
We promised to bring to our readers the photo of Ghanaian Actress Juliet Ibrahim’s baby when we announced that she has been blessed with a cute baby boy. GhanaCelebrities.Com has been given an exclusive photo of the young happy family. Check out the photo below ( Click on photo to enlarge for proper viewing ).
Congrats once again Juliet Ibrahim. We wish you all the best!
babies are blessing, lucky to have one. hope he grows up to be a great person. congratulations once again, miss ananta.
wowsz really ? Ms ananta ? like really ? you started your comment so good & ended so dumb…next time be a lil mattured !
and so?????
Hater hater!what a shame n a disgrace u are!I wish GC cld upload an image of u so we all see how u look n what horrible features u have?r u perfect? she is miss ananta to u,but at least she has a life,family,kid,and a career what do u have?nonsense,why r some of ya’ll so childish?envy go kill u,I swear!only God go punish u,n trust me if u envy someone secretly only God wil pay u in His own time,ur children mite even end up worse than that person u envy!rubbish.n am sure cus ur an ugly skinny legged bitch or fat legged bitch dats why u r der envyin another,my dear find a place to hide urslf,oh forgot,ur already hiding behind ur pc.nonsense
you wanna cry?????
Was it really neccessery to mention ananta? Can’t u wholly congratulate a person without using a but or refering to the negative aspect ot a person. Anyways, since she can walk and hasn’t been kept indoor because of negative people like u, am happy. I love u Juliet, never mind what people say about u and do remember u were created in God’s image and he loves u no matter what. An he is the only one that can Judge or hurt u which i know he will never hurt u. Stay BLESSED!!!
it wasnt neccessary to mention ananta, but i felt like doing it. and i did it. got a problem? :p
I can see how stupid u are BB,u r a shamless twat!jealous bowlegged bitch!I pity u!at least will be invited wld u?
@ B.B & so wotri so ni wapampa so….post a pic of yourself & lets see how you look ! twwwww
u are right my dear, some people need to go back to their mothers womb to bring back their brain.
like u?????
aww what a cutie pie looks so mch like his daddy.. congratz gurl..
what a cute family, they are really perfect couple and a cutie baby. God bless your home juliet
are u dark skin, becos i can see dark skin who comment on GC always have problems with fair skin people, it not their fault that they were born fair and beautiful. i did not even think about color when i said they are perfect. that was my opinion and the way feel about the couple. u should not attack me becos u are entitle to your own opinion. we always say white people are races, but black people are more discriminate then any body else. we can not stand the fact that somebody is fair or light skin. i would say is again, again, again they are perfect could
Its funny u made a comment black ppl being more discriminate, cos ur previous comment about its not their fault they are fair and beautiful is even more ignorant. They not beautiful cos they fair skin, they beautiful cos God made them that way. Fair skin does not equal beauty. Y’ll need to get that through ur head and stop making stupid comment like that. IGNORANT PPL
i do not have time for people like u, haters of fair skin and obsession of whana be fair but can be, unless u bleach and smell like stinky fish. all my friends who used to call names like i have Ewe skin. because i am fair and they are dark are now bleach with “nesuoben” in their faces. in our society i guess it is a bless to be fair skin because people always jealous and obsession to be like u. u people care so must about skin color, care about something else that will benefit u
u have a beautiful family girl congrats.
Congrats girl, that babe is lovely.Kinda looks like his dad.
Geheheheheh adjoa you got sharp sharp eyes
Very true,hw come adjoa sees so clearly n I dont lol?congrats juliet and kwadwo love ya’ll and am so happy!hope am invited to d outdooring…
of course lady gaga u will be invited to the “outdooring” so u can go with empty stomach and consume food & beverages served. And stock ur bag with more for later.
hehehehe B.B. lol you making me crack up..
am hapi 4 u guys xx
congratz julie ananta hahahahahahahaha
Another envious fool,so sad! jealousy go kill oh hahhahhaa.ananta or not she’s hot n ur not!lmfao
@adjoa I feel like you really wanted to insult sister afia but you kept your self cool and ended upnwith Eii only so I will say to afia wO y3 kwasia paaa I bet you even Adjoa smart is more beautiful than you who are you miss nobody but a dark shot lady with flat ass even my dog wouldn’t fall jn live with you
lol, Miyagi, as if you know.I had to summarize everything into one short sentence.
sister afia i’m disappointed in you stupid fool
ur poto is so cute and so dus the baby!
