Stepping out in glamour is a hallmark of the celebrity world. Various Ghanaian Celebrities appeared at last Saturday’s MTN Ghana Music Awards in beautiful outfits.
Among the lot, Confidence Haugen, Becca, Nadia Buari, Yvonne Nelson, Joselyn Dumas, Juliet Ibrahim, Eazzy, Mimi and Naa Ashorkor have caught my attention with their outfits. Among them all, who are you feeling…?
Click on the photos below to enlarge for proper view…

Photo Credit: Phamous Tv
EVerybody is holding their waist. What’s up with that? That’s the “modern” pose.
LOL. yes they’re all holding their waist. I think majority of people luv to pose that way.
Becca’s waist holding does it for me. hehehehe. Confidence don’t know how to do it right.
bcuz if uve ever watched red carpet 4 grammys or anythin u shd realize most of dem do tht..its a way of getting the best view of d female body. *word*
some held thier a**…….please watch it again
LOL I didn’t even pay attention to the holding waste pose till I read your comment and went back to look at the pictures again. That’s so funny.
They all look lovely. But am not feeling mimi’s outfit.
And what’s with the hair. Mimi is trying hard to be like that Amber Rose.
Mim is always wrong with her dressing ooo why its not a cinderella ball indeed
ur outfir deoesnt fit ..i love u but u always wrong with ur dressing ..i wonder what kinda clothes u say u make for us to buy ..am not gonna buy ur clothes seeing something like this on u
Mimi has bad clothes taste. the hair too isn’t workin for her koraaaaaaaa……
Damn!am feeling all of them except for confidence cus her dress looks too simple.nadia is pretty but dress looks too simple as well as if it’s some ordinary dress!but they all look hot.naa ashokor looks weird with the hairstyle though.
ZInah I thought in Gh when we say “simple” it means really good.
they are all looking good but i will go for nadia.
why is nadia always in black?and mimi is tryn to hard and my fav is Juliet,she looks wow with Becca next.
they all look fabulous
all these bitches look tore up from the floor up
Yvonne Nelson rocks!
i think becca yv Nelson nd Nadia were fantasstic bt 4 de others dey dnt deserve 2be mentoin
wow,u all look gorgeous not leavin anyone out…hairstyle en ur dresses re fantastic.
Sorry, when they look fabulous I am the first so but honestly this time is a no no for me. The flaws outweigh the good. MY OPINION!!!!
mimi’s hairstyle does not go with the dress. joselyn Dumas tops the chart for me.
They all look stunning besides Mimi. Her Hairstyle & da dress no go at all
all da ladies are looking off da chain esp naa ashorkor luv da beading in her hair n is mimi going to prom? lol for a minute i thought da dress code was black
Mimi Somebody is also a Ghanaian celebrity? well, she looks weird. this is not a cindarella ball, please! aden??? hwe obaa ne ne tiri nhwii. twiaaa.
And what is happening to my fav Nadia today? Something looks wrong, but i cant say what. she is looking like a barbie doll. Becca looks exquisite. Yvonne nelson, modern and urban. Joselyn is too beautiful even rugs will look splendid on her. her beauty seems to divert attention from her dress which isnt particularly catchy. Confidence looks hungry! but we are still loving her. Naa Ashorkor -graceful. Eazzy seems to be overdressed, could she have worn something simpler? Julliet is looking hot, tasty, and wife-ly! anaa? I’m loving all of them (except the mimi thing of course) but Julliet carries the night for me bright, simple luvly and african. me tu kye ma no!.
mo, w’ano ate yie!
@fifi,u right…i wonder why they classified MIMI as a celebrity…Mimi is busy gail.
datz a pretty splendid analysis, hhmmm!! if i may ask r u a fashion police?!.. if so den arrest dat mimi gal n de so called aphro queen 4 me.
nadia was was lookin fab, yvone too was looking good, i don’t know wha,s wrong with dat, did anybody see her walking out from home. is not a prom. is awrd show. i will go for nadia and juliet.
I wil go for Nadia..looks soo pretty n suculent..Becca is ma next pick..
…juliet luks so fab on the yellow carpet……i really love her dress…it kinna compliments her flawless make-up….
This what am talking about!lady gaga in d house,am sure ya’ll expecting me to bash some celebs rite about now!hehe.but am gonna bash mimi first,mimi u are a clown!wtf were u thinkin?must u seek attention everytime by looking stupid?u can look good and still get attention for crying out loud!confidence looks unhappy just by lookin at the dress!yvonne nelson looks disco dancer for someone who presented an award,she could have worn something longer and more colorful,but she looks good.nadia dress is a no go for me,she wore the kind of dress that many other girls might have bn spotted wearing at the GMA!tht not what a celeb of her caliber should wear at GMA!My girl juliet rocked d shit out of that african dress,makeup is on point and joselyn looks flawless!becca is sexy and sassy!naa ashokor,hmmm.I like the hair.
wow…NADIA NADIA NADIA…she never disappoints…becca also looks good…very simple…for the first time confidence looks descent…her dress is simple and not bad at all for the occasion…mimi and naa ashorkor looks WEIRD (i dnt get it)…and eazzy does not look TOO OVERDRESSED…ITS AN AWARD SHOW…celebs are suppose to dress to KILL and look different from the audience…EAZZY represented with that classy dress…yvonne looks good by keeping it young…joselyn looks good too…and juliet’s dress is def. not something to die for…but she got the memo of the occasion…she looks nice too
well said my sis !!!
you all look good well except for mimi the hair and the dress is totally off sorry girl better luck next time.
