don’t profess to be an actor. BTW my physique will cause you to wet your draws, you hidden closet freak. Yes McBrown is older than most of these so-called actresses but she still puts them to shame with her looks and her ability to deliver on screen. So what is your point on that? Oh yea, I forgot to mention, thanks for the self description of you being a damn big ugly ass hypocrite. I was wondering what you looked like. Now I know. Peace bitch, I mean witch. Well witch bitch.

  6. ummm suzyb who r u talkiing about please, coz i know ur not talking about me im only speaking the truth, and i think ur head is to far up juliet’s ass, pull urself out and come bk to reality, if u think this girl has talent then u r clearly insane, i dnt care if she comes on our tv screens, they only use her coz she has a pretty face

  7. juliet thanks god ur son not gonna be a movie star cuz i will shoot myself.honestly have u ever watch ur movies? honey u cant act u dont even speak english

  8. am sorry to say this but juliet is such an attention seeker. first of al she can not ACT. she thinks she is Ghanas best actress. she wants to show how perfect her life is. she wants to make everything revolve around her ughhh

    • @sarah,your comment sounds so pathetic!is it paining you that her life is perfect or looks perfect?wtf is your comment about?do not envy,it only brings you bad luck!your tone of message says it all,is so so sad.the woman has a kid and a husband,what is wrong with her flaunting it?get your own madam and stop dying of hate and envy.@kr you are a sad old ugly skinny whore,you turn down movie roles simply cus u are wise enough to know that you have the most ugliest face ever,your teeth is like rake,your face like a bat who wants to watch u on screen?am sure the producer who asked you to act only wanted to mock you,duh he knew you would hv never accepted his offers anyways!you brag and blab,I wonder what you would do if you were half as fine as juliet,biatch!you think you can beef and diss,gal you don’t want to get me started with your useless rake teeth maggot bat are envious.if you think you can act better why not get on tv and let’s see what your own GC supporters will think about you,bamboo!people like you wish you were in these celebrities shoes so you sit around and talk do the same to nadia on every article and you speak like you are the ish and the most stupid person in the world!ignorant bitch!don’t bother replying cus I won’t waste my time responding@

      • @suzyb, keep ’em coming. Let us know more abt you. Not only are you damn big ugly ass hypocrite. Now you are a sad old ugly skinny whore. Keep it up sooner or later you’ll reveal that you are a transvestite. The more you talk the we get to know who you are. Your attack on everyone shows that you are IGNORANT. Ppl’s comment is on Juliet’s non-acting ability but you come and talk abt ppl’s looks. DUMMY, WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER YOU HAVE? CAN YOU SEE PPL BASED ON THEIR COMMENTS? Like I said you are the MOST STUPID PERSON TO COMMENT ON THIS WEBSITE AND IT STILL STANDS.

  9. @kr i had to let some steam off loool, it clearly shows dat this suzyb girl is either a friend of juliet or one off her family members, suzy bbz y r u gettin upset coz ur precious juliet cannot not act to save atleast one soul, face fact home girl is lame, and who cares if she is a married women nobody cares, who cant get married nowadays listen suzy sit back relax and enjoy the comments coz it seem as though ur the only person on here that rates her useless acting…..and please feel free to comment 🙂

    • @hannah, loooool @suzyb or should I add baboon to it gehehhehe your a Foolish Fool remember that double FF married or not married your paddy Juliet can’t act accept the fact I don’t no how she made it to the movie production but if she can make it than I guess I will send my hamster as well that’s what your juliet looks like when she is acting her make up is too much her acting is Poor I mean really poor so poor that I don’t even watch her month movies dear suzyb get a life wake up from supporting her and don’t let her acting deceive you at all because its fake fakefakefake Faaaaaaaake

  10. To ignore a bunch of fools is a big disgrace,so suzyb don’t bother commenting again,that way the fools would know themselves .this article was posted for a good reason and is very true we need kid actors instead of you dummies discussing and contributing to the topic you all are fussing each other and talking about Juliet acting skills.who cares ?she acts or not I still watch because at the end of the day she is still appearing in movies with top actors,so you can either get used to it or keep commenting gibberish.the wise ones would comment on the topic then later comment on the personality .maybe your glasses lenses are not seeing properly anymore that’s why you comment without reading well @kr,bitch stop hating and go find something better to do with your act like you are the most educated idiot in the world,what have you achieved with all your books?geek?no man wants a woman who is dumb and passes by chew and pour.bitch stop acting like a lesbian .you smell of hatred and envy,you skinny and shapeless I bet,What time is lufthansa and Brussels flight morrow n Friday? u don’t sound like you are an inch confident.stop bitching these beautiful celebs winch.