I am happy for you both, wow suki suki now!!!!! Now that is a kodak moment, wow Odo Fata Mu Paaaa 🙂
ooo GC one picture p3..Ayeeko *congrats n respect to u couples.. on my way.
congrats julie and safo, all bad belle people go commit suicide, the lord has done it
woow dey really look cute 2geda..God bless dem wit more babies
happy 4 u guys
congrats gurl am hapy 4 u
i learnt the husband is called Kwadwo Sarf Jnr. and he’s the son of Apostle Sarfo, our very own scientist and inventor.
they look gud together.maybe the baby will get one of Apostle Sarfo’s limousines, Kantanka Nanti Yie….lol
whatttt, no way wow…that is one blessed family, that means his sister is the lawyer who tends to feature on KANTAKA’s docu series on Metro-does that still air?
Wow, this baby is about to be like super smart wow future LawyerPilotMovieMogul, nice
Aren’t this couple sweet. We are damn good looking, and the baby, perfect.
congulatution to u n your family may god bless this child
juliet looks too dark for a halfcaste.am a halfcaste myself but am way lighter den her. she is probably lieing that her dad is a lebanese
I never knew that stupid dumb ass people like you still excist because your lighter makes her not half cast and is she lying about it this is the best jokes I have ever heard in my life hahahaha dd you actually think thru before sending your comment damns people can be so stupid
Wow,so real live clowns do exist in ghana as well?didn’t knw dat stupidity has taken anoda level!ivory has really blwon it!lmfao. u r fairer than her cus ur ass has bleached or cus ur parent whom makes u halfco is a white am sure a german or norwagien cus dier kids come out as ofiri jatos,lebanese halfkast alwys hv darker tone take magid for instance.so nxt time u write rubbish pls borrow some sense frm ur little siblings!fool.n stop bleaching urslf dumb ass bitch!
your comment is ignorant as hell i even know a halfcast that is more darker than juliet, who is brownskinned. I dont like juliets acting but anyway congratulations. BTW her husband looks nigerian
Posted on February 4, 2011 at 18:27
i do not have time for people like u, haters of fair skin and obsession of whana be fair but can be, unless u bleach and smell like stinky fish. all my friends who used to call names like i have Ewe skin. because i am fair and they are dark are now bleach with “nesuoben” in their faces. in our society i guess it is a bless to be fair skin because people always jealous and obsession to be like u. u guys should spend ur time to do something that will benefit u, but not thinking about color all the time
Congrats to them, but its also good news for us folks who cant stand her acting, at least having a baby will keep her from acting for a while.
Aww so soRry hater,cus she ws even pregnant n featured in 4play reloaded n another movie its in d news.she was on air recently n said she is workin on her own movies.so is sad dat u wld see more of her lmfao!eii ghanafuo,hating wld only make u ugly whilst d one u hate on ,shines way beta than ya!
GTFOH with that rubbish blah blah u talking about, i dont have the time to read the ish u spewed, call me a hater all u want the girl cant act for shit and i for one am glad she will not be acting for some time, fck u bish.
PS Find quality people to defend not this fake imitation so called actress who books jobs on color and looks.
Gaga koraaa whats byour own. must everybody like her or her acting??? allow Miss Dior to xpress herself. haba
thats pure obsession for you Opanin. Lady Gaga is so obsessed with Juliet. She eat & drink Juliet and I bet you when she looks in the mirror she sees Juliet.
They both luk gud with their baby.
