
Actress Baby Blanche Says She Wants The Scene Her Pubic Hair Was Shaved By Socrate To Be Removed & Socrate Sarfo Says “Hell No”…Who Wins!

Baby Blanche
Baby Blanche

Do I have to even write anything? I guess I should because not all readers may understand the twi language.  Actress Baby Blanche (Is that her real name? sounds like a playboy mate name), the young woman whose pubic hair was shaved on set allegedly by Socrate Sarfo in his upcoming movie “What Sex Can Do”  has spoken in relation to that particular scene.

In short, she seems very worried about the fact that she envisages the scene can tarnish her image and subject her to ridicule..(Nonsense, is she now realizing that?) . She is therefore desperate to get Producer Socrate Sarfo to neatly edit and if possible remove that scene from the movie.  This chick must be a joker because I know Socrate will never remove it or edit it to lessen the effect of the scene than was shot.

Why agree to shoot such a nasty scene and then after seeing how the media is keen on throwing blows at you, you have decided to present yourself as some angle seeking for a redefinition of the role and scene?

In the interview, she is questioned on whether she signed a contract to that effect (to shoot that scene/movie) which she agreed that such a contract was signed but then even after a contract, if you feel things are not right, you still reserve the right to have the terms reconsider… Bogus! You signed it and you did it so what reconsideration again? You should have called for a reconsideration before performing the act which the contract seeks that you do. Even that, you were still bound by the contract unless you can prove unfair terms…

When Socrate was contacted, he said exactly what I thought. He said, he will not remove crap and that when they were shooting the scene, did she not see it? Why didn’t she stop the camera man? You know what, listen to the interview below yourself…. Is this not the same chick that did Hot Fork?

Baby Blanche Speaking Below…



Producer Socrate Sarfo Speaking Below…

[audio:|titles=Socrate On Baby Blanch]


Audio Credit: Peacefm


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46 thoughts on “Actress Baby Blanche Says She Wants The Scene Her Pubic Hair Was Shaved By Socrate To Be Removed & Socrate Sarfo Says “Hell No”…Who Wins!”

  1. these girls are just too desperate for fame and so called ” celebs” why did she decide to shoot the scene in the first place? she ate her cake n she now wants it back….Socrate is wild to bring his next porn movie out so for now “”onchilli koraa” hahahah

  2. dis is bogus, when u’re given a script, u go thru it, look at wht is expected of your chaaracter and den based on dat u either agree to shoot or not. anoda option is to talk to the producer if u have issues with certain scenes and wht u’re supposed to do….if the producer agrees to remove dat or those scenes or agrees to alter it to suit u, u go ahead and shoot otherwise u refuse.
    u don’t shoot a scene and den after shootin has ended and the movie is in editing or post-production u ask dat scene to be removed.dis is dumb if u ask me.
    if u’re a vegetarian and u’re given a script where your character is supposed to eat meat, do u agree to it or not???
    she should just shut the hell up, as Socrates said, was she asleep when the scene was bein shot???
    she shouldn’t waste anybodys tym.nonsense.

    • Yes, well said…For this I agree with Socrate Sarfo. Fame will kill people before they even die and we are here to help them get the fame. Now, they do not want it huh?

      • not much o, i’m not on top of the actual fee but i know for such C-list actors, the amount is just in the hundreds…

  3. Well goodluck tryna get that removed but this Socrates pervert guy, he honestly must be some a real dodgy perverse sweet talker. How on earth did he manage  to talk this chick into this? and even if she makes it in the film industry because she said yes to all this bogus stuff. She will be forever tarnished with this label. 

  4. Lol at her name…Baby Blanche,,,sounds very playmate indeed!
    I still can’t get over the fact that Ghanian movies are so comfy with showing nudity!
    I don’t understand Twi…but if she signed a contract then she can’t now turn around and ask for the scene to be deleted.
    Lesson for next time Baby Blanche…Once bitten…pun intended. LOL

  5. eeeii this porn star b. blanch paaa……u hav finished shooting this porn movie….nd even signed a contrate why do u den turn around to tell da producer to fuckin take that part off?its na gona work…..u better be careful nxt time bitch

  6. this porn star baby blanch paaa….socrate sarfo are damn right dnt fuckin delete no shit……after accepting the script and shooting this porn movie u are now chating shit…..i fink she needs more dough

  7. Chris, I will not be shock if you have subscribed to PlayBoy Mag since you seem to know what names fit in there. To be frank, the name sounds like that of some porn star.