  11. @kr Why not fly down to Ghana and star in a movie and let’s see what you have to offer?I can pay your flight free of charge for you and we see what people think of you.don’t just sit back and talk shit.real beauty is not seen in a woman who has no kids ,a beautiful woman is one who has kids and yet still looks like she doesn’t have.but I bet you don’t know about that because you have flushed your are talking about nana AMA mcbrown being beautiful does she have even one kid to proof her beauty ? Look at omotola with 4kids and she still looks hot.Juliet looks hot.Nadia is hot and Jackie .where does nana AMA fit in?abortion queen and mother of ashawos!kr you have the wrong role model!are you nana AMA spokesperson or sister?

    • @Kwekup, did I tell anyone including the producers in NY that I wanted to be an actor? Or are you just as stupid as Suzyb? Now I know you both tie for the most stupid commentors on GC

    • @Kwekup, you are a fucking fool. Clearly I am not at my own computer. If you were able to read my fb status you would see that I posted that my laptop is not working. Of course I am using my friend’s laptop. I don’t need to hide from anyone. My friend has her signiture already locked so I don’t need to change it. I posted my response to you directly. The answer I posted clearly shows that it is me, Kr, who wrote to you dummy. If you cannot decipher that then you are the most stupidest person on the face of the earth. Yes, this post will say Bobbie because I will not change my friend’s signiture. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEdddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooootttttttttttttt

  12. Hahahaha omg @kr /Bobbie you are the sickest motherfucking skinny ass bitch I have ever came are now replying me under a different name right?how dumb and evil can one person be?u hypocrite and deceitful twat of a are a disgrace to womanhood.keep the comments coming and soon you will reveal all your fake names you been using on Gc !you are a sad hoe and a have no life and I bet a barren /Bobbie you are the devil’s incarnate.go buy new lenses cus the ones you are using now is destroying you and revealing your various names.lmfao.disgusting swine.excuse of a humanbeing

    • @Kwekup, what makes you assume that, Kr has always been “KR” and has never used any other name she separate real from fake she ain’t that scared to go under a different name you aint that flipping osei. Are taking this matter to far act like a man (gentleman) because your sounding to childish now have you ever seen her or knows how she looks. Like to be calling her skinny don’t compare your girl/ wife, boy or boyfriend. With her you wish you had a girl like her the question is would you be able to walk next to her ehmmmmmm……. I don’t think so if you knew kr you would no that she is way smarter, beautiful with a bright future a girl who stand strong in her feet so stop deceiving yourself because your comment is not
      Making any sense at all stop embracing your self man up. And act like a Gentleman miyagi has spoken

      • @miyagi,I know her the same way you know her.only fake bitches hide behind pcs and different names typing shit about other women I hate that shit.if she is a smart girl she could use her time to do better things then having multiple names on a site just to be saying shot about others.I wonder how many names you have as are all fake is a witch ! Witches shall come to light one day.hypocrites like her don’t last.miyagyi I am talking from experience I know people like her.she never has anything good to say about most of these celebs,she is jealous and which she had the chance to be like them.I will pay your ticket and get you a lead role in Ghana kr/Bobbie and let’s see what you can do better.

        • @Kwekup, dude let me make something clear to you i ain’t that sad to go under a different name trust me on that your hear bragging how your going to pay someone ticket and all tells me how foolish you are even a gyimi gyimi person is smarter than you shows how low you are 

          you remind me of those pot belly boys that goes on holiday to Ghana and chat shit to girls promising them so many things with their mouth don’t come online bragging about whatever because your surely not impressing me or anybody else if you claim to be a big man what the F are you doing here dude rethink and wise up because you sound like a dog barking for a bone your i have been studying you for some time and trust me you dont want none of that and surely not with me i repeat surely not with me 

          let me have a father and son communication with you and wise your mind up don’t let your mind wander its far too small to be let out on its own anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn’t have given you worse advice i wont insult your intelligence by suggesting that you are really believed what you just said in your above comment your so fake even Barbie is jealous of you peace of advice “never insult an alligator until you have cross the river” trust me you don’t wont none with me your lips are moving but all i read is blah blah blah……

          because people like you are the reason we have a middle fingers you feel me 
          i know your stupidity will come back again 

          but thank you for given me a feedback please do come again with your feedback iDIOT

          M|iyagi has spoken again 

      • @miyagi, don’t even answer this fool. They are the ones who go around changing their identities so they think everyone does the same thing as they do. Have you ever seen me run from anyone on this site? Bro, dont worry abt fools

    • @Kwekup, try to use your brains. Fucking fool. Pls since your computer is so futuristic why don’t you sell the program to the military or Microsoft…..better yet leave it alone because your computer program is not working. You are merely describing yourself for the readers. You are mad because I cursed you out under another story so now you come like some punk. Fucking asshole you are. You were trying to get friendly with me and it didn’t work so now you are sucking your thump like some piss-bed child and whining. Take the straw you had up JD’s ass and eat my shit with it like you using chop sticks.