Why u this Lady gaga “the fake” or better stil the GH version are u now the spoke person foe juliet? can she defend herself or u are being paid whatever.Tis site was made 4 people to opt their view not for u to be say trash u know.
lmao,why is it a crime when the fans of other celebs are defending them on GC ,n when the fans of jackie appiah are defendin her it is not? are ya’ll for real?must someone be a spokes person to defend their idol?on GC we all say our mind,if u dont hve anytin better to contribute i advice u dont type at all cos some of ya’ll just crack me d hell up.imagine someone sayiing the lady isnt mixed race,is she for real?why do people always wanna talk gibberish all d time on dis site?gosh.n as for u queenzi,is funny how u only came on here to comment gibberish cos ur comment is entirely out of line,d article didnt ask u to come on here and say trash n make unnecessary accusations,if u cant wish someone well,get ur ignorant sorry life outta here.unless queenzi is another fake name u hv created to comment after ladygaga insulted ur previous fake username.cos i know is a habit on GC.
Congratulations to you Julliet,this is a nice family ,as the Bible says u and your husband will come together and become one..Keep it Up and focus on what is ahead of you..may your new family be blessed with love and happiness..Fuck every Haters u say shit about this beauty lady…wu nya yaa anka wu y3 onu!!!!Kwasia fuor
miss flawless, your name says you are flawless, but hmmm, you are full of flaws….lol
@ladygaga, i luv my bow legs, at least thats wat God gave me….lmbao.
Hey Lady Gaga i think there is no need to talk or even redply shamless pig BB…I lwonder if ”she dey be saf” i really hope and pray to the ALMIGHTY GOD to judge her in his own ways if she really think she is perfect..you know what Gaga….GOD has really made everything is His beautiful way but i think that bitch of a girl named twat,pinkyass,idiot,uncivilised baboon,foolish among all ladies seems to be really UG and would be very fearful to look at lol ……hmmm yeck.
shame on you BB HOOOOOOOO.SHIT PIECE AKA SHIT HOLE(you want diss come diss na lets get to it lol…)
oh really? lucciba who are you? lady gaga’s spokeswoman?
if i remember correctly i didn’t say anything wrong, the girl is “ananta” and it’s so obvious. don’t you have eyes? i mean cant you see it? i will say that gazillion times if i want to. so you can keep on dissing me. it wont change the fact that she’s “ananta”
when a man becomes a father and a woman gives a child of her own,they share trust they must remember,that its NOT theirs,NOT theirs alone….It also belongs to the creator and the giver of Life,So must Cherish it as he does…….CONGRATS to the IBRAHIMS
when a man becomes a father and a woman gives a child of her own,they share trust they must remember,that its NOT theirs,NOT theirs alone….It also belongs to the creator and the giver of Life,So must Cherish it as he does…….CONGRATS to the IBRAHIMS
congratulations n Gods blessing to ur family
And so grab a shovel,dig a hole into d ground n bury urself !lmbao.
Thanks to you all my love ones and those who hate me, thanks to you too. I can´t judge.
wannabe………may3n dwen
Fool,stop using d ladies n tryna impersonate!idiot!u wish u were her rite?go find somewhere hide ur ugly face
You people are very comical! It’s always the same people who are making fools out of themselves over and over again!! Keep it up, you make me laugh with your stupidity!
sister afia i’m disappointed in you
i do not have time for people like u, haters of fair skin and obsession of whana be fair but can be, unless u bleach and smell like routing fish. all my friends my who used to call names like i have ewe skin. because i am fair and they dark are now bleach with “nasuobem” in their faces. in our society i guess it is a bless to be fair skin because people always jealous and obsession to be like u.
ah, wobrofo nny3….wohia ak3shaa….
whether ananta or no ananta she is a pretty young woman that every Man will wish to have as a wife and she is a wife so what is your beef Mr.OKRO MOUTH.
Lady gaga is her younger sister ooo a beg,,,,, i know it for a fact and she can try to deny as much as she wants… how dedicated can a fan be… edien nkoaaaaa.. does she feed u? mmoasem.. cant u see all her comments throw in clues that she;s close…. come on ppl. dont take these clowns seriously.. tooo desperate for fame.
please wat’s d meaning of ananta?
ananta means crooked legs
ananta?? meaning??
She’s fertile. That’s good.
iis not adviceable of a married woman 2 showcase breast in the public etremely bad