    On a serious note, is this girl that stupid? You sign a contract, take money and act, now you want the producer to delete or edit scene which you yourself sat down to act per the contract. 

    She will see when the movie comes out.FOOL

  8. she is a foolish girl didnt she realise wat she was about, socrate must show every thing we ar all waiting to buy a copy


  10. why must we even worry our dear hands typing about some dump ass bitch who calls herself a lady or an actor for tha matter. if u were foolish enough to be naked on set why must u worry the producer to edit the scene when u were sure of what was happening, Pls take ur sorry ass somewhere else and stop disturbing ppl with ur nonsense issue.

    And you Mr. Producer of Porn movies u’ll continue to run behind the other producers if u don’t stop those stupid cartoons u call movies. And u keep ppl like this man in an association that keeps discouraging the gud ppl who make Ghanain movies a bit fun to watch.

  11. LMFAO @ kyer3 no s3 onchillii kraa na ma so ay3 shii……..Oh!!! Socrate Sarfo, cmon U r ryt but for the sake of the girl’s image pls delete those scenes……….Well, they gurl to was stupid to have agreed to do dat movie…..I dont feel sorry for wat has happened to her abt de movie….I feel sry for her cos of the fact that she allowed herself to go thru with the dat scenes……Next tym she will learn……..

  12. it is definately another marketing gimic.annd if its not the quality will be trashy.thats the sad part of it all.and as for BB she is just not a serious girl.pls she shld kindly go to legon and study performing arts to better herself.cos she needs a lot of training she just does not’s sad the people who can actually act don’t get the chance to ,because some stupid producer wants to sleep with them.its just pathetic

  13. *rolling my eyes at both Socrate, and baby blanche* both of them are not correct kuraa.
    but i love this quote “kyer3 no s3 onchillii kraa na ma so ay3 shii” heheehee

      • @Nanayaa, i don’t defend, i face reality….and to answer your question, i’m not a fan…..i’m just tryin to find out somethin since Breastlina said socrates is obsessed with sex…who knows, she might know more than we do…wht do u think????

      • just read in some news paper Blanche sayin dat when she saw a portion of the edited version of the movie she wasn’t hapi with dat scene cos it’s different from what was shot… dis girl crazy, how can it be different?? was she drugged and that scene re-shot? she is just too stupid…it’s ok for her to expose her vagina to the cast and crew but she feels if Ghana sees it, her image will be tarnished…what kinda image???

  14. aaaah u paaa do u believe this foolish marketing gimmick?i am shocked u guys fell for this piece of shit.but i believe sex is his only tool to sex his movies.u remember how his last movie without any sex flopped?

    • @pokuaa you know the meaning of baby already Blanche is a French word that stand for Gothic/romantic novel where it has a specific meaning that of an offer by a man to a woman to become his mistress This meaning presumably relies on the notion that the woman would have the option of spending freely at the man’s expense

  15. Diss stopid half-way famous bitch baby blanch done fucked up the whole career in a instant, because tha dumb shit she was too wprried about her clean than she was about memorizing the part she was suppose to act .

  16. where did socrate get the license to produce movies in gh. It was ‘hot fork’ and now ‘what sex can do’. Is he a christian at all

  17. This is totally foolishness cos how can u shoot a movie without thinking of your dignity n de future of your self,after de producer have gotten what he want now u u’ve realized your foolishness.what I’ll recommend 2 u is next tym think before u act n don’t act before u think.THIS IS JUST DE MATTTER OF COMMON SENSE.

  18. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo folish of her to accept to let someone shave u on set, light, cameramen, plus those in the room who were watching. Baby Blanche, do u know u have acted a porn movie by this act? How different is a porn movie from a Vag**a shaving scene of a crap movie. huuuuuuu… I will not watch ur movies again.


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