      • @Bobbie,You make me laugh skinny your dreams I wanted to be friends with you ?or you just plain stupid?dumbass queen !I hate ugly hoes like u who hide behind pc to say shit about other women when you aren’t even a dime finer than the ladies u insult .u are ugly as a bat u can’t even see beyond your cheap ass glasses u girlfriend is the prettiest woman in my eyes hoes lik you are not even my type and Can never be!@miyagyi are you Now her spokesperson?I don’t have your time dude so shove ur dick up ur own ass n fuck urself homo.u gay idiot.@kr WTF is the meaning of JD?hello are you running out of words ?madam scattered teeth like rake?you are a typical example of an attempted abortion child,probably your mom took morning after pills ,that’s why your face is twisted like shit coming from my ass.fools !why is it only the 2of you dummies feel you are the only ones with big mouths on here?this is where we are to comment and behave like adults instead u childish brats come on here and insult people when they gave their opinions!are you the only ones with views ?clowns.Bobbie /kr fake bitch hating on these beautiful ladies won’t do u any good nor make u any prettier girl take a good look in d mirror n slap ur mother for making u so damn fugly!if u say u can act better my offer still stands free ticket and a role the meantime,cry your ugly ass eyes out for being so fugly hoe!

  13. @kwekup get a bloody grip, y are u geting angry coz ppl saying the truth about juliet, so many bum lickers, juliet dont care about u and never will, so stop defending the girl and open up ur eyes, she dnt care about her fans its just for publicity u loser, 

    • @hannah,Listen girl I don’t have time about your views about Juliet .my comments are simply for kr and miyagyi because they feel they know every damn thing and are the wisest on earth.WTF is wrong with those fools?using multiple names to comment and ish.girl please I have better things doing than commenting on these celebs.I am a fan of all gh celebs none is my favorite and they are all good as long as they are taking Ghana ‘s name to a bigger level .only fools sit and talk shit about hardworking people .Hannah have u seen@kr face before ?if u do u would know why am pissed as fuck .empty barrels make the most noise.she is fugly.yet bitch talks like she some fine chick.I won’t even spend 50cents to bang her frustrated pussy.

      • @Kwekup, You are to mankind what a gelatinous mass of camel vomit is to gourmet foods so here’s an idea go impale yourself on a sharp stick and die gurgling blood in a pool of your own inadvertently released urine and faces

        Kwekup you are  a waste of human space Where you born this stupid or was today a special day for you? These insults were the lamest Thanks for making everyone who reads this 10x dumber. They made absolutely NO sense and would get you made fun of worse. You sound like a doped up drunk guy. Do me a favor and grip onto your ears and pull hard enough to get your head out of your ass. After that, mistake your dad shotgun as his dick and cram it down your throat. Thanks (:  you really don’t want nun with me but hope you bring your dumb ass again dick head 

  14. among top 10 actors in ghana?hmmm.i fink somone is tellin her lies cos she cant even be among top 20 ghanain actors.she shld enjoy da lil attention she is getting nd stop blabbing.

  15. i think her mouth will eventually bring her  finally down.does she even have fans ,how much less caring about them. why dont you call nfc or any other nigerian site to tell them about  the so called incident with the bush the way iheard one time you are taking someone to court in nigeria .i will love to hear more  about your adventures,for you are really becoming a nuisance. about the absence of child actors,lets get the adults actors right andthen ,we can decide on   child actors.that is the mistake  that p/p like you make all the time , thinking that everyone wants to get some chunk of you,believe me i have seen so many proud africans,who will not look at you twice,so dont get yourself filled up thinking you  the in with sence or the little you have will go.i dont fancy p/p without humility.

    • @merel, Exactly! She’s the only actress who’s ALWAYS available for an interview! I don’t know how many times i hit the forward button when i’m watching her movies. 40 movies huh? Being a good actress is not about the # of movies you’ve starred but the quality of movies you put out. If you spend half the time you spend ‘courting’ the press, your acting skills will improve ten folds!

      • Correction***

        Being a good actress is not about the # of movies you’ve starred in but the quality of movies you put out. If you spend half the time you spend ‘courting’ the press on acting lessons, your acting skills will improve ten folds!


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