Oh Mimi, if only ur dress was a bit little, now it too much, but still love ua thou,,,, love all the gals,,,Yvonne, Becca, Nadia and the rest of the gals, well done
i really love Eazzy´s dress.
Eazzy,Nadia,Yvonne,Juliet & Becca wld be my 5 best dress girls…n wth is mimi wearing..
i think she just doesn’t know how to do it right. seriously?? ball gown? it doesn’t make it even if it was a ball. that dress looks like a ballon. and she already is thick hence doesn’t need that. and the colour of her hair doesn’t match her skin tone. she needs some fashion rehab or therapy. shez leading ppl on to the dark side. i think gh needs a great and real and loud fashion police to put our tv girls and boiz to a reality fashion check
aww you got my name 🙂
oh really? awwww. thats soo cool. name.lol. got a twiny.
Ohh MIMI! why now?? you make I shock waa. Weytin be this? You for go PROM? lol anyways Im loving eazzy’s outfit. Yvonne i love you but hunnie, you gotta stop bleaching. Naa is looking pretty with her hair and dress but she would have looked much more better without that purse hanging on her like a dog chain. It took away the beauty of the dress. Anyways Jocelyn is looking pretty!! The rest.. I RESERVE MY COMMENT.
aside MIMI THEREs really little to say about the other girls’ appearance. im really careful when talking aba naa cuz of a very bais reason being that she looks like me. lol . but she could have pass on the earrings or gotten saller ones. doe it was an awards night most of them also refused to consider the fact that it was a music awards and not the grammys. they should watch the red carpet of the MTV VMA’s may be they will learn something.’mo tee awards aa na moafa mo gowns’. lol. i like the african prints doe. they could easily get u out of trouble cuz it works for all occasions.
haha i know right. I got a twiny on here.
Nadia looks so beautiful!!!
Really though MIMI i’m going to prom in June and my prom dress don’y even look like that such and eye and the hair!!!! Fashion Police!!!!
they all look good, but i will go for Juliet
Nadia will alwayz reign though i like de other gals as welk.2place Becca,3 Yvonne,4 Jocelyn,5 Juliet.
I go for yuvonne Nadia Juliet Eazzy I do not the rest of them Outfit
As always Nadia nailed it. She knows how to handle the red carpet better than all of them. for the very first time ever Juliet got it right- thank God! that is a beautiful dress, Naa Ashorkor looks out of place, she has to dress to suit her age. she looks older than all of them but is actually the youngest- not even 25. Mimi looks messy… the hair does not much the outfit at all and i dont think is suitable for that event. All the other girls are looking great too. Confidence looked very classy for a change and was not showing too much.
These are the type of dresses they should wear for award shows like the AMA awards and the Ghana Music/Movie awards! Most of these dresses especially Naa ADM, Nadia and Yvonne are truly high fashion! They all look gorgeous!!!
lmao all these ladies posed with their hand on the waist. where is the image consulting firm in Ghana. Lord have mercy.
wow! they all luk adorable, nadia, yvonne and becca rocked with simple and baeuty..eazzy, naa ashorkor and juliet r just elegant..joselyn splendid
Naa will be 23 dis year!
mimi mi fiili wo
iim feeling nadi, she always look hot and sexy!
nadia is looknig soo mwueh!!but mimi is bomb!!real bomb
Becca does it for me every time…she looks so lovely….also lovin Yvonne, i’d defo rock that. Nadia always in black and pref her hair down.
Juliet and joselyn does it for me!african and elegant.
they all luks amazzing especially Eazzy, juliet, yve, nadia and naa. but i think they’ve been wearing black dresses more often..its aba time they change it.. plus ghana is too hot for black outfits.
Nadia is looking like beyonce in this pic
Ghanaian celebs representing, am glad they putting effort in their looks,
nadia tops them all
Pls can someone tell them to put their names with their pic, most of us don’t know them well.We might here of them but really do not know them, thanks.So that we too will know who you’re complimenting and support.
omg, she did it again nadia u’r too much and i do luv to see u 1 day but the rest of the ladies luk mwaauh too and mimi pls go get ur hair done proper way for the next whtever ok…..gosh!
yvonne tops dem all, her dress was very classic, next is becca, but nadia look too simple,
Juliet Ibrahim and Yvonne Nelson rily rocked their outfits.. They rily know wat fits dem